5/6 Quiz: Riders

Jon's life insurance policy contains a disability income benefit that will pay him a periodic income in the event he becomes disabled. What factor determines the amount of the benefit?

The appropriate rider allows premium payments to be waived in the event of disability. What is the normal waiting period for premiums to be waived?

What is the term for a policy element that adds or takes away coverage?

Under what conditions will the waiver of premium rider pay benefits?

The principal sum of a AD&D rider attached to a life insurance policy pays:

Some riders can affect the death benefit of a life insurance policy. Which of the following riders can decrease the death benefit?

When a juvenile covered by a payor rider reaches the specified age, what happens to the ownership of the policy?

Which life insurance rider pays an amount equal to the total premiums paid as long as the insured dies during a certain time period, as stated in the policy?

Of the following life insurance policy riders, which does not alter the amount of the death benefit?