
If convicted of a demerit point traffic violation (or safety belt/child restraint violation) committed when you were under 18, DMV will require ____. If you do not do this, DMV will _____ until you ____

You complete a driver improvement clinic; suspend your driving privilege until you complete the clinic and pay a reinstatement fee

After your second conviction for a demerit point traffic violation (or safety belt/child restraint violation) committed under 18, DMV will ___. Your 3rd will result in ___

Suspend your driving privilege for 90 days; revocation of your driving privilege for 1 year or until you reach age 18, whichever is longer

DMV will require you to complete a driver improvement clinic if you (are 18+ and) accumulate ___ demerit points within ___ or ___ points within ___. If you do not do this, DMV will ___

12 points within 12 months or 18 points within 24 months; suspend your driving privilege

If you are 18 or older and receive ___ demerit points within ___ months or ___ points within ___, DMV will suspend your driving privilege for ___ and require that you ____

18 within 12 months or 24 points within 24 months; suspend for 90 days; complete a driver improvement clinic

When registering a vehicle, you must sign a statement on the registration application that you have liability insurance coverage for it, or pay the $___ uninsured motor vehicle fee


The Division of Child Support Enforcement will direct DMV to suspend your driving privilege is you are late making child support payments by ___ days or $___, or fail to _____

90 days; $5,000; appear in court/comply with a subpoena/summons/warrant related to paternity or child support hearings

If you refuse a breath test or your BAC is .08 or higher while driving and you are charged with DUI, your driving privilege will be automatically suspended for ___ days for a 1st offense, for ___ days or until ___, whichever comes first, for a 2nd offense

7 days; 60 days/until you go to trial; until the trial

Conviction of any DUI offense involving a minor passenger at the time of the offense carries an additional mandatory ___-day jail term plus all other fines and jail sentences. You may be charged with an additional fine of at least $_____ and up to $_____.

5; 500; 1,000

Your vehicle will be _____ immediately for ___ days if you are caught driving after your license has been suspended for an alcohol-related offense. The court can _____ the vehicle for ____ if you are convicted

30; impound; an additional 90 days

If you operate a vehicle without a license after you have previously been convicted of driving without a license, your vehicle will be ___ until you ___ or for ___ days, whichever is less.

Impounded; obtain a license; 3

Depending on the laws of the city/county, you may be responsible for paying the cost (up to $_____) for law enforcement, EMS, firefighters/rescue personnel who respond to a crash or incident resulting from your DUI violation


If you are under 21 and are convicted of driving after illegally consuming alcohol and your BAC was at least ___ and less than ___, the court penalty will include: ___ of your driving privilege for ___ from the date of conviction, a minimum mandatory fine

.02; .08; suspension; 1 year; $500; 50

If you provide or sell alcoholic beverages to a person under age 21 or someone who is intoxicated/ordered by a court to refrain from drinking, you are subject to a fine of up to $_____, mandatory _____ of your license for up to ____, and ____ in jail

$2,500; suspension; 1 year; 12 months

If you are under 21 and use or attempt to use a fake ID to drink or purchase alcohol, you will be fined at least $_____, be required to perform at least ___ hours of community service, face up to ___ in jail, and face mandatory ______ of your license for

$500; 50 hours; 12 months; 6 months; 1 year