Chapters 10-12 Study Guide


The period of history in which philosophers and reformers began to challenge the prison tradition with new ideas about the individual, limits of government, and rationalism was known as


Programs, services, facilities, and organizations responsible for the management of people who have been convicted of criminal offenses are


Prior to the 1800, Americans copied Europeans in using physical punishment. Which of the following is NOT one of the methods used?


A place that offers criminals penitence to punish and reform

The lease system was frequently used in southern prisons.

Which of the following is one way in which prisons in the southern U.S. differed from those in the northeast?

The Contract Labor System.

In this system, inmates' labor was sold on a contractual system to private employers who provided the machinery and raw materials with which inmates made salable products in the institutions.

The Community Corrections Model

Which of the following correctional models is based upon the assumption that the goal of corrections should be to reintegrate the offender into the community?

The Crime Control Model

What model of corrections is based upon the assumption that criminal behavior can be controlled by more use of incarceration and other forms of strict supervision?


The central goal of the community corrections approach is that of

State & Local Governments

According to the text, 95 percent of the cost of all correctional activities in the United States is paid by

Less than one year

The primary function of jails is to hold persons for how long?

Race, Gender, &/or Religion

The Fourteenth Amendment equal protection clause has been a source of protection against discrimination applied to prisoners because of their

Revocation Hearing

When parole is revoked, what type of hearing is held?

60 percent

What percent of the correctional population do people on probation currently make up?

The Penitentiary Era

What ere of corrections did The Penitentiary Act of 1779 occur in?


Many early American ideas regarding corrections came from

Supermax Prisions

What type of prisons house the "toughest of the tough"?

Rehabilitation Model

What model of corrections emphasizes treatment programs to help prisoners address the personal programs and issues that led them to commit crimes?

Reintegration Model

What model of corrections emphasizes maintaining the offender's ties to the family and community as a method of reform?

Corrections Officers

Which of the following prison staff are the most numerous?


A characteristic of a well-run prison includes anything that enhances the comfort of the inmates, such as good food, clean cells, and recreational opportunities, which are referred to as

A favorable job assignment

Which of the following rewards would an inmate new to the prison be expected to earn for good behavior?


Prisons can be governed, violence can be minimized, and services can be provided to the inmates if correctional executives and wardens exhibit

Counsel, Supervise, Protect, and Process the inmates

Correctional officers's roles have changed dramatically. They are expected to


How much is average annual pay for correctional officers in southern, rural states?

The Inmate Code

The set of rules and values that develop within the prison social system and guide prisoners' behavior is called


These inmates will most likely be alienated from the rest of the population and targeted for abuse because they have violated the inmate code.

Doing Time

Prisoners who view their prison term as a brief, inevitable break in their criminal careers and simply a cost of doing business are considered to be what?


What has the standard currency in the prison economy traditionally been?

Good Time

A primary feature of the "the mix" is anything for which one can lose what?

The Custodial Model

What model dominates most maximum security prisons today?

The Reintegration Model

Which prison model would provide the best opportunities to learn a trade or gain an education?

The Custodial Model

The goals of incapacitation, deterrence, and retribution would best be realized with this model?


Programs designed to improve the lives of inmates are classified as what?

Probation & Intermediate Sanctions

What are sentences imposed for lesser offenses in an effort to avoid the expense and consequences of imprisonment?

Submit to drug testing, Report to their probation officer, Obey curfews, & Stay away from certain parts of town

Although probationers live at home and have regular jobs, they must also

To punish the offender with the least restrictive alternative

What is the principle goal of community corrections?

Supervised release under specified conditions

Probation is defined as


Fines are a preferred way of dealing with criminality and are normally the sole sanction for a wide range of crimes in what continent?

John Augustus

Probation was first developed in the United States by which boot maker?

The size of their caseloads

What is a continuing issue for probation officers

50 Percent

What percent of offenders are sentenced to probation after being found guilty of a felony?


Do most people on probation become career criminals?


What is the most likely punishment for a traffic violation?


Repayment by an offender to compensate a victim for their financial loss is known as what?

Home Confinement

A type of sentence that requires the offender to remain inside an approved, designated location during specified periods is called what?

Shock young offenders out of their ways and build self esteem

What is the purpose of boot camps?

Return to criminal behavior

What is recidivism?

The state's executive branch

What branch of government do most states place probation services under?

Boot Camps or Shock Incarceration

What is an intermediate sanction administered in institutions and the community?