Their Eyes Were Watching God Ch.7-15 Quiz

What was the real reason behind the argument between Joe and Janie that started when she incorrectly cut the plug of tobacco?

He kept directing the attention off of him and on to her.

How did Janie feel after the big argument in the store?

She felt guilty.

How is Janie able to "tolerate" her relationship with Jody?

By realizing the only reason he gives her a hard time about how she looks is because he was old and no longer looked good

What did Janie tell Joe just before he died?

He was not the same person.

What does the narrator mean by "for the first time she could see a man's head naked of its skull"?

For the first time, Janie could see Jody's skull because he had lost all his hair

Why did the narrator say that the incident with the tobacco was "like somebody snatchedoff part of a woman's clothes while she wasn't looking and the streets were crowded"?

Because the tobacco incident was something that everyone stopped to view

How old are Janie and Jody now?

Janie is 40 and Jody is 50

How does Janie insult Jody?

Janie flat out told Jody that he was fat and old

What was the only change people noticed in Janie after Joe's funeral?

Her hair was down.

What did Pheoby and the other townspeople think Janie should do?

They thought she should get married again.

What did Janie think of the idea of remarrying?

She thought it was too soon to give up her new found freedom.

What did Janie say about mourning and grief?

It was over after 6 months.

How did Janie meet Tea Cake?

In the store.

Describe Tea Cake.

He is young and makes her laugh.

What were the main concerns that Janie had about getting into a relationship with Tea Cake?

The age difference.

Why did Tea Cake visit Janie early one morning?

To tell her how he felt in the daylight.

What did Tea Cake do that proved his serious intentions toward Janie?

He brought her strawberries in the morning so she could listen to his daytime thoughts. He invited her to the big Sunday School picnic.

What rumors have been circulating about Tea Cake and Janie?

People wondered where Tea Cake would take Janie and what all they did, and what Tea Cake's true intentions were.

What does Sam Watson say is the reason Tea Cake is spending money on Janie?

Because he just wants to ruin all the hard work Joe Starks had done.

What news does Janie tell Pheoby about her and Tea Cake's future?
What is Pheoby's warning to Janie?

Janie says she and Tea Cake were going to get married and leave the town.
She warned her of Tea Cake turning out to be different from the way he acts around her now, and that she should be careful and not trust him since they haven't know each other very

Why has Janie decided to sell the store?

Janie decided to sell the store because she didn't want to keep it anymore and she knew that Tea Cake wasn't cut out to run the store.

What do we learn about the way Janie's grandma wanted Janie to live her life?
What does Janie want?

Janie's grandma wanted Janie to live like the white folks. She wanted Janie to live a sophisticated life filled with nice things, friends and a husband that loved her.
Janie wants to live her life the way she wants to and not have to live up to other peop

What does the author mean by "It was hard to love a woman that always made you feel so wishful"?

It means that its hard to ever really get close to someone when all you do is envy and want what they have.

Why does Janie keep two hundred dollars hidden inside her shirt?

Because Pheoby cautioned her to have something in case Tea Cake runs off and leaves her with nothing.

Why do you think Janie thought of Annie Tyler and Who Flung?

Because her circumstances are very similar to Mrs. Tyler's, and she fears the same thing that happened to Mrs. Tyler is happening to her.

What figure of speech is the following: "Janie dozed off to sleep but woke up in time to see the sun sending up spies ahead of him to mark out the road through the dark"?
What does this sentence mean?

It's a metaphor.
It means that Janie woke up before the sun was completely up. Light was just starting to show.

What does Tea Cake do with the money?

He claims to go out and buy dinner for anyone and everyone around, except for the ugly women, whom he pays $2 for them not to come. He also buys himself a guitar.

How does Tea Cake plan on paying Janie back?

He plans on winning back the money by gambling

How does Tea Cake get cut?

One of the men he was playing against didn't like that he had lost all his money and tried to get his money back by cutting Tea Cake

Where does Tea Cake take Janie?

To the Everglades

What does Tea Cake teach Janie to do?

How to shoot

How does Tea Cake convince Janie to take a job?
What is her reaction?

He tells Janie that he misses her a lot, and that if she came and worked with him he wouldn't lose any time to come home to see her.
Janie isn't very convinced, but she goes along with it.

Describe the mood surrounding the card game at Tea Cake's house.

They joke around and laugh, have a good time, and at the same time they can be serious and hostile.

Who is Nunkie?
How does Janie feel about her? Why?

One of the girls that works in the fields with Tea Cake.
Janie is jealous of her because she is getting more attention from Tea Cake than she is, and Nunkie is flirting with Tea Cake.

Janie took the train to meet Tea Cake where?


What did Janie wear to meet Tea Cake

new blue dress

What did they do after Janie ?met Tea Cake at the train station

Went and got married

What did Janie hide from Tea Cake?

She had 200 dollars pinned inside he shirt, Phoebe advised her to do that. She made it seem like she only had 10 dollars over her train fare in her pocketbook (purse)

Where did Tea Cake go and what did he do with Janie's $200 dollars?

Went to Callahan around the railroad shops and bought a chicken and macaroni supper for everyone. He $2 dollars to ugly women not to come in and $5 dollars to a really ugly woman. He bought a guitar for $15

What else happened who Tea Cake was away in Callahan?

Tea Cake got into a fight and nocked 2 teeth out of a man who wanted to pick out the livers and gizzards from the chicken dinner Tea Cake provided. He made 2 other men kiss each other for trying to fight. He played the guitar

Ho?w much money did Tea Cake return with


What did Tea Cake do that proved his serious intentions toward Janie?

He brought her strawberries in the morning so she could listen to his daytime thoughts. He invited her to the big Sunday School picnic.

How did the town's people feel about Janie going out with Tea Cake?

They disapproved because it had just been nine months since since Joe's death and they think that he will take advantage of Janie.

What was Janie's response when Pheoby talked to her about Tea Cake

She said that she always wanted to go to the picnic and do other things but one wouldn't let her.

Why did Janie want to sell the store?

She planned to marry tea-cake and she didn't want people comparing him to Joe.

Summarize Janie and Tea Cake's wedding.

Janie took the train to Jacksonville, wearing her new blue satin dress. Yes-cake met her at the rain and took her to the preachers house, where they got married.

What did Janie discover one morning about a week after she was married?

Tea Cake woke up before her and took the $200.

What did Janie tell Tea Cake when he returned home after having spent her money?

She told him if he ever went off and had fun without her she would kill him.

How did Tea Cake get the money back?

He gambled and won $322.00

Where did Janie and Tea Cake go & why?

They went to the Everglades to pick up beans ("de muck").

Describe the muck.

It is a section in Everglades near Cleviston and Belle Glade where sugar cane, string beans and tomatoes were raised.

How did Janie feel about her life with Tea Cake?

She enjoyed the work and social life. She enjoyed being free.

Why did Janie start going to pick beans?

Tea Cake told her that he missed her.

How is Janie able to "tolerate" her relationship with Jody?

By realizing the only reason he gives her a hard time about how she looks is because he was old and no longer looked good

What does the narrator mean by "for the first time she could see a man's head naked of its skull"?

For the first time, Janie could see Jody's skull because he had lost all his hair

Why did the narrator say that the incident with the tobacco was "like somebody snatchedoff part of a woman's clothes while she wasn't looking and the streets were crowded"?

Because the tobacco incident was something that everyone stopped to view

How old are Janie and Jody now?

Janie is 40 and Jody is 50

How does Janie react to the Everglades?

She is overwhelmed by their richness.

What sort of work do Tea Cake and Janie do in the Everglades?

They farm beans.

What does Tea Cake teach Janie to do once they're in the Everglades?

Shoot a gun.

Why do other people come to Tea Cake and Janie's house at night?

To hang out and listen to Tea Cake play guitar.

How does Janie think about the people she left behind in Eatonville?

She pities them

Where do Janie and Tea cake meet for the first time?

At the store.

What example of symbolism is given in chapter 10?

Janie threw the hat back at Tea Cake.

Why is nobody in town?

They went to the ball game.

What was the only change that people saw in Janie after Joe's funeral?
a) She insisted that people call her "Widow Starks."
b) She stopped smiling entirely.
c) She stopped wearing the headrags.
d) She spent more time in her garden than she had before.

c) She stopped wearing the headrags.

What did Phoeby and the other townspeople think Janie should do?
a) They thought she should run for mayor.
b) They thought she should sell the store and move to a big city.
c) They thought she should leave everything just the way it was.
d) They thought s

d) They thought she should remarry.

What is different about Tea Cake?

He treats her differently and invites her to play checkers. Janie feels as if she knew him all her life

What did Janie say about mourning and grief?
a) She said they should both last for the same amount of time as one had known the person.
b) She said they should not be expressed publicly.
c) She said she mourned for Joe but grieved for herself.
d) She said

d) She said mourning shouldn't last any longer than grief.

What does Hezekiah worn Janie?

That Tea Cake is after money

What did Tea Cake do that proved his serious intentions toward Janie?
a) He bought her a ring.
b) He invited her to the big Sunday School picnic.
c) He moved into town.
d) He introduced her to his friends.

b) He invited her to the big Sunday School picnic.

What does Sam Watson warn to Janie?

He says "draggin' de woman away from church," meaning that Tea Cake is up to something criminal

What does Pheoby mention?

About Mrs. Tyler who got cheated by a young man. And she will sell the store to avoid being compared to Joe

What do the fact that Janie was wearing colorful clothes around town show?

That she has stopped mourning Joe's loss