Chapter 4: Gender and Sexuality


traits/characteristics/behaviors associated with a person's biological sex

What are some gender similarities and differences in aggression, social power, and social connectedness?

Men are more likely to be aggressive. Men are more likely to commit acts of physical aggression, while women are more likely to commit acts of relational aggression. Men tend to be more socially dominant. Women are more interdependent, preferring communic


any act meant physically or emotionally harm someone

relational aggression

an act of aggression intending to harm someone's relationship or social standing

How is our biological sex determined, and how do sex hormones influence prenatal and adolescent development?

Biological sex is determined by either XX (F) or XY (M); mother supplies X chromosome, father supplies either a second X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Testosterone triggers development of male sex organs during prenatal development. Adolescents undergo pu

X chromosome

sex chromosome found in both men and women

Y chromosome

sex chromosome found only in males


primary male sex hormone; stimulates growth and development of males during the prenatal and adolescent periods.

primary sex characteristics

reproductive organs; external genitalia; body structures that make reproduction possible

secondary sex characteristics

non-reproductive sexual traits; voice quality, body hair, breasts, hips;


first ejaculation; landmark of male sexual development


first menstrual period; landmark of female sexual development


displaying both male and female physical characteristics

How do gender roles and gender typing influence development?

As children grow up they create schemas that help them differentiate between "he" and "she." They discover they are one of the two and begin to search for clues in other areas as well. This helps shape their gender identity.


set of expectations about a social position; defines behavior in that position

gender role

set of social expectations that guide behavior for males and females

gender identity

personal sense of being male or female

social learning theory

theory suggests we learn social behavior by observing and imitating behavior and being rewarded or punished for it

gender typing

acquisition of a typical male or female role


displaying both male and female psychological characteristics


describes people whose gender identity/expression differs from the gender associated with their birth sex

How do hormones influence human sexual motivation?

The female sex hormones, called estrogens, peak during ovulation. During this time, her sexual interest is elevated, and men are more likely to find themselves sexually attracted to her. The male sex hormone, testosterone is also found in women where low


having no sexual attraction to others


female sex hormones; contributes to female characteristics; peaks during ovulation;

What is the human sexual response cycle, and how do sexual dysfunctions and paraphilias differ?

Excitement: swelling, pulse/blood pressure rise, lubricating. Plateau: pulse/blood pressure continue to rise, penis erect, secretions continue, clitoris retracts. Sexual dysfunctions impair a person's ability to complete this cycle. Paraphilias cause peop

sexual response cycle

four stages of sexual responding described by Masters and Johnson; excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution;

refractory period

resting period after orgasm; men cannot achieve another orgasm during this period, women can;

sexual dysfunction

problem that consistently impairs sexual arousal/function; impairs a person's ability to complete the sexual response cycle; erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, female orgasmic disorder;

erectile disorder

inability to develop or maintain an erection; insufficient bloodflow to penis

premature ejaculation

reaching sexual climax before man or partner wishes

female orgasmic disorder

distress about infrequently or never achieving orgasm


sexual arousal from fantasies, behaviors or urges involving nonhuman objects, suffering of self/others/nonconsenting persons;

How can sexually transmitted infections be prevented?

Protection during sex using a condom prevents the spread of most infections.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

life-threatening STI caused by HIV; depletes the immune system, leaving individual susceptible to infections;

How do external and imagined stimuli contribute to sexual arousal?

Watching and becoming aroused by erotic material helps men and women formulate sexual fantasies in their imagination. The material individuals expose themselves to affect their fantasies and expectations about sexual behavior.

What factors influence teenagers' sexual behaviors and use of contraceptives?

Communication about birth control, passion, alcohol use, media, intelligence, religious engagement, father presence, and service learning participation all have either negative or positive impacts on sexual development and pregnancy.

What has research taught us about sexual orientation?

If there are environmental factors that influence sexual orientation, we haven't found them. Homosexuality is a natural part of the animal world. There are several biological factors that influence sexual orientation including brain differences (hypothalm

sexual orientation

where we express the direction of our sexual interest; an enduring sexual attraction towards members of either one's own sex, the other sex, or both sexes;

How might evolutionary psychologists explain gender differences in sexuality and mating preferences?

They suggest that women and men will choose partners and behave sexually in ways that will best support their offspring. Women prefer wealthy men and men are attracted to the ratio between a woman's waist and hips. Women are more sexually cautious than me

evolutionary psychology

study of how our behavior and mind have changed in adaptive ways over time due to natural selection

natural selection

the principle that traits linked to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed onto succeeding generations

What are the key criticisms of evolutionary explanations human sexuality, and how do evolutionary psuchologitsts respond?

Evolutionary psychology's explanations of human sexuality have been criticized because they tend to find an effect and work backward to find the cause, their explanations are based on decisions ancestors made long ago and modern men may use these explanat

girls tend to play in small groups, while boys tend to play in large groups

Females and males are very similar to each other. But one way they differ is that


The fertilized egg will develop into a boy if it receives a(n) _____ chromosome from its father.

reproductive organs; non-reproductive traits

Primary sex characteriscs relate to ________ ________; secondary sex characteristics refer to ________ ________.

11; 13

On average, girls begin puberty at about the age of _____, boys at the about the age of ______.


Those born with sexual anatomy that differs from "standard" male or female babies may be considered ________.

expectations about the way males and females should behave

Gender roles refers to our

gender identity

When children have developed a ________ ________, they have a sense of being male or female.

sharp rise in sexual interest at puberty.

A striking effect of hormonal changes on human sexual behavior is the:

men experience a refractory period during which they cannot experience orgasm.

In describing the sexual response cycle, Masters and Johnson noted that:

does; doesn't

The use of condoms during sex _____ reduce the risk of getting HIV and _____ fully protect against skin-to-skin STIs.

a sexually explicit film.

An example of an external stimulus that might influence sexual behavior is:

alcohol use.

Factors contributing to unplanned teen pregnancies include:

environmental factors

Which factors have researchers thus far found to be unrelated to the development of our sexual orientation?

natural selection of the fittest adaptations.

Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to focus on:


traits/characteristics/behaviors associated with a person's biological sex

What are some gender similarities and differences in aggression, social power, and social connectedness?

Men are more likely to be aggressive. Men are more likely to commit acts of physical aggression, while women are more likely to commit acts of relational aggression. Men tend to be more socially dominant. Women are more interdependent, preferring communic


any act meant physically or emotionally harm someone

relational aggression

an act of aggression intending to harm someone's relationship or social standing

How is our biological sex determined, and how do sex hormones influence prenatal and adolescent development?

Biological sex is determined by either XX (F) or XY (M); mother supplies X chromosome, father supplies either a second X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Testosterone triggers development of male sex organs during prenatal development. Adolescents undergo pu

X chromosome

sex chromosome found in both men and women

Y chromosome

sex chromosome found only in males


primary male sex hormone; stimulates growth and development of males during the prenatal and adolescent periods.

primary sex characteristics

reproductive organs; external genitalia; body structures that make reproduction possible

secondary sex characteristics

non-reproductive sexual traits; voice quality, body hair, breasts, hips;


first ejaculation; landmark of male sexual development


first menstrual period; landmark of female sexual development


displaying both male and female physical characteristics

How do gender roles and gender typing influence development?

As children grow up they create schemas that help them differentiate between "he" and "she." They discover they are one of the two and begin to search for clues in other areas as well. This helps shape their gender identity.


set of expectations about a social position; defines behavior in that position

gender role

set of social expectations that guide behavior for males and females

gender identity

personal sense of being male or female

social learning theory

theory suggests we learn social behavior by observing and imitating behavior and being rewarded or punished for it

gender typing

acquisition of a typical male or female role


displaying both male and female psychological characteristics


describes people whose gender identity/expression differs from the gender associated with their birth sex

How do hormones influence human sexual motivation?

The female sex hormones, called estrogens, peak during ovulation. During this time, her sexual interest is elevated, and men are more likely to find themselves sexually attracted to her. The male sex hormone, testosterone is also found in women where low


having no sexual attraction to others


female sex hormones; contributes to female characteristics; peaks during ovulation;

What is the human sexual response cycle, and how do sexual dysfunctions and paraphilias differ?

Excitement: swelling, pulse/blood pressure rise, lubricating. Plateau: pulse/blood pressure continue to rise, penis erect, secretions continue, clitoris retracts. Sexual dysfunctions impair a person's ability to complete this cycle. Paraphilias cause peop

sexual response cycle

four stages of sexual responding described by Masters and Johnson; excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution;

refractory period

resting period after orgasm; men cannot achieve another orgasm during this period, women can;

sexual dysfunction

problem that consistently impairs sexual arousal/function; impairs a person's ability to complete the sexual response cycle; erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, female orgasmic disorder;

erectile disorder

inability to develop or maintain an erection; insufficient bloodflow to penis

premature ejaculation

reaching sexual climax before man or partner wishes

female orgasmic disorder

distress about infrequently or never achieving orgasm


sexual arousal from fantasies, behaviors or urges involving nonhuman objects, suffering of self/others/nonconsenting persons;

How can sexually transmitted infections be prevented?

Protection during sex using a condom prevents the spread of most infections.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

life-threatening STI caused by HIV; depletes the immune system, leaving individual susceptible to infections;

How do external and imagined stimuli contribute to sexual arousal?

Watching and becoming aroused by erotic material helps men and women formulate sexual fantasies in their imagination. The material individuals expose themselves to affect their fantasies and expectations about sexual behavior.

What factors influence teenagers' sexual behaviors and use of contraceptives?

Communication about birth control, passion, alcohol use, media, intelligence, religious engagement, father presence, and service learning participation all have either negative or positive impacts on sexual development and pregnancy.

What has research taught us about sexual orientation?

If there are environmental factors that influence sexual orientation, we haven't found them. Homosexuality is a natural part of the animal world. There are several biological factors that influence sexual orientation including brain differences (hypothalm

sexual orientation

where we express the direction of our sexual interest; an enduring sexual attraction towards members of either one's own sex, the other sex, or both sexes;

How might evolutionary psychologists explain gender differences in sexuality and mating preferences?

They suggest that women and men will choose partners and behave sexually in ways that will best support their offspring. Women prefer wealthy men and men are attracted to the ratio between a woman's waist and hips. Women are more sexually cautious than me

evolutionary psychology

study of how our behavior and mind have changed in adaptive ways over time due to natural selection

natural selection

the principle that traits linked to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed onto succeeding generations

What are the key criticisms of evolutionary explanations human sexuality, and how do evolutionary psuchologitsts respond?

Evolutionary psychology's explanations of human sexuality have been criticized because they tend to find an effect and work backward to find the cause, their explanations are based on decisions ancestors made long ago and modern men may use these explanat

girls tend to play in small groups, while boys tend to play in large groups

Females and males are very similar to each other. But one way they differ is that


The fertilized egg will develop into a boy if it receives a(n) _____ chromosome from its father.

reproductive organs; non-reproductive traits

Primary sex characteriscs relate to ________ ________; secondary sex characteristics refer to ________ ________.

11; 13

On average, girls begin puberty at about the age of _____, boys at the about the age of ______.


Those born with sexual anatomy that differs from "standard" male or female babies may be considered ________.

expectations about the way males and females should behave

Gender roles refers to our

gender identity

When children have developed a ________ ________, they have a sense of being male or female.

sharp rise in sexual interest at puberty.

A striking effect of hormonal changes on human sexual behavior is the:

men experience a refractory period during which they cannot experience orgasm.

In describing the sexual response cycle, Masters and Johnson noted that:

does; doesn't

The use of condoms during sex _____ reduce the risk of getting HIV and _____ fully protect against skin-to-skin STIs.

a sexually explicit film.

An example of an external stimulus that might influence sexual behavior is:

alcohol use.

Factors contributing to unplanned teen pregnancies include:

environmental factors

Which factors have researchers thus far found to be unrelated to the development of our sexual orientation?

natural selection of the fittest adaptations.

Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to focus on: