Old Testament Pentateuch

How many books are in the Old Testament?


At which city did Jewish scholars meet to discuss the canon of the Old Testament canon?

Jamnia (Council of Jamnia, modern Yavneh)

Which book is not classified in the Former Prophets in the Hebrew arrangement of the Old Testament?

Ruth (The Former Prophets are in Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings)

How many groups does the Hebrew arrangement of the Old Testament have?

3 (Law, Writings, Prophets)

Which theory of inspiration holds that the Bible contains the word of God?


What does limited inspiration theory believe about God?

God inspired the thoughts of the biblical writers, but not necessarily the words they chose.

Plenary verbal inspiration theory says:

The Holy Spirit interacted with human writers to produce the bible.

Which theory of inspiration provides us with assurance that the Bible is both trustworthy and authoritative?

Plenary Verbal Inspiration

Who developed the system of vowels for Hebrew (27)?

The Masoretes

All of the Old Testament text was written in Hebrew except for a few portions written in what language (27)?


What is the term used for the study of biblical interpretation (28)?


Which genre of biblical literature is known for telling a story (30)?

Historical Narrative

What term is used to indicate that God became man (36)?


How many geographical sub-regions make up the ancient Near East (36)?

3 (Mesopotamia, Syria-Palestine, Egypt)

Who invented writing (38)?

The Sumerians

What is the dominant geographic feature of Egypt (38)?

The Nile River

At the time of the patriarchs, the Egyptians were in which historical period (39)?

The Middle Kingdom

The only city of Israel that had a significant harbor was (40)?


Who occupied the coastal strip north of Israel during most of the Old Testament period (40)?

The Phoenicians

Which city served as a power base for the first Semitic empire (45)?


For what is Hammerapi most famous (47)?

His code of laws

Abram was a patriarch during which age (47)?

The Middle Bronze Age

What was Egypt's method for controlling the Israeli population (48)?

Killing the male newborns

Who were the "Sea Peoples" who settled on the southwest coastal plain of Syria-Palestine (49)?


Which prophet led Israel in the transition from judges to kings (50)?


Who conquered the capital of northern Israel (52)?

The Assyrians

The first truly world empire was achieved by what people (54)?

The Assyrians

What is the meaning of the Greek word teuchos (64)?


What is the Jewish designation for the first five books of the Old Testament (64)?

Torah (Pentateuch)

What is the most appropriate descriptive "subtitle" for the Book of Genesis (64)?

The Book of Beginnings or Origins

Which man and his family is the focus of Genesis 12-50 (65)?


When focusing on God's power, the New Testament equivalent of the exodus would be what event?

The Cross

In the Old Testament a binding relationship is called what?

A Covenant

While other ancient religions expressed their theology in terms of myths, the religion of the Old Testament expressed theology in terms of what?


What is the primary emphasis on human beings in the Pentateuch?

Humankind is fallen

In the Pentateuch what is the most appropriate human response to God's grace?

Personal Sanctity

JEDP is a key component of what type of criticism?

Source Criticism

Know the positions taken by conservative scholars on the Documentary Hypothesis.

They opposed the skeptical presuppositions (too subjective, ignores historical evidence, & violated biblical claims)

Which type of criticism is the most subjective?

Tradition Criticism

Know what book the following term appears in prominently: salvation, renewal, holiness (66).

Exodus:: Deuteronomy:: Leviticus

Know which criticism the following people are associated with: Martin Noth, Julius Wellhausen, Herman Gunkel (71).

Tradition Criticism, Source Criticism, & Form Criticism

The primary theme of the Pentateuch is the story of God's what (78)?

His People

Cosmogony is the study of what (78)?

How the world was made

What is the theme of Genesis 3-11 (82)?

The moral failure of humankind

A stepped tower of three to seven stages is called a what (86)?


Know what was created on each day of creation (79-80).

Day 1- Light & Dark; Day 2- Sea & Sky; Day 3- Fertile Earth; Day 4- Sun, Stars, & Moon; Day 5- Air & Water Creatures; Day 6- Land Creatures

The patriarchal narrative begins in what chapter of Genesis (90)?


What is the meaning of the patriarchs for our faith today (90)?

Shows a single individual becoming a powerful instrument with God

Taking into account archaeological, cultural, and literary evidence, the events of Genesis 12-50 fit best into what age of history (91)?

The Middle Bronze Age

What were the two things most important to ancient peoples (93)?

Land & Descendants

Where did Abram's family originate (93)?

Ur of the Chaldeans

To demonstrate his promise to Abram, God took Abram outside and told him to count what (93)?

The stars

The Abrahamic Covenant was later seen modified in a modified form for what person (94)?

Jesus Christ

Who was the mother of Ishmael (95)?


How old was Abram when God changed his name to Abraham (96)?


Abraham illustrates what Christian doctrine (96)?


How many sons did Jacob have (97)?


What did God change Jacob's name to (98)?


Why is the story of Joseph unusual (98)?

Joseph is not in the direct line of the covenant promises

Know what the following covenants did: Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Davidic Covenant, Palestinian Covenant, Mosaic Covenant (100).

God promises to never destroy the earth again with a flood:: Theological framework for redemptive relationships:: Made permanent the relationship between God and the royal dynasty of Israel:: Renewal or amendment to the covenant made previously with Moses

Exodus can best be characterized as a description of what two things? (104)

Israel's departure from Egypt and their newly established relationship with God

What was the basic reason the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews? (105)

They were growing fast and becoming a threat to the Egyptian population

Which incident marks the point at which Moses' will collided with God's (105)?

The Burning Bush

What demonstrated that Yahweh controlled the cosmic order? (106)

The Plagues in Egypt

What type of law applies covenant law to life? (106)

Casuistic law

What was the main purpose of the desert tabernacle? (107)

It is the Lord's dwelling place

Which date for the exodus has the least archaeological support? (109)

The 13th Century

Which body of water is least likely to be the Red Sea of Exodus? (109)

The Red Sea's Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba

Which route for the exodus would have been the most direct? (109)

The "Way of the Sea" (international highway that stretched from Egypt to Canaan along the Mediterranean coast)

Christian tradition identifies Mount Sinai with what mountain? (110)

Jebel Musa (Mt. of Moses)

The distinguishing feature of the Sinai Covenant was what? (112)

Public and specific statement of the demands of having a relationship with God

What is emphasized throughout all forty chapters of Exodus? (113)

The presence of God

Why were the Israelites not ready to live in the promised land? (114)

Because life in the promised land = life in the presence of God. They weren't ready for life in God's presence because they hadn't learned of His character.

What today fulfills God's presence of dwelling with humankind? (115)

The Holy Spirit

While the cross is central in the New Testament, the Old Testament has what as the central event? (115)

The Exodus and Sinai events

Which ancient Near Eastern group burned sacrifices by fire? (118)

The Israelites

What was the most distinctive aspect of the Israelite sacrificial system? (118)

The way it was linked to the covenantal relationship with God.

The Hebrew name for Leviticus indicates that the book was a continuation of the story line of what book? (119)


The central emphasis in Leviticus is on what aspect of worshipping God? (119)

The "how" (How to worship God)

The Holiness code speaks primarily to what? (120)

Right living outside of the tabernacle

Which type of sacrifice is least common the Old Testament? (120)

Guilt offering

Who was cited as having an "unholy fire"? (121)

Nadab and Abihu

What is the focus of Leviticus 11-16? (121)

Distinction between clean and unclean

What was unique to the day of Atonement? (122)

Use of a scape goat

How is the law in Leviticus different from the law in Exodus? (123)

Exodus is how the law applies to covenant life; Lev. is covenant worship and ritual cleansing

What type of law is the Ten Commandments? (123)

Moral Law

What should be our approach to the laws of the Old Testament? (123)

How do they relate to us now

By ordaining sacrificial blood for the cleansing of sin, God established what spiritual principle? (125)

Life itself must be returned to God in order to atone for sin

What themes are included in Leviticus? (122-26)

Law, sacrifice & holiness

How did Christ's death as an atonement for sin differ from Old Testament atonement? (126)

It never needs to be repeated

Which New Testament book emphasizes the importance of Leviticus for Christians today?


The title for the Book of Numbers is most accurate in which version of the Bible?

The Hebrew Bible

The census reports in Numbers were recorded when the Israelites lived where?

When they wandered between Sinai and the plains of Moab

If taken numerically, the two main lists of the census reports would indicate that the population of Israel was what?

Over 2 million (600,000 men)

Some scholars believe that the term "thousands" in Numbers refers to what?

Social unit led by a captain or troop leader

How long did the Israelites stay at Mount Sinai?

11 months

What was an indication of God's leadership throughout the journey of the Israelites (Numbers 9)?

Cloud over the Tabernacle

The nation of Israel was organized around the tabernacle according to what?

According to tribes: 3 to each point of the compass

What was the emphasis of the Nazirite vow?

Importance of dedication & faithfulness to those commitments made to God in the past

After departing Mount Sinai, where did the Israelites first encounter problems?

The desert of Paran

About what kind of food did the Israelites complain? (132)

Quail & Manna

What was the most serious problem of the Israelites? (132)


What was the main problem that Aaron and Miriam had with Moses? (132)

Jealousy over his position

How many spies did Moses send to Canaan? (132)


What was the punishment God meted out to the Israelites because they did not enter the promised land at the time planned?

God declared that everyone twenty years or older would die

What was the fate of the rebellious Korah, Dathan, and Abiram? (134)

An earthquakes consumed the rebels and a fire consumed all their followers

The Book of numbers is primarily intended to be what? (135)

An essay about the consequences of disobedience

The Israelites were told to counter the fiery (poisonous) serpents by doing what? (136)

They were told to look at the serpent of bronze and live

Who was the ruler of Moab? (136)


Where did the Israelites stop last before entering Canaan? (137)


Who did God choose to lead the Israelites into the promised land? (138)


Where in the New Testament is the incident about the spies in Numbers used as a warning to Christians about disobedience? (139)

1 Corinthians 10

Why was Moses not allowed to lead the Israelites into the promised land? (142)

He had acted in anger in Meribah

How many parts does the chiastic (chiasm) pattern of Deuteronomy have? (142)


With whom did Israel not avoid confrontation? (144)

The Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites

What is the primary purpose for Moses' discourse on the law? (146)

To form the Israelites spiritually

What is another name for the Decalogue? (146)

The 10 Commandments

Why did Moses summarize the covenant with a song? (148)

As a final means of motivating the nation to keep their covenant with God

How often did Moses instruct the Israelites to read the law publicly? (148)

Every 7 years

What type of a document is Deuteronomy primarily? (149)

A covenant

What is the name for a political treaty between unequal partners? (149)

a Covenant

What demonstrated most clearly the unity of Deuteronomy? (151)

It was written in a treaty structure

What is the underlying principle of the law in Deuteronomy? (152)


What are some attractions to reading the OT? (ICE)

History, Stories, Writings, etc.

What percent of the Bible is the OT? (ICE)


What is the order of the divisions in the Hebrew Bible? (ICE)

Law, Prophets, & Writings

What is the family of languages to which Hebrew and Aramaic belong? (ICE)


Which books of the OT contain Aramaic as well as Hebrew passages? (ICE)

Ezra and Daniel

What is the approximate number of authors in the OT? (ICE)


How many years of writing were involved between Moses and Malachi? (ICE)


How many books are there in the OT canon? (ICE)


What are the three main OT genres and the types within each one? (ICE)

Prose (Law & Merits of History) , Prophecy (Salvation, Judgement, & Apocalyptic), & Poetry (Psalms & Wisdom Lit)

About how much of the OT is considered poetic writing? (ICE)


What is the recurring phrase (10 x) in Genesis pertaining to its structure? (ICE)

These are the generations of...

What are the main events in each of the two sections of Genesis? (ICE)

Patriarchal History & Primeval Prologue

What is the scope of the primeval prologue of Genesis 1-11? (ICE)


Where did Moses get his information for writing the book of Genesis? (ICE)

Divine inspiration, Oral tradition, & Other Egyptian sources

Define each of the four views on the "when" of creation held by evangelicals. (ICE)

Gap theory, Age day theory, Ideal time theory, & Universal deluge

What are the literary differences between Genesis 1 and 2? (ICE)

Overview v. More Detailed

Who are the main characters in Genesis 1-11? (ICE)

Adam/Eve, Cain/Abel, Seth, Enoch, Lamech, Noah, Abram

Who are the identities of the people in Genesis 3:15? (ICE)

God, Satan, Eve, Christ, & Wicked People

What is the proto-evangelicum? (ICE)

1st reference to God's plan of redemption

Which immoral son of Jacob was given his father's promise that kings would come from his descendants? (ICE)


What are the 3-fold purposes for Israel? (ICE)

(?) I shall make you a great nation:: I shall bless your name and make it famous:: You are to be a blessing (?)

What are the three distinctive aspects of Israel's laws? (ICE)


What is the key word in John 1:14 that is a link to the OT tabernacle? (ICE)

(?) The Word became flesh (?)

From which tribe did the priests come? (ICE)

the Levites

Which teaching in Deuteronomy 6:5 did Jesus say was the law's greatest commandment? (ICE)

Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength.

Which came first in Israel's spiritual experience (laws, sacrifices, sanctification, or redemption)? (ICE)


What is the basic idea of "holiness"? (ICE)


What metaphors for God are used in Exodus 3, Exodus 15, and Deuteronomy 32? (ICE)


What NT event corresponds to Moses' wish when 70 elders prophesied? (ICE)


What were some of the acts of Israel's rebellion in the book of Numbers? (ICE)

Complaining, rebellion of Korah and the leaders,

Who or what were Balaam, Balak, Phineas, Peor, Zelophehad? (ICE)


During what NT event was the book of Deuteronomy quoted three times? (ICE)

The temptation of Jesus

How many times does the NT quote Deuteronomy? (ICE)

33 (approx)

What was unique about King Og, a man the Israelites defeated in battle? (ICE)

He had a bed of iron

What are the three feasts at which Hebrew men were instructed to appear before God at the tabernacle? (ICE)

The feast of Unleavened Bread, the feast of Weeks, and the feast of Tabernacles

Who succeeded Moses as leader of the tribes of Israel? (ICE)
