Ch. 1, Ch. 2, & Ch. 3 Policing In America

Police regularly prevent crime, investigate crimes and apprehend criminal, maintain order and provide service.

General Service law enforcement agency

All police officers are peace officers, but all peace officers are not police officers. The legal status of peace officers is defined as:


One of the most enduring myths about policing is the police:

Crime fighter image

The belief that crime scene investigators play a major role in investigating and solving crimes

CSI Effect

One of the most important factors shaping the police role

The authority to use force

Police contribute to social control through both

Law enforcement and order maintenance

In order to carry out their responsibilities, police are heavily dependent upon


American policing is a product of

English heritage

Almost every other country in the world has a centralized, national police force. In American policing there is a tradition of

Local control

The "father" of modern policing is known as

Robert Peel

The early method of policing used to guard against fires, crime, and disorder throughout different parts of the day was known as


During the political era of American policing, local politicians rewarded their friends with jobs on the police force. This practice was known as


The failure of police reform is attributed to

Police corruption

The "father" of American police professionalism is known as

August Vollmer

A new but important figure in American law enforcement appointed as the Director of the Bureau of Investigations was known as

J. Edgar Hoover

The primary responsibility for police protection rests with which level of government?

Cities and countries

There is no formal, centralized system for coordinating or regulating all of the different law enforcement agencies. This decentralization is known as:


The distinction between a law enforcement agency's approved allotment of officers and the number of officers currently employed is known as:

Authorized strength

The process of replacing sworn officers with non-sworn personnel for certain positions is known as the process of:


The measure for the level of police in a community expressed as the number of sworn officers per thousand residents is known as:

Police-Population ratio

The authors list two major remedies for the process of fragmentation. They are:

Consolidation and contracting

City police are the most important component of law enforcement system as they:

Represent the majority of all law enforcement agencies

Sheriff's have a unique role in that they serve all three components of the criminal justice system:

Law enforcement, courts, and corrections

The office of Coroner/Medical Examiner is considered a law enforcement agency because the office has the responsibility to:

Investigate crimes

What is the most common administrative arrangement concerning the police agencies of Indian tribes?

Agencies are created under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act