Health Assessment Cardiovascular

Blood Flow of Heart

Heart has 4 chambers right and left
Arteries goes away from heart
Vein goes to heart
The Right Atrium, receives "used blood" from the body.
Blood will be pushed through the tricuspid valve to the
Right Ventricle, the chamber which will pump to the lungs t

Heart Chambers

Heart has 4 chambers right and left

Heart Valves

4 Valves

The Great Vessels

Great vessels are the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart. These are: Superior vena cava. Inferior vena cava. Pulmonary arteries.

Coronary Arteries

Common arteries for MI
Left side most severe

Normal ECG

P = Atrial depolarization
R-S = Ventricle Depolarization
T = Ventricle Repolarization

Health History PMH and FH

Past Medical History
HTN - uncontrolled overtime = enlarge left ventricular - atherosclerosis , HF
Renal failure
Pulmonary disease
Rheumatic fever - strep throat
Surgeries on heart or periphery
Family History- FH- heart a

Health History Life Style

-Frequency, intensity, duration
-Changes in being out of shape
Type of tobacco; Pack year history; currently smoking?
EtOH and drug use
Medications - blood pressure medications
Fat, meat, salt, caffeine, whole grains, produce

Common Signs and Symptoms of the CV System

Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Palpitations - feel when heart beating
Edema - 3rd spacing of fluid
Weight gain-obesity or heart
failure because retaining fluid
Lower extremity pain - heart failure, peripheral tiusse
Nocturia - more than 2-3 times a night,

Problem Focused History Example: Chest Pain QUESTIONS?

Where does it hurt? - point where it hurts
When did it start?
How does it feel?
Does it radiate?
Is it constant or intermittent?
How long does it last?
What would you rate your pain
0-10 scale?
Any associated sxs (i.e. nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, palpi

Problem Focused History Example: Chest Pain QUESTIONS??

Chest pain can be caused by SO many things
MI- crushing chest pain more in males and don't have diabetes
Left arm pain- heart attack
Women do not have chest pain as much as men do, more of NAUSEA
Pain relation to exercise- not getting enough oxygen

Common Diagnoses of the CV System HEART FAILURE

Heart failure
Diastolic vs Systolic; Left sided vs Right sided
Heart failure effect 1/5 people, 5 year survival rate
Main cause of HF is coronary heart disease
Left sided systolic most common heart failure
-thinking of left ventricular, heart is not contr

Common Diagnoses of the CV System
Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease
Angina pectoris - chest pain
Myocardial infarction - obstruction

Common Diagnoses of the CV System
Infectious and Inflammatory Conditions

Pericarditis - inflammation of pericardium
Myocarditis - inflammation of heart itself
Endocarditis - inflammation of lining of heart
Itis= inflammation

Common Diagnoses of the CV System VALVES

Valvular defects - regurgitations, 4 valves, purpose of these valves is to keep flow of blood in 1 direction, Maybe here a murmur meaning valves aren't closing properly
Arrhythmias - TWAVE, heartbeat too fast of too slow,
SA nodes- electrical conduction c

Cardiovascular Assessment

Special Tests
ECG, echocardiogram, etc.

Inspection & Palpation: Apical Impulse

Normal = ~ 1cm; gentle & brief
= point of maximum impulse (PMI)
If displaced, may be sign of cardiomyopathy
Do they look like they are in distress general appearance
Apical impulse- point of maximum impulse of your heart, 5th intercostal space mid clavicu

Auscultation = Heart Sounds

S1: closing of the mitral valve(LOUDER) and tricuspid - LUB (AV NODE)
S1 split closing of mitral and tricuspid valve

Auscultation = Heart Sounds

S2: closing of the aortic valve(LOUDER) and pulmonic - DUB (semilunar node)
S2 split closing of aortic and pulmonic valves (inspiration)

Auscultation = Heart Sounds

S3: deceleration of blood filling the ventricles- normal in young children, but thinking about fluid. Fluid overload, HF

Auscultation = Heart Sounds

S4: atrial contraction - can be normal but also a sign of coronary artery disease (gallop)

Auscultation = Heart Sounds Murmurs and split sounds

Murmurs- swishing sounds , valves not closing and opening properly, letting blood back into valves in wrong direction
Bell can help here murmurs better
Split sounds - not sync normally
S1 split closing of mitral and tricuspid valve
S2 split closing of aor

Cardiac Auscultation Points


Heart Sounds relation with ECG

Normally not here s3 or s4
Fall in relation with ECG script

ECG relation with heart sounds

P = Atrial depolarization
R-S = Ventricle Depolarization
T = Ventricle Repolarization


Grade 4 and above- you can palpate it, thrill vibratory feeling
Murmur- issue with the valves - causing blood to swish backwards and not 1 direction

Jugular Venous Distension

Sign of increase blood volume, HF
Filling of right atrium or moving blood into right atrium
Can increase central venous pressure
Place head 45 degrees not flat

Infants and Children

At birth:
Closure of ductus arteriosus
Closure of foramen ovale
If open can cause heart disease
S3 = benign
Murmurs common til ~ 48h
Sinus arrhythmia - variations of heart rate with inspiration(increase) and expiration(decrease)

Pregnant Women

Blood volume increases 40 - 50% from pre- pregnancy levels
Increased CO & HR
SEM-systolic ejection murmur over pulmonic region heard in 90% of pregnant women!
Pre-eclampsia - seeing hypertension in pregnant women, urine has protein. If not controlled then

Older Adults

May have decrease in myocardium size
LV wall thickens
? SV, CO, myocardial elasticity
May be more difficult to find apical impulse due to ? A/P diameter
S4 more common
Exercise may reverse or slow some age related changes
Heart disease is #1 cause of mort

Patient Education

Take some time during your exam to inform / remind your patient about the risks / benefits of certain lifestyle choices:
Primary Prevention
-Smoking cessation
Secondary prevention
-Monitor BP, cholesterol, blood glucose
-Frequency of monit

Documenting normal findings

General - patient appears comfortable, in no apparent distress (NAD)
CV - S1 and S2 present, regular rate and rhythm, no spilt sounds, no S3 and S4, no murmurs or thrills
Lungs clear to auscultation (CTA) apical impulse noted at 5th ICS, MCL.
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