Situation Room Vocabulary

Anti :


Cabinet :

a group comprised of the heads of the 15 executive departments (the Department of
Defense, Justice, Commerce, etc.) that is appointed by the president and officially advises the

Conflict of interest :

a situation in which there is difficulty creating a solution because of variations and disagreements in the end goal of two institutions or ideologies.

Correspondent :

an individual who reports regularly from a distant place and is employed by media outlets like television, radio, or newspaper corporations.

Counsel :

Advice, usually given by a professional.

Cyber Attack :

An attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system.


the Drug Enforcement Agency is an agency under the Department of Justice that combats
drug smuggling and use.

Defense :

refers to resisting attack.

Department of Defense :

One of the federal executive branches and headed by the Secretary of Defense, the Defense Department forms military policies and maintains the size of U.S. military forces.

Deputy :

an official considered second-in-command to their superior and in the position to take over if needed as a substitute for their superior.

Disclosures :

released information previously regarded as secret.

Doctrine :

A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.

DOW Jones :

the Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange. By looking at this average you can get a general sense of the direction of the market.

Executive :

a person or group with managerial power to implement or administer laws and policies.

Executive Branch of Government :

-headed by the U.S. President, the executive branch's main duty is executing, enforcing, and administering laws, policies, and public affairs made by the legislative branch. It consists of both federal and state government.


the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a federal agency of the Justice Department that investigates violations of federal law.

FISA Courts :

a U.S. federal court established to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States.

Foreign policy :

the diplomatic strategy of government in interacting with other countries.

Income inequality :

The extent to which income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population. The gap between the rich and everyone else.

International Monetary Fund :

An organization comprised of 188 nations with the mission of creating global monetary stability, promoting international trade, and providing help and data on economic policy.

International Relations :

a branch of political science focused on studying and working with the interactions between foreign governments.

Margin of error :

an amount, usually small, that is allowed for in case of miscalculation or change of circumstances.

Memorandum :

an informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company or organization, concerning company/organization business.


New York Stock Exchange, considered the world's largest equity based exchange.

Off- the-record :

not made as an official or attributable statement.

Policy :

a plan or course of action created by government outlining or describing how a goal will be accomplished.

President pro tempore of the Senate :

a member of the Senate, most commonly a senior
member of the majority party, that will replace the Vice President in presiding over the Senate in
the case of his/her absence.

Pro :

In favor of.


The Securities and Exchange Commission is a federal agency responsible for regulating
the securities industry and for enforcing federal securities law. It is meant to protect the public
against fraudulent and manipulative practices in the securities marke

Sentiment :

a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion.

Spokesperson :

an individual who is the "public face" of an organization and speaks on behalf
of the organization.