exam 2 introduction in law enforcement

definitions of operations and allocations of police personnel;. what are the three main police operations

patrol faction, investigative function, traffic function

what is considered the most important policing of police operations


when officers are on patrol do most of their work is from their initiation or is it result of citizens calls?

citizens calls

how many of citizen calls are true emergencies?


this term is defined as any time that officer is devoted to specific. when they are or specific activity call or duty what is that called?

menit time

which was found to be more effective one unit officers or two units? made more arrests better reports less citizen complaints

one officer units

when officers are not on call they have high visibility. what is that called high visibility of police?


state three methods of patrol. 3 positive and three negative

foot patrol, horse, bike, aircraft, motorcycle, aircraft, watercraft. foot patrol is slower takes longer for them to respond but you interact with citizens, aircraft patrol is expensive but you could see more(info red the body heat and no traffic) horse p

whit type of patrol uses info red?


what is random patrol also known as?

routine preventive

types of direct patrol

split force, D runs, saturation patrol

this kind of patrol divides police in two groups. one that answers citizen phone calls for service and those handling crime suppression

split force

whats difference between saturation patrol and sweep patrol

saturation is 6 month sometimes longer, sweeps is like 2 days. saturation patrol control the certain area where crime is higher police officers just go in and make lots of arrests. saturation patrol you put more officers in certain area which lasts longer

this type of direct patrol is suspect oriented suspect oriented

repest offender projects, field interrogation stop high risk offenders trying to get information using it for intell , suspect oriented officers focus more on people rather than locations

Kansas City patrol study

addition patrol units in certain area and does not decrease the crime. if you put more officers in certain areas it is not going to increase fear of citizens.

minor track violation to use it to investigate more serious crime

prefectural traffic stops. Bradly vs Tennessee. have to have probable cause such as speeding

definitions of racial profiling and criminal profiling

racial profiling is charge agains police officer, searching, stopping disproportionate of minorities, criminal profiling not pulling over based on race.

police view minority because of their actions makes them seem suspicious to police because its not majority what is it called?


state four tasks officer may complete in preliminary investigation

search the area of suspects, call for medical if needed, gather physical evidence,write the report

three types of cases detective might run into

walk through follow up investigation, who done its, where are theys.

of the thee types of cases detective might run into which one requires list investigative order

the walk through

x had cases and one of the case was strong evidence, which one is that most similar to

walk throughs

cases with week evidence which are they most similar to?

who done it's. most hard cases no suspect or evidence

three functions of traffic

enforcing traffic laws, investigating traffic laws, regulating traffic

this term is accomplished police making suggestion for stop signs speed limits and a way to reduce accidents


police peremilitary units

handle extreme cases

definition of discretion, administrative discretion, enforcement discretion

enforcement discretion, which is the power to choose whether or how to punish a person who has violated the law. In public administration, administrative discretion refers to the flexible exercising of judgment and decision making allowed to public admini

There are five offender variables that influence how police make the decision to invoke the criminal justice process. Explain three of the variables.

age, race, gender, suspect demeanor, socioeconomic status.

what does the most studies say is the most significant factor that influences whether or not police

serious of the offense, more serious the offense less discretion officer uses

who are police more likely to spend time with and less likely to arrest based onsocioeconomic status

middle and upper class

are police officers more likely to make arrest when they initiate or if they get a call from citizens

if police officer initiated

what are some victim characteristics that may influence discretion an officer uses. domestic violence

if victim used alcohol or drugs, victom demeanor asking suspect to get arrested if like victim is aggressive, preference of arresting, criminal history, offender demeanor.

meneapolis domestic violence study

had to make random arrests, refer for mediation or counseling, or make suspect leave for 48 hours. when they did not make arrests number of assaults were much higher. making arrests can help reducing domestic violence.

this type of crime is against public morality. it is usually victimless

vice crimes, prostitution, gambling, pornography, drugs

three types of prostitutes

street walkers, bar girls, escorts

the lowest class of prostitutes

street walkers

is female trufficitng victimless crime


being undercover police to arrest child pornography and prostitutes is called

reverse something


safest type of prostitutes.its done online

hate crime three common groups that are most targeted.

African Americans, jewish population, homosexuals

decenfranchized population

homeless, mentally ill, substance abusers

who is homeless

children, women with children

what mcquen gave us for use of force?

accesive force and excessive use of force. accesive force is individual and excessive use of officers is multiple officers in multiple incidents

which Supreme Court says you can't shoot felon

Tennessee v. Garner

Explain what a Use of Force Continuum is and list (in order) the levels of force as stated in Chapter 7

how much force can officer use depending on situation. Trying to prevent excessive use of force and enforce guidelines. Physical presence of the officer based on the officer's police authority, soft handed, mace or pepper spray, hard hands, police baton,

this level of force is used when soft hand approach fails less likely to put injury on suspect. can be used from distance

oc spray

T/F do majority police departments encourage or require police officers to fire warning shots before they use deadly force


25% of cases where do officers use off duty force?


Miamis warning system. officers using to much force. 4 criteria whether or not officer is problem officer.

five or more complaints in two year period, raprements five or more in two year period, use of force in five or more times in two year of period, discharge of the firearm three in five years.

this type of less than lethal form commonly used in riots and commonly large crowds. research also found its commonly involved with mental illess suicidal tendencies.

Impact conditions. impact shot guns, rubber bullets, water canon.

why do we use impact conditions on riots and commonly large crowds but not pepper spray?

allows you some distance, get more people under control.

what are some draw backs to oc spray?

some people is not effected. 20% of people tend to get more aggressive.

what region in United States most officers have been killed

south, Texas, Florida. because of more guns and gun laws, more crime, poverty

FBI developed profiles of two kind of categories who kill police officers

anti social- no remorse regards to the law. physiologically dependent- those who are on drugs

this term is victim precipitated homocide which cause officer to use deadly force.

suicide by cop

this type of personality is very common for advocates

authoritarian personality

sociological perspective which officers learn values. what are the two ways that police officers learn norms and values of the department.

professionalisation, socialization. professionalization through formal training, job and training makes them authoritarian.

7 or 8 characteristics that makes police subculture unique. from anthropological perspective describe 3 believes or values specific to police subculture.

bravery, anatomy, secrecy. police view us vs them. isolations solidarity hanging with coworkers all the time. the law controls what they do, pashelets and codes don't bribe another officer out always be brave, solidarity, subcultural violence.

studies have found that officers report increase use of this substance overtime. which substance


two different studies were done. what are officers most fear at the job

death to anyone like themselves other officers or citizens

in regards to stress do officers experience bad health issues because of the job like they die earlier they have health issues

no more likely to die early. they are more likely to die with cancer of digestive organs

officer cancer death could be caused by

alcohol, lifestyle, smoking