Finance Exam 1, Module 1


study how individuals and companies acquire capital and how they invest it

financial resource decisions:

1) how to allocate financial resources
2)how to acquire financial resources
3) how to value financial assets

inside the firm (corporate finance)

decisions are made about investing, financing, cash management, and dividends

outside the firm (financial markets)

financial assets: stocks, bonds, and derivatives


how to price assets and create optimal combinations

proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation

What are the 4 types of business organizations?

sole proprietorship- advantages

ease and inexpensive to form, subject to few regulations, low income tax, no corp income taxes

Sole Proprietorship- disadvantages

the firm is the owner, unlimited liability, limited life, difficult to raise capital

limited partnerships

1. general partners are personally liable
2. limited partners enjoy limited liability, they are silent partners, and their stake is transferable to someone else

partnership- advatages

ease and inexpensive to form, income allocated on pro rate basis, no corp income taxes

Partnership Disadvantages

unlimited liability, all partners are liable, limited life, difficult to raise capital


is a "judicial person", they are entity seperate from its owners thus they enjoy limited liability

corporation- advantages

no limit on number of owners, unlimited life, easy to transfer ownership, limited liability, ease of raising capital

corporations- disadvantages

double taxation (corporate level and personal income), costly to setup and report filing

s corpotation

exempt from corporate tax income and no more than 100 stockholders

Sole Proprietorship

What makes up most percent of businesses?


what makes up most of revenue?


firm owners
-own stocks
-entitled to residual earnings
-may also be managers
-no limited on number of owners

managers should maximize shareholder wealth

What do shareholders want?

agency problem

the possibility of conflict of interest between the stockholders (own firm) and management (control decisions) of a firm

self serving and personal interests may differ from shareholders

why would managers deviate from objective?

agency costs

costs to firm that result from agency conflict

corporate governance

mechanisms to deal with the agency problem

Aligning managers and shareholders- pay them?

offer to reward good performance and penalize bad, fixed salary vs incentive compensation

aligning shareholders and managers- watch them?

-board of directors: large shareholders (internal)
-takeover threats, scrutiny when raising capital (external)

aligning managers and shareholders- regulate them?

-legal system and security watchdogs
-disclosure requirements
-anti fraud laws

stock exchange

markets where already-issued securities of public companies are bought and sold

a public company

shares can be freely traded in a public market

private company

shares do not trade on a public market

primary market

company creates shares and sells them to public

secondary market

investors trade among themselves shares sold by company

physical location exchange

-New York Stock Exchange
-one specialist per stock recieves buy and sell orders


prices at which a securities dealer offers to buy and sell stock

law of one price

if two identical investment opportunities are available in competitive markets, they should have the same price