Drug Use and Abuse: Chapter 2

What do we understand by drug toxicity?

Toxic drugs are fatal/dangerous/can impair normal functioning

The dose of drug that produces the effect desired in half of the subjects is called the drug's

Effective dose 50

An S-shaped graph showing the increasing probability of a certain drug effect as the dose level rises is called the

Dose-response curve

What term refers to the ratio of LD50/ED50 used to determine a safe drug dose?

Therapeutic index

How does DAWN collect data on drug use?

Major hospitals report the incidence of drug-related emergencies

Based on recent DAWN statistics, which class of drugs is currently raising the greatest concern among healthcare professionals

Opioid prescription medications

What does the term "chronic toxicity" refer to?

The psychological and physical harm a drug could cause over a long period of use

What term is used to describe the process of a drug producing diminished effects upon repeated administrations?


What principles is the process of behavior tolerance based on?

The principles of Pavlovian conditioning

What term is used to describe the situation in which an individual continues to use a drug to avoid the consequences of withdrawal?

Psychological dependence

Why might a heroin abuser be more likely to suffer an overdose when using the drug in a different environment from their regular sit of use

Tolerance effects appear to be maximized when drug-taking behavior occurs repeatedly in the same surroundings or circumstances

Which is a generalization that can be made from the 2010 DAWN statistics?

Drug-related deaths as a result of multiple-drug use are much more common than those which result from single-drug use

What did studies showing that animals would self-administer drugs help to explain?

Drugs could cause psychological dependence

Which is a logical implication drawn from the observation that a majority of heroin abusers who complete the withdrawal process relapse to their former pattern of abuse

Drug dependence is caused by something more than physical dependence alone

Why does the ?Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders use the phrase "substance abuse" instead of "drug abuse"?

To distinguish that these terms to not refer to alcohol or tobacco

What conclusion can be drawn from the ADAM II statistics, which showed that a majority of males arrested for serious offenses tested positive for at least one illicit drug?

Drug use and criminal behavior are correlated

Hector is a drug dealer who orders his enforces to beat up a rival dealer. What kind of violence is occurring here?

Systemic violence

What was the American government's attitude toward drugs and drug-related behavior prior to the 20th century?

There was little regulation and control

How did the Harrison Act impact drug use in America?

It restricted access to opium-related drugs via taxation

Which legislation established 5 categories for drugs based on the drugs' abuse potential?

The Pure Food and Drug Act

Which of these is a Schedule I drug? What is the consequence of a drug being on Schedule I of the DEA's schedules of controlled substances?

Marijuana. The drug is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no medicinal uses

How did the Comprehensive Drug Abuse prevention and Control Act of 1970 influence drugs regulation

The Act established the Office of National Drug-Control Policy and provided funding for the "Just Say No" and Drug Abuse Resistance Education programs

Based on the consequences of the drug was in America, which shift in drug policy would many experts in the drug abuse field support?

Shifting efforts from use reduction to harm reduction

Which would be an example of a modern-day King Mithridates?

A woman who is afraid of a sedative drug being slipped into her drink at a nightclub so she consumes a gradually increasing amount of sedative each day

What do we understand by drug toxicity?

Toxic drugs are fatal/dangerous/can impair normal functioning

The dose of drug that produces the effect desired in half of the subjects is called the drug's

Effective dose 50

An S-shaped graph showing the increasing probability of a certain drug effect as the dose level rises is called the

Dose-response curve

What term refers to the ratio of LD50/ED50 used to determine a safe drug dose?

Therapeutic index

How does DAWN collect data on drug use?

Major hospitals report the incidence of drug-related emergencies

Based on recent DAWN statistics, which class of drugs is currently raising the greatest concern among healthcare professionals

Opioid prescription medications

What does the term "chronic toxicity" refer to?

The psychological and physical harm a drug could cause over a long period of use

What term is used to describe the process of a drug producing diminished effects upon repeated administrations?


What principles is the process of behavior tolerance based on?

The principles of Pavlovian conditioning

What term is used to describe the situation in which an individual continues to use a drug to avoid the consequences of withdrawal?

Psychological dependence

Why might a heroin abuser be more likely to suffer an overdose when using the drug in a different environment from their regular sit of use

Tolerance effects appear to be maximized when drug-taking behavior occurs repeatedly in the same surroundings or circumstances

Which is a generalization that can be made from the 2010 DAWN statistics?

Drug-related deaths as a result of multiple-drug use are much more common than those which result from single-drug use

What did studies showing that animals would self-administer drugs help to explain?

Drugs could cause psychological dependence

Which is a logical implication drawn from the observation that a majority of heroin abusers who complete the withdrawal process relapse to their former pattern of abuse

Drug dependence is caused by something more than physical dependence alone

Why does the ?Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders use the phrase "substance abuse" instead of "drug abuse"?

To distinguish that these terms to not refer to alcohol or tobacco

What conclusion can be drawn from the ADAM II statistics, which showed that a majority of males arrested for serious offenses tested positive for at least one illicit drug?

Drug use and criminal behavior are correlated

Hector is a drug dealer who orders his enforces to beat up a rival dealer. What kind of violence is occurring here?

Systemic violence

What was the American government's attitude toward drugs and drug-related behavior prior to the 20th century?

There was little regulation and control

How did the Harrison Act impact drug use in America?

It restricted access to opium-related drugs via taxation

Which legislation established 5 categories for drugs based on the drugs' abuse potential?

The Pure Food and Drug Act

Which of these is a Schedule I drug? What is the consequence of a drug being on Schedule I of the DEA's schedules of controlled substances?

Marijuana. The drug is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no medicinal uses

How did the Comprehensive Drug Abuse prevention and Control Act of 1970 influence drugs regulation

The Act established the Office of National Drug-Control Policy and provided funding for the "Just Say No" and Drug Abuse Resistance Education programs

Based on the consequences of the drug was in America, which shift in drug policy would many experts in the drug abuse field support?

Shifting efforts from use reduction to harm reduction

Which would be an example of a modern-day King Mithridates?

A woman who is afraid of a sedative drug being slipped into her drink at a nightclub so she consumes a gradually increasing amount of sedative each day