Unit 5 Finance

Financial objective

Goal or target pursued by the finance department (or function) within an organisation


Measures the extent to which revenues from selling a product over some time period exceed the costs incurred in producing it

Cash flow

The movement of cash into and out of a business over time

Income statement

Records a business' sales revenue over a trading period and all relevant costs incurred as well as the business' profit or loss

Gross profit

Income received from sales minus the cost of goods and services sold

Direct costs

Expenditure that can clearly be allocated to a particular product or area of the business e.g. raw materials and components

Indirect costs

Expenditure that relates to all aspects of a business' activities, such as maintenance costs for buildings or senior managers' salaries

Operating profit

The financial surplus arising from a business' normal trading activities and before taxation

Profit for the year

A measure of a business' profits that takes into account a wider range of expenditures and incomes including taxation


The earnings or income generated by a firm as a result of its trading activities


The medium to long term goals established to coordinate the business


The purchase of assets such as property, vehicles and machinery that will be used for a considerable time by the business

Non-current assets

Items that a business owns and which it expects to retain for one year or longer

Capital expenditure

Spending undertaken by businesses to purchase non-current assets such as vehicles and property (it is another form of investment)

Capital structure

Refers to the way in which a business has raised the capital required to purchase its assets


Financial plans that forecast revenue from sales and expected costs over a time period

Variance analysis

The process of investigating any differences between forecast data and actual figures

Cash flow forecasts

State the inflows and outflows of cash that the managers of a business expect over some future period

Trade credit

The period of time given by suppliers before customers have to pay for goods and services

Break even output

That level of output or production at which total costs exactly equal revenue from sales


The difference between revenue and variable costs

Margin of safety

Measures the amount by which a business' current level of output exceeds break-even output


A measure of financial performance that compares a business' profits to some other factors such as revenue

Profit margin

A ratio that expresses a business' profit as a percentage of its revenues over some trading period

Big data

A term used to describe a massive volume of both organised and non-organised information that is very large

Primary market research

Gathers data for the first time for a specific purpose

Internal source of finance

A source of finance that exists within the business

External source of finance

An injection of funds into the business from individuals, other businesses or financial institutions

Short term finance

Finance needed for a limited period of time, normally less than one year

Long term finance

Sources of finance that are needed over a longer period of time, usually over a year

Bank loan

The amount of money provided by a business for a stated purpose in return for a payment in a the form of interest charges


Exists when a business is allowed to spend more than it holds in its current bank account up to an agreed limit

Venture capital

Funds advanced to businesses thought to be relatively high risk in the form of share and loan capital

Share capital

Finance invested into a company as a result of the sale of shares in the business


Long term loans, repaid over periods of up to 50 years, and used to purchase property


Loans with fixed interest rates that are long term and may not even have a repayment date


Practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet

Opportunity cost

The next best alternative that is foregone

Trade credit

Offered when purchasers are allowed a period of time (frequently 30,60 or 90 days) to pay for products they have bought