HUSH Unit 5- Social Movements

What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act?

fight discrimination based on race and sex

What type of school groups benefited from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act?

Inner City

The Warren Court often made rulings that ________ civil liberties


What program provides health care to the elderly?


What did the first of the confrontations on the Edmund Pettus Bridge during the march on Selma become known as?

Bloody Sunday

What civil rights leader joined the Nation of Islam in 1952 to promote black nationalism and rejected nonviolence as a strategy to bring about change?

Malcolm X

How did the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s affect American society?

Individuals talked openly about sex

What festival popularized a new generation of rock 'n' roll musicians?


One of the interests that defined the counterculture was

Eastern Spirituality

What book energized a new women's rights movement in the 1960s?

The Feminine Mystique

True or False: N.O.W focused on defeating the ERA


True or False: N.O.W focused on protecting reproductive rights


What do Roe v. Wade decision, Equal Pay Act, and Title IX all have in common?

Legal gains achieved by women's movement

What movement increased Latino's awareness of their history and culture?

Chicano Movement

One similarity between the actions Samuel Gompers and Cesar Chavez is that both leaders ________

Organized workers to strive for better conditions

Who founded the United Farm Workers (UFW)?

Cesar Chavez

What tactics did the American Indian Movement use to confront the government?

A march from San Francisco to Washington, D.C

In 1969, why did American Indians occupy Alcatraz?

To call attention to broken treaties

What group fought for the rights of Native Americans?


Which of the following directly benefited people with disabilities?
A) The Pure Food and Drug Act
B) Unsafe at Any Speed
C) The Special Olympics


Why was the Kerner Commission formed?

Investigate the causes of race riots in the US

What did the Freedom Riders accomplish?

Integration of public transportation

Who was the first to engage in non-violent sit ins of lunch counters in 1960?

North Carolina A&T freshmen

What tactic was used to integrate lunch counters?

Nonviolent sit-ins

On what point did Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X agree?

End of segregation and discrimination needed to end