psychology review


Behavior patterns genetically transmitted from generation to generation.


A stimulus that moves a person to behave in ways designed to accomplish a specific goal.


A tendency to maintain a state of equilibrium in the body.


The forces that motivate an organism.

Self-actualization refers to the need to become what one is capable of being.


A need is a stimulus that moves a person to behave in ways designed to accomplish a specific goal.

False. Motive

Homeostasis works like a thermostat.


Biological needs and psychological needs give rise to___


Abraham Maslow devised a ___ to organize human requirements that may be lacking.

Hierarchy of needs.

I am the 'start eating center' in the brain

Lateral Hypothalamus

I am the part of the brain involved in the regulation of body temperature and various aspects of psychological motivation


Psychological Factors

in addition to heredity, I also play a role in obesity.


ability to keep alive or sustain with nourishment

Ventromedical hypothalmus

part of the brain that functions as a "stop eating" center.

Lateral Hypothalamus

Part of the brain that functions as a "start eating" center


Applies to more than six out of ten adult Americans.

The lateral hyptothalamus is the "stop eating" center of the brain.

false. ventromedical hypothalamus.

Both heredity and psychological factors are causes of weight loss.

False. Causes of obesity.

People who are driven to get ahead are said to have high___

Achievement motivation

___ include sensory stimulation, activity, exploration, and manipulation of the environment.

Stimulus Motives

According to ___, people need to organize their perceptions, opinions, and beliefs in a harmonious manner.

Balance theory

____ include good grades and a good income.

Extrinsic rewards.

I am the theory that believes people want their thoughts and attitudes to be consistent with their actions

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

I satisfy learning goals with qualities such as self- satisfaction

Intrinsic Rewards

Theories of emotions

James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and cognitive appraisal are examples.


States of feeling


A feeling that tends to be between the extremes of happiness or sadness

Facial expressions

These often express the six basic emotions.

Opponent-process theory

Emotions often come in pairs, with one emotion being followed by its opposite.


Positive ones make life worth living and negative ones make life difficult.

Emotions are states of feeling that can be positive, negative, or neutral.


Body language expresses six basic emotions.

False. Facial expressions

The cognitive appraisal theory of emotions, developed by Richard Solomon, states that emotions often come in pairs.

False. Opponent-process theory.


An aspect of personality that is considered to be relatively stable.


People who tend to be active. self-expressive, and gain energy from other people.


The patterns of feelings, motives, and behavior that set people apart.

five-factor model

Many psychologists consider these to be the basic factors or dimensions of personality.


People who tend to be imaginative and to look inward.

Extroverts tend to look inward rather than to other people for ideas.

False. Introverts

Introverts and extroverts are at opposite poles.


A trait is an aspect of personality.


I am the psychological structure in the mind that represents reason and good sense.


I embody ideas and images of the experience of all human beings


I am the defense mechanism that uses self-deception to justify unacceptable behaviors or ideas.


I send my impulses outward on to other people. seeing my faults in other people


I remove anxiety-causing ideas from consciousness by pushing them into unconscious.



An individual under stress returns to behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development.

Inferiority Complex

Feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

Defense mechanisms

Methods the ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions that may cause anxiety.


Psychological structure in the mind that represents basic drives such as hunger.

Collective unconscious

A store of human concepts shared by all people across all cultures.

I n my 1928 novel Walden Tow, I describes a Utopian society in which people are happy and content

B.F Skinner

I conducted a famous experiment known as the Bobo Doll study

Albert Bandera

I am limited in my ability to explain personality because i do not describe or explain inner human experience.


Social-learning theory, like behaviorism, does not pay enough attention to the role I play in determining individual differences in behavior.

Genetic Heritage

Sociocultural psychology

Focuses on the roles that ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and culture play in shaping personality and behavior.


Consistency between one's self-concept and one's experience.


A view of adapting to a new or different culture.


Process of adapting to a new or different culture.

Humanistic psychology

Focuses on self-awareness, self-fulfillment, and ethical conduct.