Cognitive Psych test one

A well designed laboratory experiment may use

reaction time, PET scans and error rates

The rehearsal process causes information to pass from the ____ to the ____ in the three-store model of human memory

short, long

The pattern recognition process causes information to pass from the ____ to the _____ in the three store model of human memory

long, short

The capacity to become aware of and report on mental representations and the processes that operate on them is called stages of _____


In an experiment on long-term memory, a psychologist presents subjects with a list of random words or a list of words used in a story that the subjects read. She measures the number of ideas recalled in each case. The list type in this experimental scenar

independent variable

In an experiment on long-term memory, a psychologist presented either a list of words or the same words used in a story. She measured the number of ideas recalled in each case. The number of ideas recalled is a(n)

dependent variable

A method used by cognitive psychologists to isolate the properties of a single stage of processing is called the

method of subtraction

Which of the following is true? (regarding emotion in cognitive research)

Emotion has traditionally not been studied by cognitive scientists, but it is today

Which physiological method of studying the brain provides the best spatial resolution?


Which of the following is not one possible meaning of the concept of consciousness?

Self-knowledge, informational access and sentience.

Mental representations: (the nature of)

is an unobservable internal code of information. The range of what is considered a mental representations, both conscious and unconscious.

A common behavioral measure in cognitive research is

verbal protocols, proportion of errors and reaction times.

Sentience is capacity for

raw sensations, feelings and subjective experiences.

A neuron includes dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. The dendrites in the neuron serves what function

receive signals from other neurons

A _____ pathway projects from the occipital lobe to the temporal lobe�the so-called "what pathway.


The _____ pathway projects from the occipital lobe to the parietal lobe�the "where pathway.


The most recently evolved part of the cerebral cortex, a part of the brain that is well-developed only in mammals, is called the


A psychologist's objective is to find evidence that one cognitive function is served by one brain region, while a different function is served by another brain region. To do this, the investigator seeks to find

double dissociations

An EEG signal that reflects the brain's response to the onset of a specific stimulus is called a(n)

event related potential

Two techniques that are now widely used provide an indirect measure of more localized brain activity, as compared to electrical scalp recordings. These two techniques are


A neuron includes dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. The axon is used for

transmitting a signal to other neurons

The four areas of the brain that make up the cerebral cortex are

frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobe

Recent research with fMRI has revealed a _____ network that is active when the mind is free to daydream, recollect about the past, or fantasize about the future


The default network of the brain includes

autobiographical memory, envisioning the future, theory of mind and moral decision making.

Electrophysiological measures of brain activity such as _____ and ____ show excellent temporal resolution. But it is not possible to identify the specific location, within a few millimeters, of the neuronal networks that generate the evoked potentials and


Which structure is not part of the visual pathway in the brain?

Frontal lobe

Failures of visual pattern recognition caused by brain lesioning are referred to as


The primary function of pattern recognition is

to add meaning to the sensory information. Transduction and perception of the stimulus in the environment and its categorization as a meaningful object.

Expectations about the identity of a stimulus are associated with

top-down processing

The word superiority effect shows

that letters are more rapidly recognized when presented as part of a word than when presented in isolation.

A mental representation that organizes knowledge about related concepts is called a


Complex objects are represented mentally by combinations of simple shapes called


Holistic processing contrasts with

analytic processing

A selective inability to recognize faces is called


blindsight refers to

damage to visual cortex but has consciousness OR of the primary visual cortex eliminates visual consciousness but not the second pathway accurate consciousness.

A stimulus may be seen in terms of its properties but not recognized as a meaningful object in the condition is


You decide to go to the community swimming pool. When you arrive, you see children jumping off the high-dive, two lifeguards, a woman swimming in a business suit, and an inflatable plastic ring. Based on your knowledge of schemas, what object would receiv

women swimming in a business suit

In the above question, what type of process was used on the object that received the greatest eye exploration?

top-down processing

Which type of perception process slows recognition of items?

between holistic and analytical

Feature analysis proposes that the human visual cortex analyzes stimuli in terms of

simple component features

Oliver Sacks wrote about a patient who mistook his wife for his hat and his foot for his shoe. This disorder illustrates

apperceptive agnosia

The illustration picturing a normal face, and a face with an upside-down mouth and upside-down eyes demonstrates

that faces are typically perceived holistically.

Neural cells in the ______ _____ are tuned to fire when stimulated by simple lines presented in a particular orientation.

occipital cortex

________ agnosia refers to a failure of pattern recognition caused by an inability to categorize objects at a perceptual level of analysis.


______ agnosia refers to a failure of pattern recognition caused by an inability to categorize objects at a function.


The visual pathway bringing information from the retina to the primary visual cortex passes through

optic chiasm, LGN and superior colliculus

The face processing module consists of a network of brain regions in the


The fusiform face area is part of the


The face module allows rapid, unconscious, and automatic processing as illustrated by

Personality traits

Between the ages of 1 and 4 months, infants can identify differences between

phonemes that they may loose later

Name two disciplines represented in the field of cognitive science and explain their contributions to the field.

The discipline of cognitive neuroscience uses neuroimaging methods to relate activity in the brain to behavioral
measurements. This contributes to psychology by helping understand the brain as a processor of information.
Another discipline of cognitive ps

Describe how the method of subtraction is used in an experiment with neuroimaging.

Method of subtraction is used to isolate the properties of a single stage of cognitive processing. A classic PET study
on how word names are retrieved from long-term memory uses the method of subtraction/ When participants are
shown words one at a time he

Explain how the visual system makes use of parallel processing in recognizing an object located across a room

Parellel recognition is when your brain processes two things, simultaneously. This would happen when looking at
an object across the room because the human brain has developed the capacity to perceive objects, faces and the
sounds of speech. Al of these p

Explain the depth-perception illusion pictured in figure 3.1 in your textbook. Why does it appear that a large creature is chasing a small creature?

Illusion related to depth perception. Normally, on object at a distance is perceived as small relative to an object identical in size viewed from close up. Cues in the drawing, such as the background lines converging from the bottom to the top of the pict

In a word perception experiment, the amount of sentence context was varied (0, 4, or 8 words). As the amount of context increased, the probability of perceptual recognition of the final target word also increased. Explain whether or not this reflects conc

The longer the exposure, the more data-driven processes should aid recognition. The data-driven pattern recognition analyzes the edges, lines, areas of light and dark, colors, sounds and other physical features available briefly in sensory memory.