Criminology Chapter 4

laws, law enforcement practices, collection of crime data, availability of data

What does cross-national variations in?


As a nation develops economically, the fastest increase in crime rates is usually for?

high homicide rate & moderate property crime rates

What is being looked at in US crime rates vs industrialized nations?

united states

Which country has the higher murder rate?


which region of the US has the highest homicide rate?


crime rates fell most dramatically during when?


crime rates began to increase significantly around when?


What is the peak age of crime?


What is the age curve most likely to commit crimes?

crime & incarceration rates of some minority groups greatly exceed those for the majority population

What is the relationship between crime & racial or ethnic minority status?

blacks have a higher rate of violent behavior than whites

What is the relationship between social class, race, & crime in low socioeconomic levels?

blacks & whites have similar rates of violent behavior

What is the relationship between social class, race, & crime in high socioeconomic levels?