HEENT and Cranial Nerves Assessment

Cranial Nerve I - Olfactory

-Assess ability to inhale through each nostril
-Identify smell correctly

Inspect Eyes

Symmetry, eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, lens; assesses corneal light reflex and red reflex

Cranial Nerve II - Optic

Assess visual acuity (distant and near vision) and visual fields in both eyes (peripheral vision)

Cranial Nerve III - Oculomotor

Assess pupillary reaction (direct and consensual response), accommodation and convergence

Cranial Nerve III, IV, VI - Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens

Tests extra-ocular eye movements in six cardinal fields of gaze

Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal

Inspects face for symmetry; tests facial sensation (light sensation of face) and muscles for mastication

Cranial Nerve VII - Facial

Assesses motor function of face (smile, frown, show teeth, puff cheeks, purse lips, raise eyebrows, close eyes tightly)

Cranial Nerve VIII - Acoustic

-Screens hearing with rubbing fingers, ticking watch, or whispered word
-Performs Weber and Rinne Tests

Inspect mouth

Using tongue depressor and penlight, examines oral cavity, condition of teeth, and condition of tongue

Cranial Nerve IX, X, XII - Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Hypoglossal

Asks client to swallow, stick out tongue, move it side to side; open mouth and say '"ah", observing symmetric rise of uvula and soft palate

Cranial Nerve XI - Accessory

Tests motor function of sternocleidomastoid and trapeius muscles by asking patient to shrug shoulders while pushing down on them and turn their head from side to side