Policing Chapter 9

Random Routine Patrol

Officers drivnig around a designated geographic area

Rapid Response to citizens' calls to 911

Officers being dispatched to calls immediately, regardless of the type of call.

Retroactive investigation of past crimes by detectives

The followup investigation of crimes by detectives that occurs after a crime has been reported.

Foot patrol

Police officers walk a beat or assigned area rather than patrolling in a motor vehicle.


The impression of always being there

Kansas City Patrol Study

The first study conducted to test the effectiveness of random routine patrol.

Newark foot patrol study

A study conducted to determine the effectiveness of foot patrol officers in preventing crime.

Evidence based policing

Using available scientific research on policing to implement crime fighting strategies and department policies.

Predictive policing

The application of crime analysis, data analysis, and statistical predictions to identify targets for police attention, also called forecasting.

Smart policing

A funding initiative from the Bureau of Justice Administration that partners local law enforcement agencies with academics to develop and evaluate solutions to chronic crime problems.

Hot spots

An area recieving a high volume of calls for service.

Directed patrol

Officers patrol strategically to address a specific crime problem.

Split force patrol

A method in which the patrol force is split; half responds to calls for service and the other half performs directed patrol activities.

Differential response to calls for service

The police response to calls for service varies according to the type and severity of the call.

Saturation patrol

Assigning a larger number of uniformed officers than normal to an area to deal with a particular crime problem.


An enforcement effort targeting a specific violation of the law.

Specialized policing responses

A tailored law enforcement response to individuals with mental illness that involves trained first responders and prioritizes crisis de escalation and treatment over arrest and incarceration.

Bike patrol

Officers patrol an assigned area on bikes rather than in a patrol car.

Police Pursuits

The attempt by law enforcement to apprehend alleged criminals in a moving motor vehicle when the driver is trying to elude capture and increases speed or takes evasive action.

Police Paramilitary unit

A term popularized in the late 1990s to refer to police units organized in a more militaristic manner with their primary function to threaten or use force collectively.


A growing and dangerous trend of making a hoax call to incite SWAT deployment or other law enforcement response.