JARVIS Chapter 4: The Complete Health History

Sequence of Complete Health History

1) Biographical data
--Language & authorized representative
--Source of history
2) Reason for seeking care
3) Current health or history of current illness
--PQRST (any symptoms)
--U (understanding)
4)Past health
5) Med recon
6) Family history
7) Review of

Biographical Data

Address and phone number
Age and birth date
Marital status
Ethnic origin
Occupation�usual and present
Source of information
Language &authorized representative

Sources of History

-Record who gives the information (pt, caregiver)
-Judge how reliable the informant seems to communicate
-Note if the person is ill

Reason for Seeking Care

a brief, spontaneous statement in the person's own words describing the reason for the visit
1 or 2 signs/symptoms and duration
Sypmtom - subjective (ear hurting)
Sign - objective (101 fever)

8 Critical Characteristics of Symptoms/Complaint
Current Health/History of Current Illness

-Location - Head pain
-Character or Quality
-Aggravating/Relieving Factors
-Associated Perception
-Patient's perception


PQRST mnemonic
P: Provocative or palliative
Q: Quality or quantity
R: Region or radiation
S: Severity scale
T: Timing
U: Understand patient's perception


specific area


specific descriptive terms (burning, sharp, dull, aching, throbbing)
"Does vomit look like coffee grounds?


Quantify sign or symptom
"Profuse menstrual flow soaking five pads per hour


When did the symptom first appear
"The pain started yesterday


where it first happened

Aggravating/Relieving Factors

what makes the pain worse or what helps

Associated Factors

Is the primary symptom associated with others.
"Side effects of medicine

Patient's perception

What do you think is wrong.
"How has this affected you

Past Health

-Childhood illness
-Serious or Chronic Illness
-Obstetrics (pregnancy)
---Gravida, Para, Pre-term, AB, Living
-Last Examination date
-Current medications


number of pregnancies


number of deliveries in which the fetus reached full term


number of preterm pregnancies


number of living children




up to date? recommend vaccines

Last exam

note date


To what and what is the reaction

Medication Reconciliation

comparison of a list of current medications with a previous list, which is done at every hospitalization and every clinic visit. Include OTC and herbals.


Over the Counter

Family History

Age and health or cause of death of blood relatives
Health of close family members (spouse, children)
Family history of various conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, blood disorders, cancer, obesity, mental illness, and


a graphic family tree that uses symbols to depict the gender, relationship, and age of immediate blood relatives in at least 3 generations

Purpose of Review of Systems

-evaluate the past and present health state of each body system
-double check in case any significant data were omitted in the Present Illness section
-evaluate health promotion practices

The order of review of systems

head to toe

Review of Systems

General overall health state
Nose and sinuses (drainage, bleeding?)
Mouth and throat (sores, ulcers, sore throats?)
Neck (swelling, lumps, range of motion?)
Breast (Lumps, discharge, pain?)
Axilla (Lumps, pain?)
Respiratory system

If the Present Illness section covered a body system

you do not need to repeat all the data

When recording information

avoid writing "negative" after the system heading... You need to record the "presence or absence of all symptoms" otherwise the reader does not know about which factors you asked

History should be limited to

patient statements or subjective data... factors that the person SAYS were or were not present

General Overall Health

present weight, fatigue, weakness, or malaise, fever, chills, sweats

Sexual Health

-current sexual activity
-level of sexual satisfaction
-changes in ejaculation
-contact with someone who has an STD

Functional Assessment

measures a person's self-care ability in the areas of general physical health or absence of illness (ADL's)

Functional Assessment Asks

-self esteem
-interpersonal relationships
-spiritual resources
-Personal habits
-Street drugs
-Occupational health
-Intimate partner violence


Spiritual Resources
Faith, Influence, Community and Adress

CAGE test

Uncontrolled Alcoholic
Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty and Eye-opener

Perception of Health

How do you define health?
How do you view your situation now?
What are your concerns/goals?
What do you think will happen in the future?
What do you expect from your health care providers?

The health history is

adapted to include information specific for the age and developmental stage of the child

Past Health-Developmental

-Prenatal Status
-Labor and Delivery
-Postnatal Status
-Childhood Illnesses
-Accidents (how the child was treated)
-Serious Chronic Illness


A baby's history starts with the mother's prenatal experience and birth experience
Consider comparing to developmental norms such as those found on the Denver Chart include nutritional assessment over a week (not just 24 hrs)


The HEEADSS Psychosocial Interview
p. 65

health history provides

1. a complete picture of the persons past present health
2. describes the person as whole
3. how the person interacts with the environment
4. strengths and coping skills
5. what person is doing right
6. lifestyle : exercise, diet, substance abuse, risk re

new immigrant additions

1. biographical data
2. spiritual resources
3. past health
4. health perception
5. nutritional

A patient tells the nurse, "I haven't felt well lately. I just had to come in for a check-up." Under which section of the health history will the nurse record this information?
a. Past health history
b. Present health status
c. Reason for seeking care

c. Reason for seeking care

How should the nurse record a patient's reason for seeking care?
a. Use the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) list.
b. Write the symptoms without quotations.
c. Record the symptoms in the patient's words.
d. List all of the complaints o

c. Record the symptoms in the patient's words

What does the nurse record in the biographic information section of the health history?
a. Past illnesses
b. Usual source of health care
c. Dietary preferences
d. Family health history

b. Usual source of health care