Unit 2 History Test

Social Gospel

a reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor

Bright young reporters at the turn of the twentieth century who one this unfavorable moniker from Theodore Roosevelt but boosted the circulations of their magazines by writing exposes of widespread corruption in American society


A progressive reform procedure allowing voters to place a bill on the ballet for final approval even being passed by the legislature


Hailing from Wisconsin, he was the most militant of the progressive Republican leaders. He served in the senate and as the Wisconsin governor

Robert M. (fighting Bob) La Follette

A tireless crusader for women's labor rights, she was Illinois's first chief factory inspector and leader of the national Consumers League, an organization dedicated to improving working conditions for women and children

Florence Kelley

Roosevelt's Square Deal for Labor embraced these three C's...

control for corporations, consumer protection, and conservation for national resources

Laws passed by Congress to impose penalties on railroads that offered rebates and customers who accepted them. The law strengthened the Interstate-Commerce Act of 1906 and added free passed the list of railroad no-no's

Elkins Act

A law passed by Congress to inspect and regulate the labeling of all foods and pharmaceuticals intended for human consumption

Pure Food and Drug Act

A friend of Theodore Roosevelt, he was the head of the federal Division of Forestry and a noted conservationist who wanted to protect, but also use the nation's natural resources such as forests and rivers

Gifford Pinchot

Congress responded to the panic of 1907 with this legislation, authorizing national banks to issue emergency currency back by various kinds of collateral

Aldreech-Veeland Act

Roosevelt's choice as his Republican successor to the presidency in the election of 1908

William Howard Taft

William Howard Taft had been a trusted advisor in this two foreign countries before becoming president

Philippines and Cuba

named Applied by Taft's critics to the policy of supporting US investments and political interests abroad

Dollar Diplomacy

During his presidency Taft brought lawsuits against these two businesses fr breaking monopoly laws

Standard Oil and US Steel

While intended to lower tariff rates, this bill was eventually raised beyond all recognition, retaining high rates on most imports

Payne-Aldrich Bill

These three men ran for the Republican bid for Presidency in the election of 1912

Taft, Roosevelt, La Follette

State-Interventionist reform program devised by journalist Herbert Croly and advocated by Theodore Roosevelt during his Bull Moose campaign

New Nationalism

When Wilson became President in 1913 he was the___Democrat to win the White House since 1861


The tariff greatly reduced rates and enacted an unprecedented, gradual federal income tax

Underwood Tariff

A law establishing twelve regional banks and a board, appointed by, the president, to regulate banking and creating stability on a national scale in the volatile banking sector

Federal Reserve Act

Law extending the anti-trusts protections of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and exempting labor unions and agricultural organizations from anti monopoly constraints

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

This law established an eight hour day for all employees on trains involved in interstate commerce, with extra pay for overtime

Adamson Act

Law according territorial status to the Philippines and promising independence soon as a "stable government" could be established

Jones Act

An arrest of american sailors by the Mexican government that spurred Woodrow Wilson to dispatch the American navy to seize the port of Veracruz in April 1914

Tampico Incident

Name the central powers in WWI

Germany and Austria-Hungary (later joined by Turkey and Bulgaria)

The British passenger liner that sank after it was torpedoed by Germany on May 7, 1915


The campaign slogan of Woodrow Wilson during his second run for office

He kept us out of war

The secret proposal by German foreign secretary of a German-Mexican alliance against the US. When the message was intercepted and published in March 1917, it caused an uproar that made some Americans more willing to enter the war

Zimmerman note

Wilson inspired Americans to enter the war by stating that America needed to do this

Make the world safe for democracy

Woodrow Wilson's proposal to ensure peace after WWI, calling for an end to secret treaties, widespread arm reduction, national-self determination, and a new league of nations

Fourteen points

The young, outspoken, and tactless journalist who was tapped to head the committee on public information during WWI

George Creel

The head of the Good Administration who advocated voluntary rationing instead of compulsory

Herbert Hoover

The movement of 6 million African Americans from the rural south to the urban north and west in two major waves

Great Migration

Designed to appeal to new women voters, this law provided federally financed instruction in maternal and infant health care and expanded the role of government in family welfare

Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act

Another word for the draft


General Pershing led American troops in this effort to cut the German railroad lines supplying the western front. One of the new major battles that Americans participated in during the entire war, it was still underway when the war ended

Meuse-Argonne offensive

A prominent Republican senator from Massachusetts, he was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a persistent thorn in President Wilson's side when he crusaded against the League of Nations

Henry Cabot Lodge

Who was the leader of Great Britain?

David Lloyd George

Who was the leader of France?

Georges Clemenceau

Who was the leader of Italy?

Vittorio Orlando

Led by Senators William Borah of Idaho and Hiram Johnson of California, this was a hard-core group of militant isolationists who opposed the Wilsonian dream of international cooperation in the League of Nations after World War I. Their efforts played an i


During the election of 1920, this formerly incarcerated man received the largest vote ever for the left-wing Socialist party

Eugene V. Debs

How do we know that the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles failed?

World War II

Passed by many states during the red scare, these nefarious laws outlawed the mere advocacy of violence to secure social change

Criminal Syndicalism Laws

At its peak in the 1920s, the KKK claimed ___dues-paying members.

5 million

Name of the one the two early-twentieth-century commentators who wrote against the grain of "one hundred percent" Americanism, celebrating ethnic diversity and cultural pluralism

Horace Kallen

A federal enforcing the Eighteenth Amendment, which prohibited the manufacturer, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages

Volstead Act

People who obtain money illegally by fraud, bootlegging, gambling, or threats of violence


A Tennessee high school biology teacher who was prosecuted in 1925 for teaching the theory of evolution

John T. Scoped

The treasury Secretary whose tax policies favored the rapid expansion of capital investment

Andrew Mellon

A system of assembly-line manufacturing and mass production named after Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and developer of the Model T car.


This industry was hit hard by the competition of cars, buses, and trucks


An american aviator who made history as the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic

Charles Lindbergh

One of the few inventions of the era that brought Americans back into the home


D.W. Griffith's 1915 film that glorified the KKK of Reconstruction days and defamed both blacks and Northern carpetbaggers

Birth of a Nation

A nurse and prominent birth control activist who founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which eventually became planned parenthood

Margaret Sanger

A creative circle of expatriate American artists and writers, including Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein, who found shelter and inspiration in post-WWI Europe

Lost Generation

One of the major signals that the economic joyride of the 1920s might crash

Real estate speculation (Florida Boom)

Top gangster AI Capone was finally convicted and sent to prison for the crime of__.

income tax evasion

Enforcement of the Volstead Act met the strongest resistance from__.

foreign-born peoples who brought European styles of sociability with them when they emigrated to America.

According to John Dewey, a teachers primary goal is to__.

educate students for the broad range of life's challenges by active, participatory learning methods

The zeal of federal agents in enforcing prohibition laws against liquor smugglers strained US diplomatic relations with__.

the Dominican republic

The most Tenacious pursuer of radical elements during the red scare of the early 1920s was__.

A. Mitchell Palmer

Who wrote the Sun Also Rises?

Ernest Hemingway

Who wrote The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Who wrote Main Street?

Sinclair Lewis

Who wrote the sound and the Fury?

William Faulkner

The long-term outcome of the Spokes "Monkey Trial

represented, at best, a hollow victory for Fundamentalism because it cast ridicule of the fundamentalist cause and highlighted the dubious rationality of a relying on a literal theological reading of the Bible to overturn the findings of modern science

The Scopes "Monkey Trial" represented a tragic, embarrassing, and final political curtain call for prosecution expert__.

William Jennings Bryan

With 5 million members at its peak in the 1920s, the KKK was not known for__.


The most spectacular and deadly example of lawlessness and gangsterism in the 1920s was in__.


Jazz music was developed by__.

American blacks

Margaret Sanger was most noted for her advocacy of__.

birth control

The first talkie motion picture was__.

The Jazz Singer

The post-WWI KKK did not advocate__.

opposition to prohibition

What was not among the prominent African American cultural figures of the 1920s?

Ralph Ellison

Besides controlling the illegal liquor industry, American gangsters in the 1920s earned rich profits from all of the following activities except__.

All choices are correct

The Immigration Act of 1924 discriminated directly againsted__.

southern and eastern Europeans and Japenese

The Harlem Renaissance can be described as__.

a celebration of black culture and creative expression of a prominent and vibrant black community in the north.