Module 6 SS test

Bull Moose Party

Nickname of the Progressive Party

Because they had been denied certain professions

Why did women become active in reform movements?


reformers who worked to stop unfair practices by businesses and improve the way grovernment works

Political machines

A powerful organization that influenced city and county politics in the late 1800s


journalists who exposed the corruption, scandal, and filth of society

Seventeenth Amendment

a law letting Americans vote directly for U.S. senators


a vote to remove an official before the end of his or her term


procedure allowing voters to propose a new law by collecting signatures or petition


procedure permitting voters to approve or reject a law

Robert M. La Follette

Wisconsin governor whose progressive reforms became a model for other states

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

a factory fire that killed 146 workers trapped in the building; led to new safety standard laws

worker's compensation laws

guarantee a portion of lost wages to workers injured on the job; first passed in 1902 in Maryland


economic system in which private businesses run most industries and
competition determines how much goods cost


system in which government owns an operates a country's industry

William "Big Bill" Haywood

union leader of the Industrial Workers of the World

Industrial Workers of the World

labor union founded in 1905 on socialist beliefs

Eighteenth Amendment

amendment banning production and sale of alcoholic drinks

National American Woman Suffrage Association

group that worked for women's voting rights, founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Alice Paul

founder of a women's suffrage group that became the National Woman's Party

Nineteenth Amendment

amendment giving women the right to vote

Booker T. Washington

African American educator who encouraged other African American's to improve their own lives rather than fight discrimination

Ida B. Wells

African American journalist who publicized lynchings in her newspaper

W.E.B. DuBois

African American reformer who publicized cases of racial prejudice

Theodore Roosevelt

vice-president who became president upon McKinley's death

National Association for Advancement of Colored People

civil rights organization that works for racial equality by using the courts

Pure Food and Drug Act

law stopping the manufacture, sale, or transportation of mislabeled or contaminated food and drugs


Protection of nature and its resources

William Howard Taft

president elected in 1908

Progressive Party

nicknamed the Bull Moose Party; formed so Roosevelt could run for
president in 1912

Woodrow Wilson

Democratic president who worked to regulate tariffs, banking, and buisness

Sixteenth amendment

amendment that allows the federal government to impose direct taxes on people's incomes

William Marcy Tweed

lead Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine

problem solving skills and memorize facts

John dewy believed that students should learn ________ and not just _________

They Pushed for laws requiring all children to attend school and started kindergarten programs

How did progressives improve education?

Carry Nation

A prohibitionist who became famous for using a hatchet to smash liquor bottles in saloons

New York State Tenement House Act

every apartment must have an outdoor facing window, an open courtyard, indoor plumbing, fire escapes; was a result of housing reformers

Regulating big buisnesses

What did President Roosevelt make a top goal of administration?

Tariff revision and banking reform

Woodrow Wilson pushed for what two measures after taking office?

Upton Sinclair

Exposed unsanitary practices in the meat packaging industry in his novel "The Jungle

Native Americans, Chinese, Mexican immigrants, women, etc.

Name some minorities left behind in the Progressive movement

Native Americans

Were largely overlooked by Progressive movement and forced to assimilate to white American culture, adapting new culture, religion, and language

The Square Deal

Policy that believed that the interests of buisness people, laborers, and consumers should be balanced for the public good

Federal Reserve Act

law that created the modern banking system and makes sure money is distributed where it is most needed; created a more flexible currency system by allowing consumer banks to have more control over the money supply


Roosevelt used The Square Deal to break up large ______________

Temperance Movement

a campaign, led mainly by women, against the sale or consumption (drinking) of alcohol.

Paid voters to vote for them, stuffed ballot boxes, bribed vote coutures, and hired "repeaters

Name ways that political machines unfairly caused election fraud

Tammany Hall

Located in NYC; One of the most notorious political machines; led by William Marcy Tweed

Pendleton Civil Service Act

law requiring people to take a civil service exam for certain government jobs

President James A. Garfield

Attempted reforms; was shot by federal job seeker; died from wounds

Joseph McCormack

Leader of the American Medical Association

American Medical Association (AMA)

Supported laws designed to protect public health and showed how Progressives could organize to help improve society

Wisconsin Idea

Package of reform ideas advocated by LaFollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum; became a model for progressive reforms in other states

Marie Van Vorst

investigated child labor by taking jobs in factories around the country (idk if this is on the test but whatever)

Lochner vs. New York

Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict the rights of employers and workers to enter into any type of labor agreement

It only allowed skilled workers

What made the American Federation of Labor (AFL) different from the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU)

He signed tariffs that reduced some rates on imported goods but raised others and he did not act strongly enough to regulate big business

How did William Howard Taft anger progressives?

improved education, housing, and sanitation

What changes did Progressives make to city life?

Bull Moose Party

Nickname of the Progressive Party

Because they had been denied certain professions

Why did women become active in reform movements?


reformers who worked to stop unfair practices by businesses and improve the way grovernment works

Political machines

A powerful organization that influenced city and county politics in the late 1800s


journalists who exposed the corruption, scandal, and filth of society

Seventeenth Amendment

a law letting Americans vote directly for U.S. senators


a vote to remove an official before the end of his or her term


procedure allowing voters to propose a new law by collecting signatures or petition


procedure permitting voters to approve or reject a law

Robert M. La Follette

Wisconsin governor whose progressive reforms became a model for other states

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

a factory fire that killed 146 workers trapped in the building; led to new safety standard laws

worker's compensation laws

guarantee a portion of lost wages to workers injured on the job; first passed in 1902 in Maryland


economic system in which private businesses run most industries and
competition determines how much goods cost


system in which government owns an operates a country's industry

William "Big Bill" Haywood

union leader of the Industrial Workers of the World

Industrial Workers of the World

labor union founded in 1905 on socialist beliefs

Eighteenth Amendment

amendment banning production and sale of alcoholic drinks

National American Woman Suffrage Association

group that worked for women's voting rights, founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Alice Paul

founder of a women's suffrage group that became the National Woman's Party

Nineteenth Amendment

amendment giving women the right to vote

Booker T. Washington

African American educator who encouraged other African American's to improve their own lives rather than fight discrimination

Ida B. Wells

African American journalist who publicized lynchings in her newspaper

W.E.B. DuBois

African American reformer who publicized cases of racial prejudice

Theodore Roosevelt

vice-president who became president upon McKinley's death

National Association for Advancement of Colored People

civil rights organization that works for racial equality by using the courts

Pure Food and Drug Act

law stopping the manufacture, sale, or transportation of mislabeled or contaminated food and drugs


Protection of nature and its resources

William Howard Taft

president elected in 1908

Progressive Party

nicknamed the Bull Moose Party; formed so Roosevelt could run for
president in 1912

Woodrow Wilson

Democratic president who worked to regulate tariffs, banking, and buisness

Sixteenth amendment

amendment that allows the federal government to impose direct taxes on people's incomes

William Marcy Tweed

lead Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine

problem solving skills and memorize facts

John dewy believed that students should learn ________ and not just _________

They Pushed for laws requiring all children to attend school and started kindergarten programs

How did progressives improve education?

Carry Nation

A prohibitionist who became famous for using a hatchet to smash liquor bottles in saloons

New York State Tenement House Act

every apartment must have an outdoor facing window, an open courtyard, indoor plumbing, fire escapes; was a result of housing reformers

Regulating big buisnesses

What did President Roosevelt make a top goal of administration?

Tariff revision and banking reform

Woodrow Wilson pushed for what two measures after taking office?

Upton Sinclair

Exposed unsanitary practices in the meat packaging industry in his novel "The Jungle

Native Americans, Chinese, Mexican immigrants, women, etc.

Name some minorities left behind in the Progressive movement

Native Americans

Were largely overlooked by Progressive movement and forced to assimilate to white American culture, adapting new culture, religion, and language

The Square Deal

Policy that believed that the interests of buisness people, laborers, and consumers should be balanced for the public good

Federal Reserve Act

law that created the modern banking system and makes sure money is distributed where it is most needed; created a more flexible currency system by allowing consumer banks to have more control over the money supply


Roosevelt used The Square Deal to break up large ______________

Temperance Movement

a campaign, led mainly by women, against the sale or consumption (drinking) of alcohol.

Paid voters to vote for them, stuffed ballot boxes, bribed vote coutures, and hired "repeaters

Name ways that political machines unfairly caused election fraud

Tammany Hall

Located in NYC; One of the most notorious political machines; led by William Marcy Tweed

Pendleton Civil Service Act

law requiring people to take a civil service exam for certain government jobs

President James A. Garfield

Attempted reforms; was shot by federal job seeker; died from wounds

Joseph McCormack

Leader of the American Medical Association

American Medical Association (AMA)

Supported laws designed to protect public health and showed how Progressives could organize to help improve society

Wisconsin Idea

Package of reform ideas advocated by LaFollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum; became a model for progressive reforms in other states

Marie Van Vorst

investigated child labor by taking jobs in factories around the country (idk if this is on the test but whatever)

Lochner vs. New York

Supreme Court ruled that states could not restrict the rights of employers and workers to enter into any type of labor agreement

It only allowed skilled workers

What made the American Federation of Labor (AFL) different from the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU)

He signed tariffs that reduced some rates on imported goods but raised others and he did not act strongly enough to regulate big business

How did William Howard Taft anger progressives?

improved education, housing, and sanitation

What changes did Progressives make to city life?