
a normal yield curve is

upward sloping

a basis point is equal to

one-hundredth of one percent

a life insurance company purchases $1 billion of corporate bonds from premiums collected on its life insurance policies. therefore

the corporate bonds are direct securities and the life insurance policies are indirect securities

advantages of the corporate form of business organization include

easier transfer of ownership

all of the following are benefits of organized stock exchanges EXCEPT

increased stock price volatility

all of the following business organizations provide limited liability to their owners EXCEPT

general partnership

all of the following securities are sold in money markets EXCEPT

common stock

an example of a secondary market transaction involving a capital market security is

the transfer of previously-issued facebook common stock

As of today, the most severe economic crisis to afflict the United States economy is considered to be

the great depression of the 1930s

capital budgeting is concerned with

what long-term investments a firm should undertake

capital market transactions include which of the following

common stock of a public corporation

determining the appropriate source of capital to fund a firm's long-term investments is called

the capital structure decision

in finance, we assume that investors are generally

risk averse

investment firms, such as goldman sachs, assist the transfer of capital by

facilitating indirect transfers from savers (investing public) to borrowers (corporations needing capital)

investors want a return that satisfies the following expectations(s):

an additional return for taking risk
a return for delaying consumption

money-market transactions include which of the following?

securities that have a maturity of less than one year

prices of securities that are traded on the organized exchanges are determined by

a continuous auction process reflecting the sentiments of buyers and sellers

shareholder wealth maximization means

maximizing the price of existing common stock

suppose XYZ corporation is traded on the new york stock exchange. XYZ's closing price on monday is $20 per share. after the market closes on monday, XYZ makes a surprise announcement that it has obtained a major new customer. if capital markets are effici

open above $20 because the positive news will result in a higher valuation even though the stock has not yet traded

the investment banker performs what three basic functions

underwriting, distributing, and advising

the primary goal of a publicly owned corporation is to

maximize shareholder wealth

the principle of risk-return trade-off means that

a rational investor will only take on higher risk if he expects a higher return

the real rate of return is the return earned above the

inflation risk premium

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 holds all of the following groups strictly accountable in a legal sense for any instances of misconduct EXCEPT

investors purchasing the firm's common stock

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

regulates both primary and secondary security markets.

The three basic types of issues addressed by the study of finance are

capital budgeting, capital structure decisions, and working capital management

the true owners of the corporation are the

common stockholders

Three ways that savings can be transferred through the financial markets include all of the following EXCEPT

indirect transfer using the venture capital firm.

To measure value, the concept of time value of money is used

to bring the future benefits and costs of a project, measured by its cash flows, back to the present.

What is the term for a graphical representation of the relationship between interest rates and the differing maturities of debt securities?

yield curve

When an investment banking firm "underwrites" an issue of securities, the firm is performing which of the following?

ffering to purchase the securities from the firm, thereby assuming the risk of resale to investors

Which of the following categories of owners enjoy limited liability?

common shareholders of a corporation

Which of the following is an example of both a capital market and a primary market transaction?

Tesla sells a secondary issue of common stock to raise funds through a public offering.

Which of the following is NOT a valid theory that attempts to explain the shape of the term structure of interest rates?

the Fisher Effect theory

Which of the following premiums is NOT factored into the price of a long-term Treasury bond?

a default-risk premium

Which of the following represents the correct ordering of returns over the period 1926 to 2014 (from lowest to highest return)?

Treasury bills, long-term government bonds, long-term corporate bonds, common stocks

Which of the following securities will likely have the highest default risk premium?

Bbb-rated corporate bond maturing in 2020 actively traded on a major exchange

Which of the following securities will likely have the highest maturity risk premium?

U.S. Treasury Bond maturing in 2027

Which of the following would NOT normally be considered a "flotation cost"?
