Chapter 10

What is the main problem with using polygraph results as an indication of whether or not a person is lying?

Different emotions can cause the same physiological changes.

According to the facial-feedback hypothesis:

facial expressions can actually determine our emotional experience.

The _____, a limbic system structure, is strongly involved in our experience of emotion.


Tim and Margaret are enjoying a picnic on the edge of a large forest. Suddenly, a huge black bear invades their space and heads for the picnic basket. According to the James Lange theory of emotions, the couple will

run away and then experience the emotion of fear as a result of the physical changes in their bodies.

The most effective element of the polygraph test lies in the

belief it is accurate in detecting deception.

Sarah, from Tahiti, reports experiencing musu. She is experiencing a:

feeling of reluctance to yield to unreasonable demands made by one's parents.

With respect to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, more recent research:

has disconfirmed the idea that emotional experiences are controlled by the thalamus.

According to the James-Lange theory of emotions, crying over spilled milk will result in

sorrow because you are crying.

Hakiro, a Japanese, reports experiencing hagaii. He is experiencing a:

mood of vulnerable heartache colored by frustration.

Which of the following best describes the male participants' thoughts/feelings regarding the female experimenter in the Capilano River Bridge Experiment?

Men found the experimenter on the high bridge more sexually attractive than the one on the low bridge.

Dr. Lynch shows a) members of a preliterate Andean culture and b) American college students a series of photos of either Andeans or Americans displaying emotional expressions. She asks Andeans and Americans to identify the emotion displayed in each photo.

Participants should identify emotions accurately both when they are displayed by members of their own cultural group and when they are displayed by members of the other group.

Which of the following are included in the definition of emotion?

All of these

The concept of visceral experience can be attributed to which of the following theories of emotion?


One of Cannon's major objections to the James-Lange theory of emotion was that:

physiological arousal alone leads to the perception of emotion.

A professor conducts an experiment in which she asks her students to either hold a pen between their teeth or hold a pen between their lips. After five minutes, she finds that the students who held the pen between their teeth reported being happier than t

facial feedback hypothesis.

According to the _____ theory of emotion, emotional experience is a reaction to bodily events occurring as a result of an external situation.


In PET scan studies, participants have been asked to recall either very happy or very sad events. What did the results of such studies show?

the two emotions produced opposite patterns of activation in certain areas of the brain.

Max, a German, reports experiencing schadenfreude. He is experiencing a:

feeling of pleasure over another person's difficulties

Fight-or-flight" responses entail activity of the _____ nervous system.


Which alternative below correctly identifies one of the results in Schachter and Singer's experiment?

The confederate's behavior had the expected effect on participants' emotional state.

According to the two-factor theory, if Shelby wants her boyfriend to find her more attractive, she should approach him after

bungee jumping

What effect, if any, does engaging in altruistic behavior have on one's well-being?

increases happiness

According to the text, the functions of emotions include which of the following?

Helping us interact more effectively with others

It seemed like the two cars crossed the finish line at exactly the same time," the commentator yelled. Which theory of emotion most closely resembles this outcome?


Which of the following theories is best supported by the facial feedback hypothesis?


Polygraph examiners can

record physiological responses.

Which of the following is true of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

in some cases providing rewards for desirable behavior actually may decrease intrinsic motivation.

Which of the following is most related to extrinsic motivation?


Which of the following statements best expresses the fate of instinct approaches to motivation within mainstream psychology?

Instinct approaches to motivation still play a role in certain theories, especially those based on evolutionary approaches that focus on our genetic inheritance.

According to Abraham Maslow, a major prerequisite for becoming self-actualized is having:

all of one's lower-order needs fulfilled.

After being in a car accident, Sally's ventromedial hypothalamus was severely damaged. She should expect that she will

gain weight rapidly.

When you exercise, you begin breathing more rapidly to provide oxygen to your cells. This increase in breathing is an attempt to restore


The arousal approach to motivation suggests that:

if levels of stimulation and activity are too low, we will try to increase them by seeking stimulation.

Charlotte meets Will, an old high school friend, at a party and is startled to learn his weight increased from 150 to 280 pounds in the year since his automobile accident. Damage to which hypothalamic nucleus might account for his weight gain?


_____ leads the body to store excess sugar in the blood as fats and carbohydrates.


Declan, a PhD candidate, tells his department's undergraduate student organization that his dissertation research is in the area of motivation. Declan is investigating:

the factors that direct and energize the behavior of humans and other organisms.

You just ran a marathon in very hot weather and perspired heavily. According to drive reduction theory, your body will have a(n) ________ for water, which will produce a(n) ________ for water, which will lead to a ________ to get water.

need; drive; motivation

Paris thinks her best friend, Nicole, may be suffering from an undiagnosed case of anorexia nervosa. She shares her concerns with Nicole, but Nicole insists that anorexia nervosa is "no big deal." What is the most serious consequence of anorexia nervosa?

It has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder.

According to Maslow, self-actualization is possible

only after all other needs have been fulfilled.

Each semester, during advising week, Dylan asks his faculty advisor to identify the easiest courses and teachers that would satisfy his degree requirements. Dylan's need for achievement is probably:


How do arousal approaches to motivation differ from drive-reduction approaches?

Arousal approaches suggest that we are sometimes motivated to increase rather than decrease our level of stimulation.

Motivational tension that energizes behavior to fulfill a need is termed a(n):


_____ refers to the factors that direct and energize the behavior of humans and other organisms.


The impact of extrinsic motivation depends on

the behavior being rewarded.

Which of the following individuals is most at risk for developing anorexia nervosa?

Jill is 17 and lives in the suburbs.

To which of the following behaviors is drive theory LEAST applicable?

Studying long hours

I am so tired of dieting. It seems like it controls my life. I wonder what my real weight would be if I just ate only when I'm hungry." This dieter is curious about her

set point

As many as _____ of women suffer from bulimia at some point in their lives.


According to self-determination theory, _____ is the need to be involved in close, warm relationships with others.


A marathon runner would best be served by eating ________ prior to a race.


_____ is the rate at which food is converted to energy and expended by the body.


People with a BMI greater than 30 are considered:


Drive-reduction approaches first appeared in the psychology of motivation in the:


What happens when your blood sugar level gets too low?

you feel hungry

If you had to write a research paper on Maslow's hierarchy of motives, which of the following titles would you choose to capture the essence of Maslow's theory?

Be all that you can be, from eating right to feeling content."
"Easy come, easy go.

According to self-determination theory, _____ is the need to produce desired outcomes.


The _____ is a tendency to seek impact, control, or influence over others and to be seen as an influential individual.

need for power

Meghan is bulimic. Which of the following statements is MOST LIKELY to be accurate?

Meghan is neither more nor less likely than other individuals of her age to be overweight.

Society's view of the ideal body:

varies from one culture to another.

How often should you exercise?

At least 30 consecutive minutes, three times each week

Of the following individuals, whose behavior may most easily be explained using an arousal approach to motivation?

Artie, who loves to bungee jump

The act of going to the refrigerator because you are hungry best represents a(n)


A sprinter would best be served by eating ________ prior to a race.


Paige is an expert at golf and is bored by the thought of the upcoming tournament. Mary is pretty good at golf and is somewhat excited but not overly anxious about the tournament. Sara has only recently learned to play but has very high expectations and i


After watching an episode of the Dr. Phil TV show, Shanae wonders why anyone would want to air their interpersonal dirty laundry in front of 70 million viewers. Shanae is most likely wondering about the ________ of Dr. Phil's guests.


You stayed up all night to study for a math exam. After the test, you returned to your dorm room and slept for seven hours. Your sleeping behavior was regulated by the body's tendency to maintain


Incentive approaches to motivation are:

theories suggesting that motivation stems from the desire to obtain valued external goals.

What is homeostasis?

A built-in tendency to regulate bodily conditions

The _____ is an interest in establishing and maintaining relationships with other people.

need for affiliation

While free breakfast and lunches provided at school are an attempt to satisfy one of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, students may still fail to achieve unless they

feel safe at school.

Learning to perform a task so well that it becomes automatic is referred to as


Though her weight is normal, Ashley is terrified of becoming heavy. She knows she should stick to a healthy diet, but she often consumes huge servings of junk food�up to 5,000 calories in one sitting. Desperate to keep from gaining weight, she then uses l

bulimia nervosa

According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, optimum performance is achieved when one is

moderately anxious.

Shellie takes college courses that interest her and enjoys learning for its own sake; Tori takes courses in which she is fairly certain she'll do well and studies mainly to ensure good grades. Shellie is _____ motivated; Tori, _____ motivated.

intrinsically; extrinsically

A state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential in their own unique way is known as _____ in Maslow's model.


Research on delayed gratification indicates that the best way to resist temptation is to

focus on other activities rather than the forbidden activity.

Dance like no one's watching. Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt," exhorts a sign on Dr. Elliott's office door. This sign underscores the importance of _____ motivation.


Dr. Know-It-All hosts a TV talk show. One of his guests, Joe College, complains of his intense annoyance with people who talk on their cell phones while driving. Joe asks Dr. Know-It-All to explain why he reacts so strongly to this type of situation. Dr.

No-most behavior is too complex to be explained on the basis of instinct.

_____ is a severe eating disorder in which people may refuse to eat while denying that their behavior and appearance�which can become skeleton-like�are unusual.

Anorexia nervosa

Danielle is a normal weight female, whereas Ron is an obese male. Whenever Danielle and Ron go out to dinner together, Ron always eats more food. Ron, a psychology major, correctly explains this difference in food intake by pointing out that

he has more fat cells than Danielle and he is not satiated until all his fat cells are full.

Which approach to motivation is CORRECTLY paired with a behavior to which it is especially appropriate?


In the U.S., about _____% of the population is overweight; nearly _____% are obese.

65; 25

According to Maslow, before you can feel safe, you need to

be satisfied physically.

According to Maslow, Kenny probably has trouble committing to a relationship because

his expectations are too high.

Ray played basketball all of his life because he loved the sport. He became so good that he was given the opportunity to play professionally and eventually he signed a very lucrative contract. After that contract ran out, the team offered him slightly mor

The extrinsic motivation had replaced Ray's intrinsic motivation to play.

