Classical Conditioning Vocab

Unconditioning Stimulus

A stimulus that occurs naturally and automattically triggers a response

Unconditioned response

An unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus (reflex)

Neutral stimulus

A stimulus that does not produce any specific response (no effect)

Conditioned response

a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

A previously neutral stimulus that after being associated with the unconditioned stimulus will trigger a conditioned response


The initial stage of the learning on conditioning process (response is reinforced-->neutral stimulus with conditioned response)


The lowering of the probablility of a response when a reinforcing stimulus is no longer present

Stimulus Generalisation

The tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response after the response has been conditioned

Stimulus discrimination

Process by which an organism learns to respond only to a specific stimulus and not to other stimuli

Higher order conditioning

a procedure in which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through association with an already established conditioned stimulus.