Career and Financial wise test review

To determine the time value of depositing $100 in a savings account, a person needs to know the interest rate and

rate of inflation

Which type of financial institution usually pays the highest rate of interest on savings account balances?

credit unions

Interest earned on interest is known as

Compounded interest

Which of the following is the federal law that requires the cost of credit be disclosed to consumers in bold print or loan agreement

Truth in lending act

The cost to use someone else's money for a period of time is called the:

Interest rate expressed as a percentage

The rule of 72 is an easy way to

Calculate how fast your savings will double in value at given interest rates

If a person has $1,000 in a savings account and earns $20 a year in interest on that account, the rate of return on the money is close to


Who benefits the most from inflation?

Long-term fixed rate borrowers

Which investments would you choose today if you believe interest rates will go up

Short term savings instruments

The amount a leader charges to borrow money is called the

Annual percentage rate (APPR)

A pharmacy is to drugs as the American stock exchange is to


Buying a treasury bill (T-bill) is best for investors who are looking for

a secure, low risk investment

Using a broke firm a qualified investor buys 1000 shares of a. Common stock at $50 margin this means that the

Brokerage firm will own 50% of the 1000 shares of. Stock that were purchased

What is the largest equities market in the world

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Before the kiss corporation can issue stocks or bonds it must register the issue with

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

The interest earned on United States Series EE Savings Bonds is

Paid in a lump sum at the time the face value on the bond is reached

As an investment, a person decides to buy a small house that has three rental apartments. The profits from this investment may be lower then expected if the

one of the apartments is not rented.

An investor bought 40 shares of ABC corporation's stock at $80 a share. Two weeks later, the investor receives notice that the corporation has approved a 2-for-1 stock split. Based on this information, the investor would own at the moment of the split

80 shares of the stock and the price of each share is $40.

A person owns a stock that pays a $2.00 a share dividend. If the person chooses to reinvest that dividend, this means that the $2.00 will go toward buying

more of the same stock.

A Dante Oil Corporation tanker collided with another ship causing a major oil spill that will destroy the environment in the area for years and will cost billions for cleanup. The price of Dante is likely to:


A man budgeted $200 a month for clothing. This month the man spent $150 on clothing therefore that budget item is considered to have

budget variance

One of the benefits of holding an investment for over a year rather than selling it in less than a year is that the

Profits on the investment can be averaged over the length of time the investment is held

A person complains about how expensive it is to be a cigarette smoker. One of the reasons cigarettes are so expensive is that

the government imposes an excise tax on them.

The following is usually considered a variable expense:

Electric bill payment

Financial Planing Process

Includes lifetime goals/ needs to be adjusted for changing needs and goals in different stages of life

Something you are working to achieve within a defined period of time is a(an):


Ben's annual income is $30,000, and he contributed $3,000 to a traditional IRA in his local bank. What is his taxable income?


The term is best describes money left over after paying taxes, fixed and other essential living expenses is

Disposable income

John's company will Mach his pre-tax contributions to the company's retirement plan known as

401 (k)