CIV202 Exam 2 Gao

How were the 3 Islamic empires established?

Their ruling all emerged from military conquest and turkish tribes. Their traditions and societies that embraced different religious groups. Public welfare, literary and artistic talent.
Ottoman: Osman Bey, chief of semi-nomadic turks, who conquered Anato

What sorts of governments did they set up? How did the governments of these empires administer diverse populations? ^^^^^

Ottoman: military machine drove expansion. Organized ghazi recruits into two forces; light cavalry and volunteer infantry. But as they progressed and grew they moved to heavy cavalry. They had slave troops. Required Christian young boys to be slaves (devs

What cultural advances occurred under the rule of these empires?

Military and personal piety. Spirtual authority, laws, woman had political roles in the empires. The main/ first wife had special privileges. Advocating army, running the governement, and leaders. Foreign trade, tobacco...

Did any common factors lead to the decline of central power in these Islamic empires in the 17th & 18th century?

Because the rulers feared those close to them challenging their control, the Mughals killed or blinded those relatives they suspected and the Ottomans killed infants, expected mothers...
Incompetent or rulers more interested in speding vast sums of money

What were the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Movement? What were their main contributions?

E: Thinkers launched an ambitious project to transform human thought and to use reason to transfer the world. Intellectual and cultural movement
the methods of natural science
the laws of human society
John Locke: discover natural laws of politic

What were the causes, main events, and results of the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Latin Revolution?

AR: North American colonists resisted when the British attempted to reinvigorate imperial control. Because of the 7 Year's War the British Parliament then levied new taxes (Stamp, Tea, Sugar...) to rid some debt. Fighting at Lexington and Concord because

In what ways were they alike, and different?

Influenced by enlightenment ideas (popular sovereignty and inalienable rights). Liberalism: civil rights, less so about political and social rights. "Voting is more of a privilege than a right". Slavery!!!!!!! Women's Rights.

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain, and how did the other countries respond to industrialization? What were the social impacts of the IR?

Industrialization is the process that transformed hand-crafted centered economies to economies distinguished by industry and machines. Technological innovation. Began in Britain around 1750 with coal, because it was so important to them and they had all t

What were the causes of the New Imperialism of the 19th century, and how did it differ from European Expansion in earlier periods?

Began with French conquest of Algeria and lasted to the outbreak of WW1. Imperialism refers to the domination of European powers and later the U.S. and Japan. Sometimes by force but mostly by trade, investments, and business activities all without politic

What types of administration system did the various colonial powers establish in their colonies?

primary objective was to exploit the natural resources
Indirect rule was no longer feasible in most areas
Direct rule was adopted to get rid of any resistance
Allows them to Bring Christianity and westernization to "backward people".
In reality, colonial

What's the economic, social, and political developments that occurred in the western world between 1800-1914?


What were the long-range and immediate causes of WW1? What were the social and political impacts of WW1?

Beginning with the assasination of Ferdinand and his wife in the vehicle in broad daylight. Bismarkian Alliance: unification of Germany ( too powerful). Keep France diplomatically isolated, the threat to peace by conflicting interests of Austria-Hungary a

What were causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and why Bolsheviks prevail in civil war and gain control of Russia?

- Tsar made poor decisions and lack of leadership ability which lead to military and economic disasters. He also did not liston to his advisores and did not keep promises. As a resoult the middle class, peasants, soldiers, and workers became more and more

What was the aftermath of WW1 and what were the causes and impacts of the Great Depression?

the war killed, disabled, orphaned, or rendered homeless millions of people. Epic diseases, malnutrition, and starvations. Economic problems: war debts among the allies, reparations paid by Germany and Austria and the flow of U.S. funds to Europe. Austria