Progressive Movement

movement aimed to correct problems and injustices in America.


journalist that expose bad or corrupt side of business and society.

FDA (Pure Food and Drug Administration)

requires companies to accurately label ingredients contained in food and medicines

Jane Addams

opened a settlement house (Hull House) where poor immigrants could get help on things like housing and English lessons.

Jacob Riis

photojournalist who exposed the poor living conditions of tenement living in his publication, 'How the Other Half Lives.'

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who exposed the poor conditions of meat packing facilities in his book, 'The Jungle' leading to the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Packing Act.

Thomas Nast

muckraker who created political cartoons exposing the corrupt practices of Boss Tweed and his political machine.

Ida Tarbell

muckraker who worked to stop Rockefeller's oil monopoly

Trust company

another name for a monopoly


right to vote- term associated with 15th and 19th amendments

Theodore Roosevelt

Progressive president known for breaking up of monopolies and improving work conditions.

Sherman Antitrust Act

1890 law that outlawed trusts (monopolies)

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois

Civil Rights Activist


another name for the 18th amendment

16th amendment

amendment creating the income tax

17th amendment

amendment creating a direct election of senators

18th amendment

banned the manufacture, transportation and sale of liquor

19th amendment

amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote