Mental Health Ch. 16 Schizophrenia

A 20-year-old son of a client who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 25 is concerned that he may also develop the disorder. Which statement regarding schizophrenia and genetics is true?

Schizophrenia has shown a strong genetic contribution.

The client has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is showing the following symptoms: immobility, rigidity, and stupor. These symptoms can be further classified as which characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia?

show motoric immobility or stupor, rigidity, excessive motor activity, extreme negativism, stupor, and peculiarities of movement, such as posturing, echolalia and echopraxia, mutism, and waxy flexibility.

The nurse working with a client who is newly diagnosed with schizophrenia would include which in the client's education?


A 44-year-old client has been experiencing intense job stress. In recent weeks, the client has confided in the client's spouse that the client believes the client's firm monitors every aspect of the client's personal performance and that the firm is engag


A nurse is caring for a client in the mental health unit. The client states, "They are poisoning my food by telepathy." This is an example of which type of delusion?


A client has been taking neuroleptic medications for many years as a treatment for schizophrenia. The client is exhibiting tongue protrusion, facial grimacing, and excessive blinking. These manifestations are characteristic of which extrapyramidal side ef

Tardive dyskinesia

Which speech pattern is exhibited by the client stating, "I will take a pill if I go up the hill but not if my name is Jill, I don't want to kill?

Clang association

The nurse must be aware that individuals from diverse ethnic groups might describe troubling experiences in terms of physical problems or specific culture-bound syndromes. The syndrome of ghost sickness is exhibited by which culture?

Native American

Which assessment findings in a client who is suspected of having a delusional disorder would be suggestive of a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

The client experiences frequent and sustained hallucinations.

A client diagnosed with schizophrenia has been prescribed clozapine. Which is a potentially fatal side effect of this medication?


Which is an appropriate intervention for a client having auditory hallucinations?

Tell the client to talk back to the voices and tell them to go away.

A client has been prescribed clozapine for treatment of schizophrenia. The client must be taught to monitor which blood concentrations weekly while taking this drug?

white blood cells

Which type of delusion refers to a situation whereby a person or someone close to person is being malevolently treated in some way?

Persecutory type

A client begins to exhibit hallucinations and delusions along with disorganized speech after forgetting to take antipsychotic medication. The nurse suspects that the client is at which point in the clinical course of the disorder?


A client states, "My boss keeps putting thoughts into my head. Yesterday my boss made me copy 25 reports and then told me I had wasted company time and money!" The nurse knows the client is experiencing which perceptual disturbance?

Thought insertion

Which client statement is suggestive of a sexual delusion?

You've been watching me and my partner while we are together, haven't you?

A nurse is caring for a client who has been receiving treatment for schizophrenia with chlorpromazine for the past year. It would be essential for the nurse to monitor the client for:

tardive dyskinesia.

The nurse is working with a client with schizophrenia who has cognitive deficits. It is time for the client to get up and eat breakfast. Which statement by the nurse would be most effective in helping the client prepare for breakfast?

First, wash your face and brush your teeth. Then put your clothes on.

A client with schizoaffective disorder is prescribed long-term medication therapy. The nurse would most likely expect what to be prescribed as the mainstay of treatment?

Atypical antipsychotic

A client with schizophrenia states that the client is God's messenger and the client's mission is to become president. The nurse documents these comments as evidence of what?

Delusional thinking

Which data support a nursing diagnosis of impaired verbal communication?

The presence of neologism, echolalia, and clanging

While being interviewed, a client diagnosed with a delusional disorder states, "I have this really strange odor coming out of my mouth. I stop to brush my teeth almost every hour and then rinse with mouthwash every half hour to get rid of this smell. I've


A client with schizophrenia is receiving antipsychotic therapy. The nurse understands that which is a medical emergency should it develop in the client?

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

A client had been withdrawn in the client's room for 3 days, not eating or sleeping, prior to his admission to the inpatient unit. Upon interview, the client demonstrates difficulty answering questions, appears to have no facial expressions, and cannot fo

Negative symptoms

Which would be the benefit of including a client's family members in the long-term treatment of a client with schizophrenia?

The onset of a possible relapse can be detected early and effective treatment can be initiated

A 55-year-old client was admitted to the psychiatric unit after an incident in a department store in which the client accused a sales clerk of following the client around the store and stealing the client's keys. The client was subdued by the police after

Suspiciousness and neologisms

A nurse provides care to a client with schizoaffective disorder during hospitalization for acute psychosis. Nursing interventions to help the client to establish trust with the health care team is best accomplished by what?

Offering reassurance in a soft, nonthreatening voice

Research related to the development of schizophrenia has shown what?

The disorder is thought to arise from the interaction of a biological predisposition and environmental stressors.

A client has been taking haloperidol for 5 years when the client is admitted to the inpatient unit for relapse of symptoms of schizophrenia. Upon assessment, the client demonstrates akathisia, dystonia, a stiff gait, and rigid posture. The nurse correctly

Extrapyramidal side effects

When assuming the management of the care of a delusional client, which should be the nurse's priority intervention?

Assure the client that he or she is safe in this milieu

A client has been taking neuroleptic medications for many years as a treatment for schizophrenia. The client is exhibiting tongue protrusion, facial grimacing, and excessive blinking. These manifestations are characteristic of which extrapyramidal side ef

Tardive dyskinesia

During an admission assessment with a psychiatric-mental health nurse, a client states that the client hears the voice of God in the client's head and the voice is telling the client that the client is worthless. How should the nurse document this symptom

A hallucination

Which type of delusion refers to a situation whereby a person or someone close to person is being malevolently treated in some way?

Persecutory type

A nurse is caring for a client in an inpatient mental health setting. The nurse notices that when the client is conversing with other clients, the client repeats what they are saying word for word. The nurse interprets this finding and documents it as:


A client has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Assessment reveals that the client lives alone. The client's clothing is disheveled, the client's hair is uncombed and matted, and the client's body has a strange odor. During an interview, the client's fami

Bathing self-care deficit related to symptoms of schizophrenia

After teaching a class on antipsychotic agents, the instructor determines that the education was successful when the class identifies which as an example of a second-generation antipsychotic agent?


A nursing instructor is developing an education plan for a group of students about schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. The instructor identifies that in addition to psychosis, what other condition must be present at the same time for a diagnosis

Mood disturbance

Assessment of genetic predisposition supports asking a client who is exhibiting symptoms of a delusional disorder what?

Whether any family members have been diagnosed with schizophrenia

Which medication is used to control the extrapyramidal effects associated with antipsychotic medications?


A client with schizophrenia states that the client is God's messenger and the client's mission is to become president. The nurse documents these comments as evidence of what?

Delusional thinking

When describing the difference between schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and schizophrenia, the nurse would address which as associated with SAD?

increased mood responses

A client is diagnosed with a delusional disorder. While providing care to the client, the nurse assesses the client's delusions. Which would be least appropriate for the nurse to do?

Try to change the client's delusional belief

Which constitutes a negative symptom associated with schizophrenia?


What are the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?

Schizophrenia lasts at least 6 months and includes at least 1 month of 2 or more active-phase symptoms.

When developing the plan of care for a client with schizophrenia who is in the acute phase of illness, the nurse understands that the client is at high risk for what?


Which is the central focus of persecutory delusions?

Injustice that must be remedied by legal action

A nurse is preparing to document information obtained from a client diagnosed with a delusional disorder who is experiencing somatic delusions. Which would the nurse most likely document?

Body complaints

Which statement is true about delusional disorder?

Behavior is relatively normal except when focused on the delusion.

The nurse should consider which during a psychiatric assessment of a newly immigrated client who is being evaluated for possible religious delusions?

Some cultures hold religious beliefs that might be confused with delusional thought

A nurse is caring for a hospitalized client who has schizophrenia. The client has been taking antipsychotic medications for 1 week when the nurse observes that the client's eyes are fixed on the ceiling. The nurse interprets this finding as:

oculogyric crisis:
the muscles that control eye movements tense and pull the eyeball so that the client is looking toward the ceiling.

A hospitalized client with schizophrenia is receiving antipsychotic medications. While assessing the client, a nurse identifies signs and symptoms of a dystonic reaction. Which agent would the nurse expect to administer?


A nurse monitoring client medication needs to recognize side effects quickly and intervene promptly for which reason?

Alleviate the side effects and help client maintain adherence

A client is diagnosed with schizophreniform disorder. The nurse is reviewing the client's medical record and finds that the client's symptoms have been present for at least how long?

1 month

Which client exhibits the characteristics that are typical of the prodromal phase of schizophrenia?

A 20-year-old is experiencing a gradual decrease in the ability to concentrate, be productive, and sleep restfully.

A client has been prescribed quetiapine for delusional disorder. In teaching the client about this medication, the nurse must be certain to include which information?

One of the common side effects is dry mouth.

Which would a nurse expect to administer to a client with schizophrenia who is experiencing a dystonic reaction?


A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with schizophreniform disorder. The nurse demonstrates understanding of this disorder when identifying that the client is at risk for developing what?


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia states, "I want to go home, go home, go home." This is an example of which speech pattern?


A client in an inpatient setting has a delusion that there are a multitude of undetectable noxious gases in circulation that have the potential to poison the client and others. Which of the nurse's responses is most therapeutic?

I can assure you that you are actually very safe here.

A nurse teaching a client about prescribed antipsychotic medication informs the client to contact a health care provider immediately if the client notices:

A dramatic change in temperature.

A client with schizoaffective disorder is engaging in an extremely long conversation about a current affairs in the world. The client goes on to provide the nurse with minute details. The nurse interprets this as suggesting what?


Positive symptoms seen in schizophrenia are believed to be a result of which type of neurological dysfunction?

Increased amount of dopamine

A mental health nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. The client presents with catatonia. Which clinical manifestations should the nurse expect?


A client is admitted to the psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. During the physical examination, the client's arm remains outstretched after the nurse obtains the pulse and blood pressure, and the nurse must reposition the arm. The nur

Waxy flexibility

A client with schizophrenia is exhibiting positive and negative symptoms. The nurse anticipates that the client would be prescribed what?

Second generation antipsychotic

A comprehensive nursing assessment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) should include checking for which in a client taking an antipsychotic medication?

Muscular rigidity, tremors, and difficulty swallowing

A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia. When documenting the findings, which would the nurse identify as a positive symptom? Select all that apply.
