History Final 122 khemrak

Steam Engine

Machine that puts steam under pressure to drive piston up and down in a closed cylinder. First connected these to pipes then were used to lift groundwater from coal and other mines. Created during industrial revolution and helped lead to world wide econom

Putting out System

A production method in which employers distributed raw materials to individuals, who then made fresh goods (typically cotton or wool), and returned them to the employer for payment. Capitalists accelerated production in spinning and weaving by introducing

The challenge of excavating coal in the premodern times:

It became very dangerous. Flooding, Death, and accidents occurred or illness. (collapses of mines, sickness "black lung") and hazardous gasses (called damps)

Consolidation of land during Industrial Revolution:

Enclosure was a legal process while a number of small farms were purchased to create on large farm. fenced enclosure, buying ground rights, and all common rights

The build up of railroads:

Steam locomotives proved they could pull heavy loads over long distances at faster and cheaper rates than barges. This meant people could exchange business and technical information more effectively. In 1880, Richard Trevithick invented earliest working l


Political doctrines of great appeal to Capitalists, governing elites, and affluent urbanites. Thought that a group of people sharing a common language, cultural forms, history, and a sense of common destiny ought in the natural order of things to enjoy so

Karl Marx

He published "Communist Manifesto". It set forth his fundamental idea that the laboring masses could achieve economic and social justice only through revolutionary struggle. Argued proletariat would triumph. He and Friedrich Engels emerged what they calle

Taiping Rebellion

By far bloodiest conflict of mid century. Protest of peasants against government. Cost between 10-30 million Chinese lives. The people challenged the authority of Qing Dynasty in 19th century. over grievances of land shortages, price inflation, government

Meijing Restoration

Political program followed by the destruction of Tokugawa shogunate (military government)

The Conflict between Russia rulers and the private business class:

Poor conditions for urban rulers (secret union) that undermined Tsar's rule and authority

Debt farming:

Banks or land owners employment of individuals who work the land and expenses make them fall further into debt with employer

The problem with overproduction in relation to industrialization:

Overproduction is the creation of too many of 1 product, and the market is not willing to buy it. Then it creates an unbalance between supply and demand. (Great Depression)

European justifications for imperialism

(Social Darwinism) Uplift, and christianize native people based on social darwinism (white mans burden) natural struggle between races

Gold Standard

Fixed prices for an ounce of gold. Industrializing states taking steps to join Britain in pegging the value of their national currencies to this standard. Stabilized exchange rates among currencies. Value of currency defined in terms of gold. This standar

Eastern Question in relation to WW1

Crimean war the conflict between French Catholics and Russian Orthodox Christians

Schlieffen Plan

In Germany, this strategy projected a rapid and massive assault across Belgium to quickly overpower France, after success from there they would move into Russia. Germany declared war o France and Russia and invaded Belgium. Germany got within 30 miles fro


Revolutionary workers' council that served during the Russian revolution as local units of government and civil order. The term was later applied to legislative bodies within the communist regime. Workers that organized their own elected political action

Stalin's 5 Year Plan

After Lenin died Stalin renounced the NEP and a ______ _____ ____. It involved creating huge , mechanized, state-run collective farms where peasants had to live communally to produce food for the growing industrial labor force. Peasants who resisted were

Benito Mussolini

-He was a leader of the New Fascist Party and a journalist
-Became prime minister of Italy
-Promoted Nationalism, anti-liberalism, anti-communism, military strength, and government by decisive action
-Promoted state "Corporatism"= the organizing of societ

Great Depression

This was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world. It began after the stock market crash and wiped out investors.
-New York Stock Exchange crashed
-Production, consumption, trade, and employment worldwide plunged.

Keynesian Economics

Economic theories of John Maynard Keynes that promote government monetary and financial policies aimed at increasing employment and stimulating economic growth (PG. 751)

Mein Kampf

(My Struggle) Hitler set forth his world view, rambling, hate-filled, partly auto-biographical work that he complied while in prison in 1924. (P.760)

Invasion of Ethiopia

-Italian army first invaded Ethiopia in 1896 but were defeated
- Mussolini spent early years strengthening Italy's economy and army
-He invaded Ethiopia again with 100,000 troops equipping them with modernized transport, tanks, aircrafts, and poison gas.

Non Aggression Pact between Germany and Soviet Union

-fighting in Europe and China started general war.
-Britain, France, and Germany signed this pact with the Soviet union.
-Included an arrangement to divide Poland and other eastern Europe states between the 2 powers in the event of war.
-Hitler wanted to

Lend Lease

Congress enacted the this and effectively freed the president to offer Britain (and later Russia) billions of dollars in military aid


-Red army stopped Germans advance to Russia.
-In winter, German and Russians (more than 2 million) clashed over this place.
-It was an industrial and communication center that controlled the flow of oil from the caucasus to the Russian heartland.

Discuss the circumstances that lead to the Crimean War, in addition what was the legacy of this conflict?

The Crimean War was fought over territory between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Britain and France joined the Ottomans. It lasted about 2 years. The Crimean war was the first war captured on photos and it was the first war to have military machines from

Briefly describe how WW1 differed from any other earlier war, focusing on what historian call "total war":

WW1 differed from earlier wars not only because of the global scale and cost in lives, but also because entire societies, not just armies and governments, were mobilized to fight in it. Total war is when opposing states mobilized civilians and all availab

Describe the events which allowed England to become the dominant power during the two industrial revolutions of the 19th century?

Agricultural changes - British farmers were making good use of new agricultural techniques and tools that allowed them to increase their productivity. Fewer people could grow more food, even enough to feed a large labor force.
Population boom - Britain's

What political changes occurred similarly in Germany, Japan, and Italy during the interwar decades (1920's and 30's)?

Fascism a system of government characterized by strict social and economic control and a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator. First found in Italy by Mussolini.

Characterize the events which established the Cold War. In addition, identify and describe the legacies of three specific events within this war

USSR's fear of the American's atomic bomb, America did not want communism to spread.
Bay of Pigs invasion- The failed invasion strengthened the position of Castro's administration
Berlin blockade-As a result of the Soviet blockade, the people of West Berl