PSY-111 Final Exam Practice Questions MOD 10-17

You would expect an individual at a higher level of moral development to show an increase in concern over

the ethics of a person's actions.

The nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate refers to


Parents using the ________ parenting style give strict rules to their children with little discussion of the reasons for the rules.


At the preconventional level of moral development, individuals decide right and wrong based on

punishments or rewards.

If 20-year-old Peter is unsure of what he should do with his life and where he fits in, Erikson would most likely agree that Peter did not successfully complete the stage of

identity vs. identity confusion.

The symptoms of FASD are most likely to include

learning disabilities.

Which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development is characterized by egocentric thought?


Richie's parents place no demands on him, and they place no rules or restrictions on his behavior. They are exhibiting a(n) ________ parenting style.


The ability to use abstract concepts is a key component of the ________ stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

formal operations

Incorporating new information into existing theories is to ________ as modifying existing theories in light of new information is to ________.

assimilation; accommodation

The process of sexual maturation that takes place at the beginning of adolescence is called


Infant Caleb can be taken just about anywhere and seems to flourish in new surroundings. His temperament is best described as


Dr. Mason's main research interest is the long term effects of child-rearing practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that Dr. Mason is a ________ psychologist.


Erikson's theory is based on the assumption that

each person faces a set of predictable life-changing challenges at various stages of life.

A newly pregnant woman is warned by a doctor about teratogens. Which of the following does the doctor mention?


________ refers to a child's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding.


Puberty marks the onset of


The majority of children of divorced parents

do not have adjustment problems.

The nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate refers to


The spoiled child within you is to the id as the referee within you is to the


When Peter is not biting his nails, he is chewing on a pencil. Freud would argue that Peter is fixated at the ________ stage.


Darin had an automobile accident in which his brother and another passenger were killed. Though Darin was not seriously hurt in the accident, he cannot remember any of the accident details. Darin is unconsciously engaging in which ego defense mechanism?


Carolyn was reared in a home where high moral principles dominated. She has attended Sunday school and church since early childhood. In high school, her boyfriend talked her into "sleeping" with him. According to Freud, which personality structure ruled C


Lionel works with a bomb disposal unit and does not worry about his safety. Which defense mechanism does he engage in at work?


Vickie is doing a research paper on projective personality tests. What conclusions should she draw regarding the Rorschach inkblot test?

Many psychologists have questioned the reliability and validity of the test.

What defense mechanism is being used when the ego transforms the unacceptable (e.g., looking at pornography) into the acceptable (e.g., becoming a vocal advocate against pornography)?

reaction formation

According to Freud, the ego is referred to as a mediator because it

must balance the needs of the id, superego, and reality.

Blake secretly cheated on his girlfriend and now he is constantly accusing her of harboring desires for other people. What defense mechanism is Blake using?


George's cubicle at work is spotless. Everything on his desk is arranged according to a specific purpose. He gets very agitated if something is moved or rearranged. Freud might argue that George is fixated at the ________ stage.


If Marcy is feeling guilty about lying to her mother, Freud would argue that her ________ is making her feel this way.


Reggie joins the football team to please his father. According to Rogers, this is an example of

conditions of worth.

Maslow would argue that Gus went back to school at age forty because

he chose to fully develop his potential.

According to ________, the person, the person's behavior, and the environment all influence one another in a pattern of two-way causal links.

reciprocal determinism

What approach to personality assumes that humans have free will?


Projective tests are most closely aligned with which perspective on personality?


According to Maslow, before you can feel safe, you need to

be satisfied physically.

The act of going to the refrigerator because you are hungry best represents a(n)


Though her weight is normal, Ashley is terrified of becoming heavy. She knows she should stick to a healthy diet, but she often consumes huge servings of junk food�up to 5,000 calories in one sitting. Desperate to keep from gaining weight, she then uses l

bulimia nervosa.

A thermostat in your house is a good analogy for


When Ginny's mother looks at her, she sees a bone thin person. When Ginny looks at herself in the mirror, she sees a person who could stand to lose a few more pounds. Ginny is most likely suffering from

anorexia nervosa.

After being in a car accident, Sally's ventromedial hypothalamus was severely damaged. She should expect that she will

gain weight rapidly.

The highest and most elusive of Maslow's needs is


Many elementary teachers offer prizes for students who read the most books during the school year. The failure of many students to read over the summer may be due to a lack of

extrinsic motivation.

According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, optimum performance is achieved when one is

moderately anxious.

Monica has had a very emotionally draining day, but she is not really sure what she is feeling. She takes a quiet moment to herself and starts to cry. After observing this bodily reaction, she decides that she must be sad. This example of emotional recogn


The Cannon-Bard theory predicts that after witnessing a shocking event, a person will

experience physical and emotional reactions simultaneously.

Polygraph examiners can

record physiological responses.

Which of the following are included in the definition of emotion?

All of these. (feeling/thinking/behaving)

A professor conducts an experiment in which she asks her students to either hold a pen between their teeth or hold a pen between their lips. After five minutes, she finds that the students who held the pen between their teeth reported being happier than t

facial feedback hypothesis.

Research suggests that _______ increases happiness for many people.

spending money on others

The general adaptation syndrome refers to the

body's response to stressors.

If the body's all-out effort to combat stress fails and the stress persists, the individual moves into the ________ stage of the GAS.


Who is experiencing the benefits of social support?

Ava joined a weight-watchers club.

Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

Your heart begins to race as your teacher announces that there is a pop quiz on the reading material that was assigned last night. What stage of the GAS are you experiencing?


Mark is excited about the big presentation he is going to give the board of directors this morning. Although he stayed up most of the night perfecting the presentation, he feels energized and ready to go. Mark is exhibiting


The circumstances that threaten a person or tax his/her coping abilities are called

emotion generators.

Rosemary is interested in studying the relationships between emotion, the nervous system, and the immune system. She would be most interested in the field of


Which individual will cope most successfully with stress?

Tara exercises regularly.

Jillian cannot bear to leave her home without washing the floors, vacuuming the carpets, and organizing everything in her cupboards. She knows that her behavior is extreme but when she tries to go to work without doing all of these things, she is overcome

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Which of the following is a necessary criterion for a diagnosis of personality disorder?

chronic maladaptive behavior

John has sudden attacks of intense fear in which his heart races, he feels faint, and he has trouble catching his breath. During these attacks, he worries that he is going to die. From this description, it sounds like John has

panic disorder.

Evette believes that she must touch the door knob seven times before she opens the door so that her mother will not become deathly ill. What is her compulsion?

touching the door knob

A person experiencing a manic episode may

All of these. (sleep very little/be impulsive/feel euphoric)

Mrs. Johnson recently returned home after being gone for nearly five months. She has no memory associated with those five months. She most likely experienced a(n)

dissociative fugue.

When Sandra was 18 years old, she was in a serious car accident. Although she made a full recovery from her injuries, she experienced extreme anxiety afterward. Sandra is now very anxious when driving, will not drive near the site of the accident, has nig

post-traumatic stress disorder.

Evan decided to take an F in English class rather than have to get up in front of the class to make an oral presentation. Evan probably suffers from

a social anxiety disorder

Carla is afraid to use any toilet other than the one in her home. She will go to any length to avoid using a public restroom or the washrooms at her friends' houses. Carla is most likely suffering from

phobic disorder.

Joshua has received low grades in math throughout his school years. In the lower grades, he would study hard, but the results were always the same. Eventually, he stopped trying to do better in math because nothing seemed to work. Joshua has developed

learned helplessness.

Dora has been up for two straight days remodeling her bathroom. She has not eaten or taken a break and is still full of energy. Dora may be exhibiting a

manic episode.

When driving to work, Darren believes that he is receiving a secret message from the government through his car radio. He spends most of his days trying to warn others about an impending invasion from outer space that the voice on his radio has been telli


Brad seems to be in a continuous state of anxiety though he is unable to identify the source of his feelings. The most likely diagnosis for Brad is ________ disorder.

generalized anxiety

Last week your roommate Delia would not get out of bed. However, this morning she rushes into your room and hands you a three hundred page paper that she said she started writing yesterday afternoon. Delia may be suffering from

bipolar disorder.

Frank believes that he is the most skilled fisherman and that, when he is out on the lake, thousands of people with binoculars are watching his every move in the hopes of discovering his technique. This is an example of ________ in schizophrenia.

a delusion

Sarah can't help feeling sad most of the time. It upsets her that she cannot be happy. Her behavior best fits which criteria for defining abnormality?

subjective distress

Maria has been sad for over three weeks. She cannot eat, sleep, or concentrate, and is constantly crying. She has lost interest in her usual activities. Maria would likely be diagnosed with

Major depression

Horatio is insecure and lacks a sense of identity. He often clings to new friends and then hates them a few weeks later. He has an intense fear of rejection and abandonment. His behavior best fits which personality disorder?


Sharon is seeing a new doctor after many different medications have failed to help with her condition. This doctor tells her that many well-designed studies suggest that electroconvulsive therapy is effective in the treatment of


According to Freud, getting people to talk freely

allows their deepest thoughts to emerge.

Your therapist, Dr. Schmitt, tells you that he practices eclectic therapy. This means that he

uses techniques from a variety of therapeutic models.

Abnormal behavior is the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts." This statement would likely be made by a psychologist who practices ________ therapy.


Ann has a spider phobia. During her first therapy session, her therapist plans to expose Ann to live spiders for the whole 50-minute session. Her therapist is going to use the technique called


Psychotherapeutic drugs are primarily used to treat

All of these. (anxiety disorders/mood disorders/schizophrenia)

The therapy that is based on the assumption that abnormal behavior is due to self-defeating and irrational beliefs is

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Dr. Houltin is a therapist who believes that it is important for clients to share information and provide feedback to each other. Dr. Houltin is practicing ________ therapy.


Sherice started seeing a psychotherapist because of marital problems. She is unhappy because she feels her husband does not give her enough attention. After several sessions, she is quite taken with her male therapist because he gives her undivided attent


Which of the following is a mental health professional?

All of these. (clinical social worker/psychologist/psychiatrist)

Psychoanalysts attempt to eliminate self-defeating behaviors by

bringing unconscious material to consciousness.

Dr. Patterson engages in reflective listening with her depressed client. She waits for him to express his feelings and for him to decide what he wants to do about his problems. Dr. Patterson is practicing ________ psychotherapy.


Frank has been seeing a therapist about his spider phobia. The therapist first asked Frank to describe what it is about spiders that frightens him and these fears were then put in order from least to most frightening. The therapist then taught Frank muscl

systematic desensitization.

Judy thinks she is depressed because of her teacher's criticism of her term paper. Judy's therapist explains to her that Judy's own irrational belief--that the criticism means she is stupid--is really why she is depressed. Judy is likely to be seeing a th

rational emotive behavior

As part of a smoking cessation program, Paul receives an injection of a nausea-inducing drug and then is asked to smoke a cigarette. Even though he knows he is receiving the drug, it is hoped that Paul will associate the nausea symptoms with smoking and w

aversion therapy.

________ is an important element of altruism.


Conformity is to obedience as

Asch is to Milgram.

Chuck just met Elle, a new Harvard law school student. Although Elle is very intelligent, she looks more like a blonde beauty queen than a law school student. Chuck thinks that someone as beautiful as Elle is much less likely to do well in school. Chuck's


The bystander effect occurs because

All of these (we tend to look to the behavior of others for cues about what to do/if no one else is helping, we assume help is not needed/responsibility is diffused among witnesses)

Michael is the new department head. He expects everyone to "get on board" with his restructuring of the department, and he publicly reprimands anyone who disagrees with his new policies. On the other hand, Michael praises department members for unanimity,


Allison is at a workshop where a presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but potentially profitable financial investment. Alison finds this person's idea compelling and decides to invest. This example best demonstrates the

central route to persuasion.

Hugh bought a new calculator at Staples for $125. One week later, he saw an ad from Wal-Mart showing the same calculator on sale for $65. Hugh said to himself, "I'm glad I got my calculator at Staples; the ones at Wal-Mart are probably defective. I don't

cognitive dissonance reduction.

The light turns green and Kaylee is about to go. A man driving a red truck goes speeding through the red light. Mentally, Kaylee calls him a jerk and thinks to herself that his license should be revoked. Kaylee may be committing the ________ error.

fundamental attribution

Katie, who is moderately liberal, attends a very liberal college. After four years at this college, Katie is likely to

become more liberal as a result of group polarization.

Am I as popular as Cathy?" This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of

social comparison.

Norman Triplett accurately predicted that bicycle-racing times would be faster when individuals raced in groups. This effect is currently explained by the modern construct of

social facilitation.

Six people are competing in a tug-of-war competition. First they compete as individuals and then they compete as a team. When competing as a team, their combined effort level is likely to be

less than the sum of their individual efforts.