Psych Final: Disorders of the Mind and Body Part 2


Feelings of apprehension, tension, and worry. Serves as our adaptive function (our physical and mental alarm system)

pathological anxiety

provoked by exaggerated or nonexistent threats; response is disproportional; uncontrollable (can't shut off alarm reaction), disruptive (interferes with relationships and daily life).

phobic disorder

intense, irrational fear triggered by a specific object or situation.

specific phobia

fear of a specific object or situation and go out of their way to avoid it even through it's irrational.


fear of clowns (VIDEO)

Four phobias

Fear of particular situations (1), fear of features of natural environment (2), fear of injury of blood (3), fear of animals and insects (4)

social anxiety disorder or social phobia

extreme and irrational fear of being embarrassed, judged, or scrutinized by others in social situations. includes fear of crowds, public speaking, speaking in class, meeting new people.

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

global, persistent, excessive, and chronic apprehension. not worrying about one specific thing; "free floating", hyper-vigilance (constantly on alert for problems). physical symptoms: distractability, fatigue, sleep disturb., headaches, psychomotor agitat

panic disorder

involves sudden onset of rapid escalating attack of terror. panic attacks (sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, dizziness, lightheadedness) source not really known; sometimes stress.


fear of not being able to escape or get help in case of a panic attack. results in a pervasive avoidance of situations outside of the home or in a crowd.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

recurrent obsessions (thoughts) or compulsions (actions) that are severe enough to be time-consuming or cause distress or impairment.


persistent repeated, intrusive, uncontrollable thoughts or mental images. cause great anxiety and distress. little or no basis in reality.


unwanted repetitive actions performed to alleviate obsessions. may be overt physical behavior or covert mental behavior.

explaining anxiety disorder

cognitive (anxious ppl tend to perceive ambiguous situations as threatening; overestimating danger of environment.), situational, biological.

mood disorders

serious, persistent disturbance in one's emotion. causes psychological discomfort, impairs normal functioning, or both. 2 categories: depressive and bipolar disorders.

major depression

characterized by depressed or irritable mood, less of interest in pleasurable activities (anhedonia), sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, social withdrawal. changes in appetite and sleep. most common mental disorder.

dangers of untreated mental disorders

result in ineffective coping mechanisms such as self-injurious behavior, drinking, drug use. even suicide.

dysthymic disorder

chronic and persistent low-grade depression nearly every day for more than two years. less intense symptoms of depression; chronic low energy, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating.

bipolar disorder

oscillating between mania and depression; extreme mood swings.


elevated mood (euphoria), high energy and racing thoughts, frenzied goal-directed behavior and multiple activities, rapid speech, impaired functioning and poor judgment, invincibility, decreased need for sleep.

explaining mood disorders

genetic component, deficiency of serotonin and norepineprine.brain differences, biological rhythms, negative life events, lack of interpersonal support, chronic stress, negative self-thought, cognitive distortions

learned helplessness

when people feel unable to control the events around them they become passive and unresponsive. saligman experiment.

eating disorders

serious and maladaptive disturbance in eating behavior. two main diagnosis: anorexia and bulimia nervosa.

anorexia nervosa

characterized by restriction of food intake. weight is below 85% of normal weight. high preoccupation with thoughts about food.

bulimia nervosa

characterized by binge-purge episodes. strong feelings of negative body image.


eating a very large amount of food with some sense of lack of control around the episode.


eliminating the food through self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas or excessive exercise.