Advanced Health Assessment Midterm Study Guide

S O A P note

a method of documentation employed by health care providers to write out notes in a patient's chart
Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan

A B C D skin lesion assessment

Border irregularity
Color isn't uniform
Diameter >6cm (pencil eraser)
Evolving size, shape and color

Preferred qualities of a first impression

honesty, candor, openness, flexibility, eager, explanatory, open to questions

patient centered care

providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions

4 C's of effective communication


Open ended questions goal

patient's description of answer

direct question goal

seeking specific information

Leading question goal

Limiting information to one focus / subject

Reasons patients avoid the full story of the illness

dementia, alcoholism, illness, sexual uncertainties, domestic violence, child abuse

Potential Barriers to Communication

- Curiosity about you
- Anxiety
- Silence
- Depression
- Crying and Compassionate Moments
- Seduction
- Anger
- Financial Considerations

2 goals of a patient history

1. identify what the patient's problem is
2. establish reliability of the patient

Why is it important to complete a review of systems after a history?

to identify complementary or symptoms that may seem unrelated

Tips when discussing a sensitive topic

provide privacy, direct & firm, no apologies, no judgement, avoid confrontation, no jargon, document carefully

4 steps in approaching the examination of sensitive areas

1. introduction & why
2. open ended questions to explore pt's feelings
3. repeat what's been said & give feedback
4. take questions from pt

TACE questions

Does it
ake more than two drinks to get you drunk?
Have people
nnoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt you ought to
ut down on your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves (
ye opene

Partner Violence Screen

Have you been hit, kicked, punched or otherwise hurt by someone within the past year?
Do you feel safe in your current relationship?
Is there a partner from a previous relationship who is making you feel unsafe now?

HITS tool

*for intimate partner violence

FICA tool for spiritual assessment

Faith, belief, meaning
Importance & influence
Action in care

Sexuality History Goal

identify risk factors for unintentional pregnancy or STIs

5 P's of sexual history

Prevention of pregnancy
Protection from STIs
Past history of STIs

Functional Assessment

screens the safety of independent living and ability to perform ADLs, the need for home health services, and quality of life

Functional assessment questions

mobility, upper extremity function, housework, instrumental ADLs

pediatric triad

practitioner, parent & child

Consent by proxy

process by which people with legal right to consent to a medical treatment for themselves or for a minor/ward delegates that right to another person

developmental milestone examples

holds head erect, stands alone, rolls over, walks alone, sits alone, uses words, talks in sentences, dresses self, age of potty training, dentition, pubertal development


Education and employment
Suicide and depression
**adolescent screening tool


parents / peers
emotional issues
school / sexuality
**adolescent screening tool


>80 y/o;; ^ loss of physical function & independence, decreased physical reserve


tests that need performed or ordered to develop a plan of care

PAMI list

Patient's medical problems
Allergies with reaction
Medications with doses
Instructions of how administered / immunizations


Aggravating and Alleviating Factors
Related Symptoms
Temporal factors -- frequency & occurance

Sensitive Patient health information

HIV status
substance abuse
mental health conditions

Terms to describe current condition status


cranial nerves

12 pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the brain

Cranial Nerve 1

Olfactory (smell)

Cranial Nerve 2

Optic nerve (visual acuity)

Cranial Nerve 3, 4, 6

oculomotor, trochlear, abducens - pupillary response and eye movement

Cranial Nerve 5

Trigeminal - corneal reflex, biting

Cranial Nerve 7

facial nerve -- raise eye brows, close eyes, smile, shows teeth

Cranial Nerve 8

Acoustic/ Vestibulocochlear- Hearing and Balance

Cranial Nerve 9, 10

glossopharyngeal and vagus -- swallowing, gag reflex, speech

Cranial nerve 11

Spinal accessory--
shrug shoulders and turn head

Cranial nerve 12

Hypoglossal- stick tongue out

Grading Muscle Strength

0: None; 1: Slight contractility; 2: Full without gravity; 3: Full with gravity; 4: Full with small resisitance; 5: Full with full resistance

Grading reflexes

0: None; 1: Diminished, 2: Normal, 3: Hyperactive, 4: Hyperactive + Clonus


rapidly alternating involuntary contraction and relaxation of a muscle in response to sudden stretch

How to write a problem list

severe problems first
date of onset
active or inactive
brief eval of problem
differential diagnosis

How to write a plan of care

additional studies
referrals / consultations
pharm management
nonpharm management
pt education



how to approach a visually impaired patient

identify yourself
inform pt if leaving room
environmental orientation

how to approach a hearing impaired patient

pt's choice of communication method
face the patient not the interpreter

Autonomic hyperreflexia (dysreflexia)

Massive, uncompensated cardiovascular response to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
Stimulation of the sensory receptors below the level of the cord lesion

Snellen chart

chart containing symbols that is used in the testing of visual acuity

HOTV test

the child is given a board containing a large H, O, V, T. the examiner points to a letter on the wall chart, and the child matches the correct letter on the board held in his or her hand

Tumbling E chart

should be used with those children who cannot identify alphabet letters 100% of the time, but who can correctly indicate the direction of the "E" 100% of the time after training. They must know the concepts of matching and direction to play the "E" game


strong light focused through a body cavity to identify abnormalities


instrument used to measure joint angles

Wood's lamp

Filtered black light that is used to illuminate skin disorders, fungi, bacterial disorders, and pigmentation.


An elaborate magnifying mirror/light that incorporates a black light; also called a skin scope


single strand of material; used to test for loss of protective sensation especially on plantar surface of the foot

Where do you perform the monofilament test?

great toe, heel, ball of foot

BMI formula

Weight (in Pounds) / Height (in inches) Squared x 703

BMI in adults

<15 severe level, indicative of anorexia
<19 underweight
19-24.9 Optimal weight
25-29.9 Overweight
30-34.9 Class I obesity; slow weight loss advised to promote permanent weight loss
35-39.9 Class II obesity, slow weight loss advised (may be candidate for

Infants double their weight in the first ____ months and triple their weight by the ____ year.

4-5; 12

Full term gestational age

37-42 weeks


standing height

sexual maturity rating

measure of puberty based on stage of development of secondary sex characteristics


-Hypersecretion of the pituitary GH over a long period of time
: secondary to a benign tumor of the pituitary gland.
: pituitary tumor secrete GH & prolactin; stim growth of bones
Clinical Manifestations
: vision changes, oily skin, hirsuti

Cushing syndrome definition

-chronic exposure to corticosteroids, especially glucocorticoids (Cortisol)

Turner Syndrome

A chromosomal disorder in females in which either an X chromosome is missing, making the person XO instead of XX, or part of one X chromosome is deleted.


abnormal accumulation of fluid (CSF) in the brain

Failure to Thrive (FTT)

physical and developmental retardation of infants or children resulting from physical or emotional neglect, below 3-5 percentile

growth hormone deficiency

absence or deficiency of growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate the body to grow

percocious puberty

Early Puberty
� For Girls age 8 (normal- age 10)
� For Boys age 9 (normal - age 12)
We can slow but not reverse !!!
� Luteinizing hormone given
� Dress childlike their age (Psychosocial)


carbohydrates, proteins, and fats


vitamins, minerals, water


4 calories per gram


4 calories per gram


9 calories per gram

Resting energy expenditure (REE)

the amount of energy required to maintain basic body functions

basal metabolic rate (BMR)

the rate at which the body burns energy when the organism is resting


The measurement of the size, proportions, and range of motion of the human body.

Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, K

water soluble vitamins

B vitamins and vitamin C

Vitamin A function

integrity of the skin, vision in dim light, wound healing

Vitamin D function

-promotes bone mineralization (makes calcium and phosphorus available to blood that bathes bones)
-assists in immune function

Vitamin E function

antioxidant that protects erythrocytes and membranes from damage (E for Erythrocytes)

Vitamin K function

blood clotting and bone formation

Vitamin C function

-production and maintenance of collagen
-enhances immune response
-does not prevent colds
-assists in iron absorption

Vitamin B1 function

vital part of energy metabolism, plays a role as a co-enzyme, synthesis of DNA and RNA

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) function

promotes normal growth

Niacin function

used in energy metabolism along with thiamin and riboflavin

Vitamin B6 function

-amino acid synthesis
-hemoglobin synthesis
-regulation of blood glucose (assists in releasing stored glucose from glycogen)

Vitamin B-12 Functions

Maintenance for myelin sheaths, folate metabolism, DNA synthesis

folate/ folic acid function

DNA synthesis, maturation of RBCs

Biotin function

use of fats and amino acids

Calcium function

builds / maintains bones & teeth, nerve transmission, muscle contraction, blood clotting

Calcium sources

dairy products, leafy vegetables, legumes, clams, oysters

Phosphorus functions

Bone structure, component of ATP, DNA, RNA and phospholipids

Phosphorus sources

All animal tissues (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk)

Magnesium functions

Nerve & heart function, assists enzymatic reactions and provides rigidity to bones

Sodium functions

-Regulating fluid balance
-Regulating blood pressure
-Transmitting nerve impulses
-Contracting muscles
-Helping nutrient transport

Potassium functions

fluid balance, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction

Iron function

Helps carry oxygen to the blood and helps cells use oxygen.

Iodine function

thyroid hormone synthesis

Fluoride function

part of bones and teeth formation and resistance to decay

Copper functions

Helps with the use of iron.
Helps with respiration.

Selenium function

cell growth & development, fat metabolism

Zinc function

-used with proteins for enzymes
-immune function
-wound healing
-taste perception
-normal growth

normal hemoglobin levels

12-18 g/dL

normal hematocrit levels


normal protein level


normal serum cholesterol

<200 mg/dL

Normal triglyceride level

<150 mg/dL

Normal HDL levels

>40 mg/dL

Normal LDL levels


normal serum glucose level


Normal HgbA1c


risk factors for skin cancer

H - history of previous melanoma
A - age over 50
R - regular dermatologist absent
M - mole changing
M - male gender

Skin types

Classification that describes a person's genetic skin type.
1-3 more likely to get skin cancer

ABCD rule

asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter >6mm (pencil eraser), evolving size shape or color

Sunscreen Rules

SPF 30 or higher
apply 15-20 mins before exposure
reapply after swimming
reapply every 2-3 hours

Cultural Assessment Guide Highlights

health beliefs & practices
faith-based influences & special rituals
language & communication
parenting styles & role of family
sources of support outside family
dietary practices

How does time orientation vary across cultures?

present oriented - day to day, unpredictable future
past oriented - maintains traditions, worships ancestors
future oriented - anticipates future, values change

How does activity orientation vary across cultures?

Doing - emphasizes accomplishments that are externally measured
Being - spontaneous expression of self
Being-in-becoming - emphasizes self development

How does human nature orientation vary across cultures?

Human as neutral, not evil or good.
Human as imperfect with perfectible nature. Self control & discipline necessary.

How does people to nature orientation vary across cultures?

Humans subject to environment with little control over destiny.
Humans in harmony with nature.
Humans being master over nature.

How does relational orientation vary across cultures?

Individualistic - individualism, more friends than family
Lineal - group goals more important than individual goals, positional succession (father to son)
Collateral - group goals more important than individual goals, relationships with peers emphasized

Beneficence (Definition)

do good" ; Duty to promote the patients welfare. Serve the patient and public-at-large. Competent and timely delivery of care within the bound of clinical circumstances presented by the patient.

Ethical Decision Making Process

1. Identify the ethical dilemma
2. Discover alternative actions
3. Decide who might be affected
4. List the probable effects of the alternatives
5. Select the best alternative

pernicious anemia

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Skin Exam

� Examine for...Lesions, Scars, Bruises (ecchymosis),Rashes, Abnormal appearing moles, Skin turgor and elasticity

Hair examination


Nail Examination

- fingers and toes
-shape and contour
-capillary refill
-adherence to nailbed

Thyroid exam

locate/inspect trachea
feel for deviation
locate thyroid just below cricoid cartilage
observe patient swallow
displace trachea to rt/left and ask to swallow
note shape, size, consistency

abnormal nails

white spots - zinc deficiency
spoon shaped nails - iron deficiency
splinter hemorrhage - injury to brittle nail

Psoriasis characteristics

1. Thickened patches of inflamed, red skin, frequently covered by silvery scales
2. Genetic predisposition
3. Environmental changes precipitate attacks (weather change, vaccinations, trauma, season, (most psoriasis is worst in winter), hormonal changes, s

normal hair distribution

male developmental pattern (diamond), coarse, curly, penis hairless, few hairs to scrotum

Infant fontanel assessment

-gently palpate
-feel firm
-slightly concave
-well defined against edges of cranial bones
-might see arterial pulsations in anterior fontanel

hypothyroidism symptoms (MOM'S SO TIRED)

Memory loss
Malar flush/ Menorrhagia
Slowness (mentally and physically)
Skin and hair dryness
Onset gradual
Intolerance to cold
Raised BP
Energy levels fall
Depression/ Delayed relaxation of reflexes

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (SWEATING)

Weight loss
Emotional lability
Appetite increased
Tremor/ tachycardia
Intolerance of heat/ Irregular menstruation/ Irritability
Goitre and GI problems (diarrhoea)

oral exam

Swellings, vesicles, fractures, foreign bodies, etc.

Hearing loss in the elderly

High frequency sounds than low frequency sounds as hearing loss progresses

Sinus exam

percuss sinuses (frontal, maxillary)

tuning fork test

evaluation of sound conduction using a vibrating tuning fork

Cranial Nerve Mnemonic

Oh Once One Takes The Anatomy Final Very Good Vacations Are Heavenly

Cranial Nerve Exam

major section of the neurological exam that assesses sensory and motor functions of the cranial nerves and their associated central and peripheral structures

eye exam

-Test central visual acuity
� Snellen eye chart
-Test visual fields
� Confrontation test
-Inspect extraocular muscle function
� Corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test)
� Cover test
� Diagnostic positions of gaze test

ear exam

- Position
- Size
- Appearance
- Canals
- Temporal Membrane

Nose exam

1. Check for tenderness of frontal and maxillary sinuses. Ask about any tenderness
2. Inspect nasal vaults using the otoscope

Throat Exam

Inspect palate and uvula: "yawn" or "say ah"
Note if uvula is midline and check gag reflex if needed (neuro exam)
Use tongue blade to assist in viewing
Tonsil enlargement is rated 1-4+, erythema, exudates

GI organs

1. mouth (oral cavity)
2. pharynx
3. esophagus
4. stomach
5. small intestine
6. large intestine

Appendicitis S/S

RLQ pain, low grade fever, nausea, rebound tenderness at McBurney's point.

McBurney's sign

appendicitis (McBurney's Point is 2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to anterior superior iliac spine)


Designated using the UMBILICUS. Imaginary vertical and horizontal lines pass through the umbilicus that divide the abdomen into 4 quadrants:
XIPHOID PROCESS - upper boundary
SYMPHYSIS PUBIS - lower boundary
1. Right Upper Quadrant - RUQ
2. Left Upper Quad

bowel sounds

Intestinal sounds heard from auscultating over the abdomen; hyperactive, hypoactive, diminished, absent, tympanitic

Recommended water intake

2.5 litres a day (more when exercising)

food diary

a detailed record of measured amounts (portion sizes) of all food and fluids a client consumes during a specified period, usually 3 to 7 days

Recommended Daily Allowance

The daily amount of vitamins or minerals needed to prevent a deficiency condition in a person's diet.

Auscultation of lungs

auscultate the posterior thorax for sounds side to side. listen over bare skin to entire respiratory cycle of inspiration and expiration.

Auscultation of the heart

1. Aortic Area 2nd right interspace close to the sternum.
2. Pulmonic Area 2nd left interspace.
3. ERB's Point 3rd left interspace.
4. Tricuspid Area 5th left interspace close to the sternum.
5. Mitral Area (Apical) 5th left interspace medial to the MCL

Auscultation of bowel sounds

Listen in all 4 Quadrants � Use diaphragm of stethoscope with light pressure � Listen in each quadrant for up to one full minute � Begin in the RLQ