Old Testament Celebration 3

[Proverbs] When were the proverbs written? When were they collected in to their present format?

10th Century BC, 700-600 BC

[Proverbs] What's the purpose of the book? To whom were they written? (Remember 1:8, 10; 2:1; 3:1;
4:1; 5:1).

To enlighten fools, make the wise wiser, his Sons

[Proverbs] Can you summarize the teaching of chapter 1?

It is God's will that good work be the medium by which luxury is attained; not theft.

[Proverbs] According to Proverbs, what is the most stupid thing a person can do or be? Or to put it
another way, what is the ultimate example of foolishness or folly?


[Proverbs] What is an acrostic? Where in Psalms and Proverbs can you find acrostics?

Acrostic is where the beginning of each sentence or verse starts with the same letter. Used to demonstrate the 'completeness' of whatever it is saying. For ex: Psalm 31 speaks of the ultimately wise woman. Psalm 119 and Proverbs 31.

[Proverbs] How would you compare the concept of Wisdom and the virtuous woman of Prov. 31?

The Virtuous woman is Solomon's idea of the perfectly wise woman.

[Ecclesiastes] When in his life did Solomon write Ecclesiastes?

Later, as an older man (10th cent B.C.). Toward the end of his reign.

[Ecclesiastes] What does vanity mean in the context of Ecclesiastes?

The ephemeral nature of all that is good on Earth.

[Ecclesiastes] Does the "vanity" of life apply to unbelievers? believers? (Hint: to everyone affected by the
curse, which is pretty much everyone, even Jesus since he was born under, lived under and
ultimately died as a result of the curse).

Yes, everyone affected by the vanity.

[Ecclesiastes] What is Solomon's point in 2A-1B-2C, 3C, 4C?

That man should enjoy the temporal pleasures which God has allotted him; but know that they are all curse-laden.

[Ecclesiastes] How does 6:12a,b relate to its context?

Man shouldn't fixate themselves on the unknowable future, but enjoy the present. Man doesn't even know what is good for him.

[Ecclesiastes] What two things specifically does man NOT know from 6:10--11:6? Hint: check out the C

What is good for him and the future.

[Ecclesiastes] What is the vanity which is to come in 11:8? (In NIV the last part of the verse reads
"Everything to come is meaningless") What is he talking about? How does this relate to

Solomon is saying that all are afflicted with the curse. I.e., we are all going to die someday. In the context, it means we should be wise in preparing for the future, as we have no idea what it will bring. But either way; prepared or not; we will all die

[Ecclesiastes] Does Solomon counsel people to live without restraint and to enjoy themselves in any way they
see fit? How does the conclusion (12:9-14) relate to your answer?

No. Living happily in the midst of God's gifts does not negate our call to live in accordance with God's commands. 12:9-14 warns the reader that every deed will someday be judged, further emphasizing the importance of living happily, in the right way.