Chapter 1 & 2

Critical period

Periods in development when an event has its greatest consequences is known as what?


When does child development begin?

Development is life long, development is multidimensional, and development is multidirectional

What are 3 of Baltes 6 key principles to the life span approach?


Historical events that affect people of a cohort is known as what?

The application of scientific methods to the study of age-related changes in behavior, thinking, emotion, and personality.

Define child development as it was given in class

Protect from harm, informed consent, confidentiality, knowledge of results, and deception

What are the top 5 ethical guidelines mentioned in class?

Developmental scientists

Those who study child development are known as what?

John Locke

Who believed in the concept of the "tabula Rosa"?


Who wrote journals known as "baby biography's AND published them?

G. Stanley Hall

Which theorist/historian in Development put Adolescents on the map with his book entitled "Adolescents" ?

Unfolding of a natural sequence of physical and behavioral changes

What does the term "maturation" mean?

John B Watson

Who was known as the father of modern behaviorism?

Heredity, environment, and maturation

What are 3 main influences on our development?

Non normative changes

Events that are irregular and happen to just one person or a few people and do not follow a predictable timetable are known as what type of changes?


Characteristics & traits we are born with (innate) that influence our development is known as what?

Normative age-graded changes

Biological & environmental influences that affect most people at the same age is known as what type of change?

Biological & environmental influences that affect most people at the same age, example: Puberty

What are normative age-graded changes and provide an example of it?


Who was the first to write journals known as "baby biography's" but NEVER published them?

Historical events that affect people of a cohort, example: The Great Depression

Define what a normative history graded change is and provide an example of it.

A concept which meant that we are all born with a blank slate and that we are the writers and creators of our own life

What does the term "tabula Rosa" mean and how does it apply to development?

Arnold Gesell

Which theorist/historian coined the term "maturation?

Events that are irregular and happen to just one person or a few people and do not follow a predictable timetable, example: lottery

What are non-normative changes? Provide an example of them.

Life span development

The formal study of human development as being a lifelong process is known as _______ ___________ development

A sequence of normal life experiences, example: the right time to begin toilet-training

What is a social clock and provide an example of it.

Psychological, biological, and social

What are the 3 main domains of the multidimensional side of development proposed by Baltes?

Sensory motor stage, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational.

What are the 4 stages of cognitive development proposed by Piaget?

Trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, and industry vs. inferiority.

What is the first 4 of Eriksons 8 stages of development?

Id, ego, and superego

Freud proposed that our personality is made up of 3 parts that he calls the Structure of personality. What are the 3 parts?

Quantitative development

Changes that occur in a gradual or continuous manner are known as what type of development?

Latency stage

Which of Freud's psychosexual stages of development is a time of calmness before the storm?

Positive reinforcement

A type of reinforcement whereby you give a reward for behavior you want to repeat is known as what?

A testable prediction based on a theory

What is a hypothesis as it was defined in class?


Research conducted to determine a cause and effect relationship between two or more things is know as what type of research?


Research conducted where a single group of people are studied at different times in their lives is known as what type of research?

Naturalistic observation

Observing people or animals in their natural habitat and recording what you observe is known as what type of research?

Case study

In depth examinations of single individuals is known as what type of research method?

A general explanation of a set of observations or facts

What is a theory as it was defined in class?

Mechanistic, organismic, and contextual

What are 3 models within the metatheoretical perspective?

Phallic stage

Which of Freud's psychosexual stages of development is the most controversial?

Oral stage

Which psychosexual stage of development proposed by Freud has a source of pleasure involving sucking and feeding?


This metatheoretical perspective theory sees people as a developing organism that grows and matures


Which theorists studies how childrens thoughts develop and proposed a cognitive approach to development?

Anal stage

Which of Freud's psychosexual stages of development states that children get sensual gratification from being able to successfully learn the art of toilet training?


This metatheoretical perspective theory views all things in nature, including human beings as if they were machines


Which of Freud's psychosexual stages of development states that the sexual urges re pressed during the latency phase re-emerge into socially accepted channels?

Id: the part of our personality that seeks immediate satisfaction and is governed by the pleasure principle. Ego: the reasoning portion of our personality. It develops over the first year of life and is governed by the reality principle. Superego: develop

Describe what Freud's 3 main structures of personality are and provide 2 key characteristics for each structure

Erik Erikson

Who was the first to propose a theory whose stages covered the whole lifespan?

Trust vs. mistrust

During this stages of Erikson's lifespan development children are very dependent on others; it occurs from birth to about age 1

Correlational research

Research that looks at the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more things is what type of research?

Changes in behavior result from our experiences or our ability to adapt to our environment

What does the learning perspective propose?

Qualitative development

Changes that are abrupt and stage-like are known as what type of development?

Ecological perspective

Eurie Bronfenbrenner proposed which theoretical perspective (theory)?

Describe, explain, and predict behavior

What are 3 goals of research?

Formal operational stage

During this stage of cognitive development proposed by Piaget children begin to think hypothetically and abstractly.

Behaviorist perspective

This theoretical perspective describes observable behavior and states learning is based on making associations and linking things together in order to gain a better understanding of what we are learning


According to the behaviorist perspective _____________ is a consequence of behavior that increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated.


According to the behaviorists, a consequence of behavior that decreases the likelihood of that behavior being repeated is known as what?

Positive and negative

What are two types of reinforcers?

Negative reinforcement

A type of reinforcement that encourages that a behavior will be repeated by removing an aversive event is known as what?

Social learning theory

Which theory emphasizes that we learn behaviors by observing and imitating models?

Sensory motor stage

Which of Piaget's cognitive stages of development uses our "senses" to relate to the world around us?

Autonomy vs. shame

During this stage of Erikson's lifespan development children are expressing their self control by climbing, touching, exploring and trying to do things for themselves

Object permanence

The understanding that objects and events continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard or touched as proposed by Piaget is known as what?


This term associated with Piaget's preoperational stage relates to the inability to distinguish between ones own perspective and someone else's perspective.

Classical and operant conditioning

What are two different forms of learning according to the behaviorists?

This is when children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers to all sorts of questions

According to Piaget, what is intuitive thought?

Concrete operational stage

During this stage of cognitive development proposed by Piaget they use logical reasoning.

How we organize information

According to Piaget, what are schemas?