U.S. History 103*03

Double V for Victory Campaign

1942- launched by NAACP and other African-American organizations. Stood for two victories for African Americans- a victory at home and a victory abroad. Encouraged African-Americans to help in the war effort in order to make claims toward equal rights fol

Long Telegram

Sent by George Kennan, stated that the soviet union could not have peaceful coexistence with the west. Kennan was convinced the soviets would try and spread communism to the rest of the world. This telegram heavily influenced the ideology behind the cold

Marshall Plan

1947-European Recovery program, meant to help restructure western europe. The US paid out about 13 billion dollars for economic assistance.

Morgenthau Plan

to partition and de-industrialized post-war Germany. He warned the Soviets that the US intended to maintain a military presence in Europe indefinitely. Byrnes admitted a month later that the nub of our program was to win the German people... it was a batt

The Kitchen Debate

US and SU decide to ease tension by opening up expositions to show off technology. SU president doesn't understand why Americans need all these things- Americans make things that will break overtime- SU makes things that will last
Leads to debate abo

American Consumption

1950s Buying as a celebration and virtue
Modernity equals cleanliness and technology making people happy.
Cold War on the homefront- capitalism is better because you can get stuff
Patriotism, Highest standard of living
Consumerism will help defeat communi

Backlash voters

Religion played a major role in their conservative affiliation
middle class pushed back against high taxes and were frustrated by the fact that their money was being used to benefit groups that had not earned it
"return to normalcy"- fighting change

Berlin Wall

A fortified wall surrounding West Berlin, Germany, built in 1961 to prevent East German citizens from traveling to the West. Its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War.

Betty Friedan

American Feminist who wrote the book "The Feminine Mystique".

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

Civil Rights Act of 1964

banned discrimination in public accommodations, prohibited discrimination in any federally assisted program, outlawed discrimination in most employment; enlarged federal powers to protect voting rights and to speed school desegregation.

Cold War

Tensions between Soviets and US after WWII when the soviets maintained control of the countries they liberated from the germans. Lasted until late 80s when the Berlin wall came down and the Soviet economy began to collapse. Caused panic within the country


American policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world - Long Telegram

D Day

An operation headed by Dwight Eisenhower on June 6, 1944; opened up the western front


A policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was adopted by the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

Easter Offensive

The Paris Peace Accords were scheduled for 27 Jan. 1973. TO further pressure the US into pulling out NV launched a major offensive on 20 March 1972
The offensive was fairly successful, The NVA seized three major cities and the US responded by carpet bombi

Ella Baker

Founded SNCC 1960
SDS followed tactics, training and bottom-up approach taught by SNCC founder Ella Baker

Emmett Till

The murder of 14 year old Till in 1955 brought nationwide attention to the racial violence and injustice in Mississippi; His murder trial (where the two murders were acquitted by an all-white jury) and newspaper coverage inspired a generation of young Afr

Fall of Saigon

The ARVN and SV civilians hoped to find safety in America held Saigon, but the orderly evacuation of Americans and SV civilians devolved into chaos as the NV military advanced

FDR's First 100 Days

1933 Wanted to stabilize banks, Tennessee Valley Authority (electrified the rural and increased jobs), Civilian Conservation Corps (provided young men with jobs to build infrastructure in rural), Agricultural Adjustment Admin. (adjusted prices of crops to

Franklin D. Roosevelt

(1933-1945) Democratic president who took over during the great depression; held the longest presidency; responsible for great contributions helping the US economy; widely popular

George Wallace

pro-segregation governor of Alabama who ran for pres. in 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of segregation and law and order, loses to Nixon

Voting Rights Act of 1965

A law passed at the time of the civil rights movement. It eliminated various devices, such as literacy tests, that had traditionally been used to restrict voting by black people.

GI Bill

Law passed in 1944 to help returning veterans buy homes and pay for higher educations, start business, free health care in VA hospitals, money to live on if unemployed

Herbert Hoover

His election showed that americans were happy with the course of the nation by 1928; however became largely disfavored during the Great Depression; only had one term due to lack of success. During Depression tried to incentivise Americans to help each oth


The makeshift communities built on the outskirts of towns and cities that were populated by people who lost their homes due to financial despair. Started popping up in every major city in America.

House Committee on Un-American Activities

The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
Alger Hiss
Hollywood Ten
"Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of the United States"
Ten cited the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech and free assembly, which they b


American foreign policy of the 1920's and 1930's based on the belief that is was in the best interest of the US not to become involved in foreign conflicts that did not directly threaten American interests

Japanese Internment

America put all japanese american citizens in camps because they were afraid that they would be unfaithful to US
Done after Pearl Harbor. Koramatsu vs US challenged FDR's executive order that placed Japanese Americans into camps but the Supreme Court rule

Jerry Falwell

Took over leadership of the evangelical church. Introduced "Wake up America" Rallies that intertwined faith and America. He believed that it was okay to let politics and religion mix.

Jimmy Carter

(1977-1981) President after Ford and before Reagan- promoted negotiations to handle communism, supported Nixon's Detente. First president to really discuss his religion

Joseph Simmons

published the pamphlet ABC of the Invisible Empire in Atlanta 1917
Identified [second] Klan's Goals:
Shield sanctity of home and chastity of womanhood
Maintain white supremacy
Return to level of spirituality and religion
Maintain privileges, rights, princ

Kent State Shootings

May 1970-- student war protesters were killed by National Guardsman

Iron Curtain Speech

Churchill's speech. The Iron Curtain was the name for the boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. The term symbolizes the efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and

League of Nations

An intergovernmental organization founded in 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that led to the Treaty of Versailles. Mission was to maintain peace but lacked its own armed force and depended on the great powers of WWI to enforce its resolutio

Lend-Lease Policy

1939 An act signed by Roosevelt to give aid to allies with food and weaponry.
Allies Included: Republic of China, France, UK
Part of many Neutrality Acts but replaces "cash and carry" actually making the US more involved in the war by providing arms and a


First sales were in 1947. The epitome of the new suburbs; provided quickly and economically produced housing to serve the high demand (from returning veterans); offered attractive alternatives to cramped central city locations and apartments. During subur

Little Rock Nine

9 students were integrating a school in little rock
A lot of resistance against it from white citizens
Gov. Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guard to support the segregationist on Sept. 4th 1958. The sight of a line of soldiers blocking out the


this ship sinks- US enters WWI serves as focus for anti german sentiment

Malcolm X

Minister of the Nation of Islam, urged blacks to claim their rights by any means necessary, more radical than other civil rights leaders of the time.

Martin Luther King Jr

U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964)

Milton Friedman

He was a famous American economist. He strongly promoted the idea of free trade and condemned government regulation and socialism.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Boycotted buses because The NAACP had accepted and litigated other cases, including Morgan v. Virginia (1946), which resulted in a victory in the US Supreme Court on the grounds that segregated interstate bus lines violated the Commerce Clause b

My Lai Massacre

(1968) U.S. Army in Vietnam massacred hundreds of unarmed civilians including women and children and was covered up by the military--This compromised the credibility and the people's faith in the U.S. government. Caused people to turn their support to be


The NAACP was founded in 1909
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
In the 1930s its legal strategy was to litigate for equal funding for African American schools


1920s-as a result of modernity and changing social norms. Supported anti-immigration

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Formed in 1949. North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries

Neutrality Acts

1.No US ships can carry weapons and US civilians are discouraged from riding foreign ships(1935), because of Lusitania.
2.No loans or credit to countries at war(1936)
3.Forbids anyone from exporting munitions to anyone involved in the spanish civil war, b

Orval Faubus

developed the Arkansas National Guard to support the segregationist on Sept. 4th 1958. The sight of a line of soldiers blocking out the students made national headlines and polarized the nation

Pearl Harbor

(December 7, 1941) Just before 8 am, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor; the attack destroyed or damaged nearly 20 American naval vessels, including 8 battleships and over 300 airplanes; More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, including civilians, and

Pentagon Papers

June 1971-- secret documents leaked to the NY Times and revealed the U.S. true intentions of the war. Proved that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never occurred. Nixon tried to suppress publication, overruled by Supreme Court--resulted in the mistrust of the

Reagan Doctrine

(1985) An add on to all Cold War doctrines--declares that the U.S. should go on the offensive because containment alone won't end communism or stop the Soviets. U.S. says they will intervene to end communism and fund any revolutions to overthrow communist

Lend-Lease Policy

legislation gave FDR the powers to sell, transfer, exchange, lend equipment to any country to help it defend itself against the Axis powers.

President Reagan

Vietnamization: replace US troops with Vietnamese but also bombed Cambodia/Laos,
created a "credibility gap,"
Paris Peace Accords ended direct US involvement
economy-took US off gold standard (currency valued by strength of economy)

Roadway Revolution

Eisenhower had America building interstates which linked up suburbs with cities; freeways spilt cities in half; Car-based society

Ronald Reagan

Ran for president in the 1980s. Introduced a new kind of political campaign by discussing religion. This action challenged if religious identity and political identity could coexist or if they should be kept seperate. This is after Jimmy Carter's term who

Rosa Parks

Refused to give up her seat on the bus, arrested for it (1955)
Started Montgomery Bus Boycott

Second Wave Feminism

Broadened the debate to a range of issues (not just focusing on suffrage and overturning legal obstacles to gender equality like First Wave Feminism)

Silent Majority

Nixon Era-Middle Americans who were average Americans who weren't radical or part of protests of civil rights, feminism, war. Felt like the world around them was changing, wanted traditions to be restored

Simone de Beauvoir

Author of the The Second Sex, which argued that male-centered ideology was accepted as a norm and enforced by the ongoing development of myths and the fact that women are capable of getting pregnant, lactating, and menstruating it s in no way a valid caus

Sit-ins and Freedom Rides

a way of challenging segregation for decades. First wave of Sit-ins: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In 1961, College-age activists rode interstate buses into the south in order to challenge the non-enforcement of Morgan v. Virginia

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

SNCC was founded in 1960 on the Shaw University Campus and took part in all of the major initiatives of the civil rights movements
In the later 1960 led by leaders like Stokely Carmichael, SNCC focused on black power and then protesting against the Vietna


Economic phenomenon of 1970s - The economy stagnates - growth and production decreases as inflation increases,

Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday

(October 29, 1929) Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed, becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

Strategic defense system Reagan announces to add pressure on Soviets-- so advanced and extremely expensive Reagan knew the Soviets would not be able to beat it--showed Soviets weakness and contributed to the collapse of their economy

Student Protests

College students attempted to sever ties between war and universities through burning draft cards, protesting universities furnishing grades to draft boards, and protesting military and Dow Chemical job fairs on campus
1969-1970: Students attacked 197 ROT


18 million people -- 10% of the population-- moved to the suburbs in the 1950s. The suburban population grew 47% in the 1950s. Federal loans privileged white borrowers and covenants limited neighborhood access

Tennessee Valley Authority

A New Deal agency created to generate electric power and control floods in a seven-U.S.-state region around the Tennessee River Valley . It created many dams that provided electricity as well as jobs.

Tet Offensive

With US and South Vietnamese soldiers focused on Khe Sanh, NV launched attacks on over 100 towns and cities in SV in Jan. 1968 to coincide with Tet, The Vietnamese New Year. VC and Communists sympathizers attacked military bases, gov. Offices and foreign

The Baby Boom

After the war, families had tons of babies
Led to a 20 % population growth during the 50s and led to increasing consumer demand.

The Bonus Army

Large group of WWI veterans and their families march on Washington to demand their pension payments

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Initiated by Kennedy after the Birmingham campaign in 1962-3.
Outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools, employment, and

Dust Bowl

Massive dust storms due to drought that plagued the heartland

Eastern Offensive (1972)

To further pressure the US into pulling out of Vietnam, North Vietnam launched a major offensive on March 30, 1972. North Vietnam seized three major cities and the US responded by carpet bombing North Vietnam. South Vietnam lost 10% of its territory to No

Great Depression

A period of time in which the economy was in severe decline and millions of people were out of work; lasted from 1929-1941

Harlem Renaissance

An African-American cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York
Movement stretched across the urban areas in the Northeast and Midwest United States affected by the Great Migration

Jazz Age

A period in the 1920s, in which Jazz music and dance styles became popular

Korean War

First "hot war" of the Cold war. The Korean War began in 1950 when the Soviet-backed North Koreans invaded South Korea before meeting a counter-offensive by UN Forces, dominated by the United States. The war ended in stalemate in 1953.

Marshall Plan

(1947) A pledge of economic assistance for all European countries willing to participate, including the Soviet Union; Plan's aim was to rebuild the democratic and economic systems in order to counter perceived threats to Europe's balance of power.
The US

Roadway Revolution

Brings on the "drive-in" idea (drive in movies and restaurants)
Supermarket emerges during this time asa convenience
Having the car and not having to carry groceries home makes people buy more
America starts conscious pattern of creating inter-state highw

Rosenberg Affair

Rosenberg Affair

Second Klan

Anti-catholic, supporters of prohibition, racist, violent towards African Americans

Second New Deal

1935, Included a progressive income tax (to redistribute wealth), Wagner Act, and Social Security; establishment of a national work relief program

Second Red Scare

1947-1957 Post-World War II Red Scare focused on the fear of Communists in U.S. government positions; peaked during the Korean War and declined soon thereafter, when the U.S. Senate censured Joseph McCarthy, who had been a major instigator of the hysteria

United Nations

The new international peacekeeping organization created after WWII

Truman Doctrine

the principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or communist insurrection. First expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech to Congress seeking aid for Greece and Turkey, the doctrine was seen by

United Nations

The new international peacekeeping organization created after WWII

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Eliminated literacy tests, grandfather clause, and after the passage of the 24th amendment, the poll tax. Also enabled federal intervention in states deemed to be actively restricting voting rights

War Against Japan

1940's Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
US attacked them back.

War on Drugs

dramatic increase in drug use, and demand for illegal drugs, especially "crack" cocaine
government efforts to stop drug imports and reduce demand had little effect.
Started under Nixon's term

Yalta Conference

February 1945: second of Three wartime conference among the Big Three; it was the last conference attended by Roosevelt and Churchill, hosted by the USSR
Competing Interests:Each country had a separate interest, some of which were not mutually compatible

Thurgood Marshall

In 1940 he helped found the NAACP Legal Defense Fund which he directed toward directly challenging segregation
His strategy attempted to undermine Plessy vs. Ferguson
He won a series of court decisions that gradually struck down that doctrine, ultimately

Treaty of Versailles

The treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I. Required Germany and her allies to accept the responsibility of causing all the loss and damage and demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans

Triple Entente

Britain, France, and Russia

Vietnam War

Vietnam is a limited war- there are many constraints because you have limited objective- over what you can and can't do. The US isn't trying to overthrow NVM or get rid of communists, our limited objective is to keep the SVN government in power
Was not su

War Guilt Clause

In treaty of Versailles; declared Germany and Austria-Hungary responsible for WWI; ordered Germany to pay reparation to Allied powers for war damages.


several burglars were arrested in the office of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate complex of buildings in Washington, D.C. This was no ordinary robbery: The prowlers were connected to President Richard Nixon's reelection campaign

Order of the Presidents

Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton


the policies or principles advocated by the former US president Ronald Reagan.