Psych Exam 1 Study Set 2


William James, looking into evolutionary reasons for why we have consciousness and do other things


Edward Bradford Titchner, having people look into their own mind and self-report their feelings.

Humanistic psychology

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, looking to how current environmental influences can nurture or limit our growth potential. Also importance of having needs for love and acceptance


C.S. Lewis, Watson, and Skinner, observing peoples behaviors in order to learn more about their mind

Scientific attitude

Curiosity, skepticism, and humility. Help us evaluate evidence and arrive on conclusions

confounding variable

A variable that correlates with the dependent variable but is not directly measured by the experiment


A recording of the electrical waves along the surface of the brain. Used to measure brain activity


makes images produced by signals from magnets. Shows the structure of the brain


allows you to see what part of the brain is active by scanning which part of the brain is active when given radioactive glucose


looks at successive MRIs that shows brain structure and activity

What are the two parts of your nervous system?

Central-Brain and spinal column
Peripheral-Every other neuron.

Somatic nervous system

your senses

Autonomic nervous system

control and regulates action


A sensory router that accepts signals from the senses and sends them to the brain


two small parts of the brain that help regulate emotion. Especially fear and agression


survival drive. Helps govern the endocrine system and communicates with the pituitary gland

Reticular formation

A cluster of nerves that regulates alertness. From being in a coma to being awake


coordinates the body

Limbic system

manages emotion and connects thought to body


processes conscious memories. Works with the amygdala to form emotion fueled memories

Prefrontal cortex

integrates and processes information

pituitary gland

The pituitary gland regulates hormones

What are the four lobes of the brain

Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal.

Frontal lobe

Speaking and muscles movement. Plans and judgement

Parietal lobe

Recieves sensory input from touch and body position

Occipital lobe

Visual information

Temporal lobe

auditory processing

Right hemisphere

processes emotion, big picture stuff, perception, and wholes

Left hemisphere

deals with thoughts and logic, details, and calculation

What positive things happen to the brain when you sleep?

Your brain consolidates ideas, restores and repairs, strengthens memories, facilitates problem solving, and activates growth hormone release


The environment acts on the surface of genes to alter their activity. EX: Rats and electric shocks with smell

What do behavior geneticists study?

How heredity and environment can contribute to human differences

Gender schemas

cognitive framework for developing concepts of male and female; these frameworks guide our observations

Gender typing

the instinct which drives some children to fit into traditional gender roles.