On which types of outcome do poor people do worse than people from higher socioeconomic groups?

mental health, medical problems and educational achievement

Resources a child or family has in terms of skills and knowledge are?

human capital

Physical discipline is more likely to be used by ___ families because it ___.

poor; reduces short-term behavior

Poverty can be best described as..

an intergenerational cycle

Which type of intervention targets youths who are currently exhibiting mild to moderate levels of problems?


Who is the founder of Children's Defense Fund?

Marian Wright

What is the Children's Defense Fund?

a major nonpartisan group that advocates for children's issues

How many children are living in poverty?

1 in 6


generally defined by a lack of material resources

What was set as the poverty line for families of four by US federal guidelines?


Is poverty a static state?

-many more individuals are poor at some point in their lives that are poor at any given time

Where is poverty more common?

rural and suburban areas

What race of children is far more poor?

White children are far more poor than African American and Latino American children

Proportionally is being a racial or ethnic minority in the US linked to increased rates of poverty?


What does the image of unemployed poor people fail to notion?

the number of poor people who work in low-wage jobs that simply do not provide for their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing

White poor children and adults are more likely to commit crimes and end up in jails/prison


Poor people are more likely to be victims of all kinds of crime.


Poverty has a negative effect on?

-every developmental outcome
-educational attainment
-mental health
-emotional functioning
-physical development
-cognitive development
-romantic relationships
-early pregnancy
-life expectancy

Risk factor

associated with an increased likelihood of problems

According to Evans (2004) poor children are far more likely to...

experience high numbers of environmental risk factors than are middle-income children

Protective factors

positive influences in youths or their environments that reduce the impact of risk factors or otherwise increase the likelihood of positive outcomes in the presence of significant levels of risk

Examples of protective factors

-high-quality schools
-social services
-two-parent homes
-role models
-structural social activities

What is an essential question addressed in poverty research?

How poverty affects children and how people end up being poor in the first place?

Social class

defined with respect to children as a combination of parent income, parent education and parent occupation

Physical environment of low-SES child

-substandard construction
-greater noise
-greater exposure to environmental toxins
-more people living in small space
-fewer toys and books
-less playgrounds, parks

The most powerful mechanisms of poverty's influence on children operate through poverty's impact on how parents function in accordance with this general pathway

poverty->parent->child development

Top priorities for income?

food, shelter, transportation and clothing

Children maltreatment in all forms is more common among who?

poor youths

Basic fact of poverty?

being poor is incredibly stressful

As stress levels increase...

it becomes difficult to think clearly and negative emotions increase dramatically

What does poor parent's physical health interfere with?

their ability to parent effectively or to engage in active play with children

Evans (2004) described poor parents as less likely to own and read books to their children which causes...

their children to enter school with lower reading skills than their wealthier peers

Parents with less education have a limited number of jobs available to them which are most commonly?

jobs in the food, service or production industries

Parental resources can be conceptualized in economic terms as

financial, human and social capital

Financial capital

refers to material sources

Human capital

refers to skills and knowledge

Social capital

refers to resources and power afforded by social relationships

Extrafamilial social environment

-peer rejection
-differential treatment form teachers and school officials
-exposed to numerous models of problematic behaviors (crime)

T/F. Children who spend a large amount of their childhood in poverty tend to remain in a state of relative poverty when they become adults?



-more common among poor families
-results in a dramatic decrease in family income

What are the 3 basic preventative interventions (Institute of Medicine 1994)

universal, selective, indicated

Universal interventions

hearing and vision screenings or sex education
-apply to everyone regardless of any level of risk

Selective interventions

Head Start
-apply to groups of youths who are at elevated risk for future problems but who are not yet demonstrating problems

Indicated interventions

apply to children who are exhibiting subclinical levels of problems such as mild to moderate behavior problems but who do not meet criteria for psychiatric disorder

What type of preventative interventions are nearly always targeted to poor youths?

selective interventions

What are among the most basic selective interventions?

social welfare programs
-food stamps
-free and reduced school lunches
-time limited financial assistance for poor mothers and their children

Head Start

offers free preschool and numerous other services to poor children
-best know and most widely available

Nurse-Family Partnership

provides prenatal education and resources to young, single, first-time mothers and then provides parental education and in-home services for a time after the birth of a child