Objective 1- Personal Finance- Understanding how to take charge of your financial well-being


step-by-step plan outlining exactly how the goal can be reached. Saving $150.00 and not telling how you will get it.

Being Healthy/ Medical Issues

physical well-being

Emotional Well-Being

your feelings, happy, sad, scared, stressed

Financial Goals

Specific objectives that are accomplished through financial planning

Financial Planning

Managing money continuously through life in order to reach your financial goal. A never ending process, it is an on going process

Financial Well-Being

Managing money in ways that build a sense of understanding, competence, and control


Something a person intends to acquire, achieve, or accomplish in the future. Writing down your goals will help you accomplish them.

Goal attained in one year

short term goal

Goods or services for survival


Intellectual Well Being

School, education, knowledge, Cultural experiences, Lifelong Learning. Challenging yourself by taking on a new project at work.

Investment Increases

Investment increases risk and reduces your ability to cope with risk and uncertainty is not considered to be true.

Long -Term Goal

A goal that can be attained in more than one year. Saving money, for five years to make a down payment on a home.


Good or service that are required for survival. Buying appropriate clothing to look professional

Opportunity Cost

The value of the next best alternative that must be forgone as a result of a decision. Finding two cars that meet your needs, deciding which one to buy.

Physical Well-Being

Your body being healthy, medical issues


Think through the trade-offs and opportunity cost to analyze the consequences of your goal to make sure it is attainable

Short-Term Goal

A goal that will be attained in less than one year. Saving your allowance for six months to by a MP3 player.

Social Well-Being

Sense of belonging


State exactly what is to be done with he money involved

Time- Bound

Specifically state when the goal will be reached

Trade- Off

Giving up one thing for another. Money, you saved for tires you spend on a prom dress.


Fundamental belief or practice about what is desirable, worthwhile, and important to an individual. Everything is influenced by values. The least influence would be your grade average.


Desire for goods and services that can increase our quality of life but are not absolutely necessary for our survival

Well- being

Feeling good about ones life. Activity that makes you lose track of time.


write the exact amount