Chapter 4: Attention


focusing on specific features, objects, or locations or on certain thoughts or activities

attentional capture

a rapid shafting of attention, usually caused by a stimulus such as a loud noise, bright light, or sudden movement

attenuation model of attention

Anne Treisman's model of selective attention that proposes that selection occurs in two stages. In the first stage, an attenuator analyzes the incoming message and lets through the attended message - and also the unattended message, but at a lower (attenu


In Treisman's model of selective attention, the attenuator analyzes the incoming message in terms of physical characteristics, language, and meaning

automatic processing

processing that occurs automatically, without the person's intending to do it

Balint's syndrome

a condition caused by brain damage in which a person has difficulty focusing attention on individual objects


process by which features such as color, form, motion, and location are combined to create perception of a coherent object

bottleneck model

model of attention that proposes that incoming information is restricted at some point in processing, so only a portion of the information get through to consciousness

change blindness

difficulty in detecting changes in similar, but slightly different, scenes that are presented one after another

cocktail party effect

the ability to focus on one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli

conjunction search

searching among distractors for a target that involves two or more features

covert attention

occurs when attention is shifted without moving the eyes

dichotic listening

the procedure of presenting one message to the left ear and a different message to the right ear

dictionary unit

a component of Treisman's attenuation model of attention, this processing unit contains stored words and thresholds for activating the words


occurs when one stimulus interferes with attention to or the processing of another stimulus

divided attention

the ability to pay attention to, or carry out, two or more different tasks simultaneously

early selection model

model of attention that explains selective attention by early filtering out of the unattended message

feature integration theory

an approach to object perception, developed by Anne Treisman, that proposes a sequence of stages in which features are first analyzed and then combined to result in perception of an object

feature search

searching among distractors for a target item that involves detecting one feature

filter model of attention

model of attention that proposes a filter that lets attended stimuli through and blocks some or all of the unattended stimuli


in problem solving, people's tendency to focus on a specific characteristic of the problem that keeps them from arriving at a solution

focused attention stage

the second stage of Treisman's feature integration theory, attention causes the combination of features into perception of an object

high-load task

a task that uses most or all of a person's resources and so leaves little capacity to handle other tasks

illusory conjunctions

a correlation that appears to exist between two events, when in reality there is no correlation or it is weaker than it is assumed to be

inattentional blindness

not noticing something even though it is in clear view, usually caused by failure to pay attention to the object or the place where the object is located

late selection model of attention

a model of selective attention that proposes that selection of stimuli for final processing does not occur until after the information in the message has been analyzed for meaning

load theory of attention

proposal that the ability to ignore task-irrelevant stimuli depends on the load of the task the person is carrying out

low-load task

a task that uses few resources, leaving some capacity to handle other tasks

overt attention

shifting of attention be moving the eyes

perceptual load

related to the difficulty of a task

preattentive stage

the first stage of Treisman's feature integration theory, in which an object is analyzed into its features


a procedure in which particpants are given a cue that will usually help them carry out a subsequent task

processing capacity

the amount of information input that a person can handle

saccadic eye movements

eye movements from one fixation point to another

saliency map

map of a scene that indicates the simulus salience of areas and objects in the scene

same-object advantage

occurs when the enhancing effect of attention spreads throughout an object, so that attention to one place on an object results in a facilitation of processing at other places on the object

selective attention

the ability to focus on one message and ignore all others


the procedure of repeating a message out loud as it is heard

stimulus salience

bottom-up factors that determine attention to elements of a scene

stroop effect

an effect originally studied be JR. Stroop, using a task in which a person is instructed to respond to one aspect of a stimulus and ignore another aspect

topographic map

each point on a visual stimulus causes activity at a specific location on a brain structure and points next to each other on the stimulus cause activity at points next to each other on a structure

visual scanning

movement of the eyes from one location or object to another

visual search

occurs when a person is looking for one stimulus or object among a number of other stimuli or objects