A&P1 lecture test 4 module review BRAIN

Initiative, will power, personality comes from...

prefrontal cortex

Voluntary motor output comes from..

frontal lobe

General sensory, gnostic, taste comes from..

parietal lobe

auditory and olfactory come from..

temporal lobe

vision comes from..

occipital lobe

Subconscious muscle coordination, mood and emotion comes from..

basal nuclei

Voluntary motor fibers convey motor output from frontal lobes

projection fibers

Connect R and L hemispheres

Commissural fibers

Connect gyrus to gyrus in the same hemisphere

Association fibers

Cognitive, Conscious, Voluntary, comes from..

cerebral hemispheres

Subconcious regulation of motor output, based on proprioceptive input


Sensory filter (except olfactory), interprets pain, temperature, pressure, touch at a crude level comes from...


Regulates visceral function (autonomic, pituitary), wake/sleep, appetite, thirst, rage/aggression


Regulates seasonal variation

pineal gland

Regulates mood, emotion comes from..

limbic system

Arouses and maintains consciousness comes from..

Reticular Activating System

Carries voluntary nerve fibers from cerebrum's projection fibers

Cerebral Peduncles

Originates inhibitory control of basal nuclei

Substantia nigra

Minor role in limb flexion, as in babies learning to crawl, or swinging your arms when you walk; possibly involved in "restless leg syndrome

red nucleus

visual flexors

Superior colliculi

Auditory, tactile reflexes

Inferior colliculi

Along with the medulla, contains a center to moderate respiratory rate and depth


equilibrium comes form...

vestibular nuclei

Vital reflex centers regulate heart, blood pressure, respiration


Continuation, from cerebral peduncles, of voluntary motor output from frontal lobes


The term for your sense of awareness of the position and movement of body parts is


A stroke to the LEFT side of the cerebral cortex is most likely to affect


The medial lemniscus is for

fine touch