12 Basic Functions Quizlet

Identity Function

Domain: (-? ,? )
Range: (-? ,? )
Odd Function

Squaring Function

Domain (-? ,? )
Range (0,? )
Even Function

Cubing Function

f(x) = x^3
Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: (-?,+?)
Odd Function

Reciprocal Function

f(x) = 1/x
Domain: (-?,0) U(0,+?)
Range: (-?,0) U(0,+?)
Odd Function

Absolute Value Function

f(x) = |x|
Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: [0,+?)
Even Function

Logistic Function

Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: (0,1)
Neither Function

Square Root Function

Domain: [0,+?)
Range: [0,+?)
Neither Function

Exponential Function

Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: (0,+?)
Neither Function

Natural Logarithm Function

f(x)=ln x
Domain: (0,+?)
Range: (-?,+?)
Neither Function

Cosine Function

f(x) = cos x
Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: [-1,1]
Even Function

Sine Function

Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: [-1,1]
Odd Function

Greatest Integer / Step Function

f(x) = int(x)
Domain: (-?,+?)
Range: only integer values
Neither Function

Horizontal Asymptote

A line we get close to but don't touch

Vertical Asymptote

A line we get close to but don't touch