

mental activities involved in acquiring, retaining, and using knowledge


manipulation of mental representations to draw inferences and conclusions

Mental image

mental representation of objects or events that are not present


mental category of objects, events, situations, or ideas based on shared properties

Formal concept

mental category formed by learning rules; follows rigid rules, not usually intuitive (definition of a polygon)

Natural concept

mental category formed by everyday experience; results from everyday experience (name some vehicles)


most typical or best example of a concept


we store individual instances or examples of a concept in memory

Problem solving

thinking and behavior directed toward attaining a goal that is not readily available

Trial and Error

Actually trying a variety of solutions and eliminating those that do not work


A procedure or method that when followed step by step, always produces the correct solution


Strategy that involves following a general rule of thumb to reduce the number of possible solutions

Subgoals heuristic

break down into smaller goals and work toward one subgoal at a time

Working backward heuristic

identify the end goal and then the steps to get there


involves a sudden realization of how a problem can be solved.


Coming to a conclusion without conscious awareness of the thought processes involved

Single-feature model

make a decision by focusing on only one feature

Additive model

systematically evaluate the important features of each alternative

Elimination by aspects model

rate choices based on features; eliminate those that do not meet the desired criteria, despite other desirable characteristics

The belief-bias effect

accept evidence that confirms a belief; ignore or reject contrary evidence

Confirmation bias

search for information that confirms a belief; no effort for other info

Developmental Psychology

The study of psychological changes across the life span - physical, mental, and social changes from conception to old age.


the unique combination of alleles of an organism


observable traits and other characteristics of an organism as determined by the interaction of genetics and environmental factors.


children are active thinkers, constantly trying to construct more advanced understandings of the world


process of taking new information or a new experience and fitting it into an already existing schema


process by which existing schemas are changed or new schemas are created in order to fit new information