Health Psychology 378 Final Exam

what are the types of physical activity?

1) isometric
2) isotonic
3) isokinetic
4) anaerobic
5) aerobic

isometric exercise

contracting muscle against immovable object
EX. pushing against a solid wall

isotonic excercise

contraction of muscles and the movement of joints
EX. weight lifting

isokinetic exercise

moving muscles and joints against resistance
EX. using specialized equipment that adjusts the amount of resistance according to the amount of force applied

anaerobic exercise

short, intensive bursts of energy with no increase in oxygen use
EX. short-distance running

aerobic exercise

involves increased oxygen use
EX. jogging, cycling

what are some reasons for exercising?

-increases muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility
-weight control
-increases aerobic fitness, which helps lower heart disease risk

exercise and weight loss

exercise does not produce much weight loss through burning calories
EX. 2 doughnuts = 30 minutes of tennis
-sitting is a health risk

physical activity and cardiovascular health

physical activity reduces CVD risk by 35%
-reduces risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure
-physically active women have lower rates of ischemic stroke

physical activity and biological sex

women benefit as much as men from physical activity

physical activity and cancer

lower risk of breast and colon cancer

physical activity and osteoporosis

exercise protects against osteoporosis, a reduction in bone density due to low calcium levels

physical activity and diabetes

reduces type 2 diabetes because exercise controls weight and improves insulin resistance
-can help manage type 1 diabetes

physical activity and mental health

individuals that exercise are less depressed than those who don't
-can reduce anxiety
-can reduce stress

physical activity and cognitive functioning

can improve attention, processing speed, memory, and executive functioning in adults
-physically fit children show better memory performance (hippocampus)

improving exercise rates

only 33% of Americans meet exercise guidelines

interventions to increase physical activity

-informational interventions
-behavioral and social interventions
-environmental interventions

informational interventions

Seek to increase public awareness of the importance of physical activity and its benefits
-"Point of decision" prompts may help increase physical activity

behavioral and social interventions

teach people skills so they can adopt and maintain physical activity
EX. gym classes increase activity during school but not outside of school
-social interventions create an environment that makes it easier for people to adopt and maintain physical activ

environmental interventions

seek to enhance access to places for physical activity
EX. sidewalks, parks, playgrounds
-seeing people exercise can motivate a person to engage in physical activity

What is Healthy People 2020?

a set of goals and objectives with 10-year targets designed to guide national health promotion and disease prevention efforts to improve the health of all people in the US

what are the goals for healthy people 2020?

1. increasing the quality and span of healthy life
2. eliminating health disparities


a completely well year; void of ill-being or health-related problems

health expectancy

the number of years a person is free from disability
-men is 68 years
-women is 72 years

life expectancy

The average number of years an individual can be expected to live
-men is 76 years
-women is 81 years

health disparities

health differences that are linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantages
-MOST documented health disparities in the US

African Americans and health disparities

have a shorter life expectancy than European Americans
-higher infant mortality rates, homicide deaths, and rates of CVD, cancer mortality, and diabetes rates
-lower health expectancy
*inadequate medical treatment and access to medical care
*limited healt

Native Americans and health disparities

have a shorter life expectancy than European Americans
-higher rates of infectious illness
*low economic status, lack of access to medical care, and poor health literacy may also explain these disparities

Latino/a Americans and health disparities

do not show poorer health rates as much as African Americans do
-more likely to develop diabetes, obesity, and hypertension compared to European Americans

Asian Americans and health disparities

have a lower infant mortality, longer life expectancy, fewer lung and beast cancer deaths, and lower CVD rates than other ethnic groups
-have longest life expectancy and best health of any ethnic group in the US

Health disparities for those that have attended college?

live longer and healthier lives with lower rates of infectious and chronic diseases

challenges for health psychology

-acceptances by other health care practitioners
-escalating costs
-health psychologists need to justify the cost of their services

future challenges for health care

-helping older people achieve and maintain healthy and productive lifestyles and adjust to chronic illness diagnoses
-increasing diversity within the health care system to help reduce disparities

factors that contribute to high costs

-expensive technology
-administrative costs
-inappropriate treatments
-profit-orientated system

adjusting to changing health care needs

chronic illness is the leading cause of death but health care system is focused on providing acute care for sick people

increase primary prevention

immunizations and lifestyle changes that can prevent illness
-poses few risks and offers many benefits

increase secondary prevention

screenings for disease to treat people in early stages
-can be costly

cell phone use

college aged men and women equally likely to use seat belts
-women are more likely to use cell phones while driving

rape and sexual assault

3% of college women and 1% of college men have been raped in the past school year
-2 times as many women report being target of attempted rape
-10% of college students report emotional abuse in dating violence; 2% report physical abuse in last year


11% of college women and 8% of college men have contemplated suicide in the last school year
-2% have attempted suicide

3 elements of self compassion

1) self-kindness v. self-judgement
2) common humanity v. isolation
3) mindfulness v. over-identification

Five Languages of Love

1) Words of Affirmation
2) physical touch
3) receiving gifts
4) quality time
5) acts of service