Psych 101 Chapter 2

Goals of Scientific Enterprise

-Measurement and description
-Understanding and prediction
-Application and control

Measurement and Control

-Develop technique to describe behavior

Understanding and Prediction

-evaluate understanding and test hypotheses

Application and Control

-apply research to solve practical problems and assert control


a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables


measurable conditions, events, or behaviors that are controlled or observed in a study


a system of interrelated ideas used to explain observations

operational definition

describes actions or operations that are used to measure or control a variable

Independent variable

a condition an experimenter varies

Dependent variable

variable thought to be affected by manipulation of independent variable

Steps in Scientific Investigation

1) Form testable hypothesis
2)Select Research method and Design
3)Collect Data
4) Analyze Data
5) Report Findings

2) Research Method

-depends on question
-experiments, case studies, surveys, naturalistic observation


subjects whose behavior is observed

3) Collect Data

-direct observation
-psychological tests

data collection techniques

procedures for making empirical observations and measurements

Direct Observation

watch and record behavior as precisely as possible. Stop watch or video recorder used.


subjects given series of written questions designed to obtain info


face to face dialogue conducted to obtain info about subjects behavior

Physiological recording

instrument used to monitor and record physiological process in a subject. Ex. blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension

Psychological test

-subjects given a standardized measure to obtain sample of behavior

Examination of archival records

analyzes existing institutional records such as census, economic, medical, legal records.

4) Anaylze Data

use statistics

5) Report findings

journal: a periodical that publishes technical and scholarly material
-90% rejected

Advantages of Scientific Approach

-clarity and precision
-relative intolerance of error (objective data)
-yields more accurate and dependable info

Examples of Experiments

Sherman study : name realism: belief in one's objectivity and opponents subjectivity
Predicted that each person whether conservative or liberal will judge the other as extremists
-used survey
-actually supporters and rejectors not far apart in opinion on

Examples of Experiments 2

-Schacter: need for affliation: increase anxiety leads to increase need for comfort
-ID: anxiety level DV: desire to affliate
-Control: low anxiety level
-method: told study on electric shock. Told would receive a series of shocks would be painful. Others

Extraneous Variable

any variable other than independent that likely to influence results

Confounding of variables

-2 variables linked in a way that makes it difficult to sort out their special effects

random assignment

all subjects have equal chance of participating in any group in study

Advantages and disadvantages of Experimental Research

-permits conclusions about cause and effect
-limited because must create artificial situations to test.
-can't explore same research questions