Savage Midterm 1-45

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Limited the number of Chinese immigrants allowed in the United States.

Dawes Act

Am. Indians were effectively forced to own individual sections of the reservation lands, impacted Indians by threatening their communal lifestyles

American Indian cultural assimilation

Goal of organizations like the Carlisle Indians school was

Barbed wire

Ended open range

Farmers to organize to challenge abuses by the RRs

Populist mvt. Inspired

Joining w/ the populists

Late 19th century, farmers responded to falling grain prices by

Increase the money supply by coining silver

One of the main goals of the populist party

National Grange origanization

Helped farmers unite and establish cooperative. Through these farmers could store grain cheaply pool, money for purchasing & buying their tools wholesale

Expansion of industrialization in US

Settlement of the GO did not contribute significantly to the

Gilded age

Period known b/c business growth led to an increase in lavish spending by the wealthy

Robber Baron

The industrialists of gilded age were derisively referred to as

Development of steel 19th century

Helped change Am. Society by increasing the growth of big business

Example of laissez-faire

Would be the federal gov allowing companies to join into trusts

find employment

Mid 19th century, large #'s of Chinese immigrants came to Am. West coast to


Prior to 1930s, vast majority of immigrants to the US cade from

push factor

Poverty in home nations of immigrants would be considered a ? In immigration to the US in early 1900s.

Pull factors

Landowners, economic opportunity, and religious freedom were ? For immigration to the US

Medical evaluations

When immigrants arrived @ Ellis island they had

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Strengthened Sherman's Act, prevented the formation of new business monopolies

Industrialization in the US

the growth of cities was an effect of

Encouraging the construction of tenements

One way the industrialization in early 20th century brought significant change to the US cities by

Purpose of Sherman Antitrust Act

Oppose monopolies business practice

Interstate Commerce Commission

Public outcry against the RRs shipping rates/prices discrimination was primarily responsible for the establishment of the

US urbanization in the late 19th century

Ongoing improvement of agricultural technology was one of the most significant causes of

Jane Addams

Helped address the plight of Chicago's poor by establishing settlement houses the offered social and educational services


Prejudice against immigrants was a motivation of the ? In the US in 19th century

Rise of Labor Unions

Regarded as a threat by some business b/c it gave workers much greater negotiating strength

Locking out their union workers and hiring non-union workers

Business leaders most frequently responded to work stoppages by

Fired by anti-union businesses if exposed as members

Early members of the knights of labor had secret meetings because they would he

Often sided with business owners

A main reason the AFL negotiated collective agreements w/businesses was to strengthen workers' rights once the AFL's leaders saw that gov

Pres. teddy roosevelt

Pushed legislation to regulate the meat packing industry in response to the public outcry over "the jungle"-sinclair

Ida Tarbell

Wrote investigative reports that eventually brought about the gov- imposed breakup of standard oil company in early 20th century

16th Amendment

The progressive Mvt.'s goal of taxation reform resulted in the

Meat Inspection Act

Uptown Sinclair's "the jungle" aided the Progressive cause by leading to the passage of the 1906 ?

Labeled accurately

A major goal of the pure food and drug act on 1906 was to ensure that products were ?

racial minorities

The progressive mvt. Was least successful on the issue of civil rights for ?

Hunger Strikes

Helped the cause of the suffrage mvt. By bringing international attention to the fight for equal rights

Enjoyment of future generations

TR believed it was important to set aside public land b/c he wanted it left unchanged for ?


America's desire to dismantle the British empire wasn't a factor contributing to the development of US ? In 19th century


The ? I'd Hawaii furthered US involvement in international affairs because it gave the US a mid-pacific port for trade and military purposes


The US policy of acquiring territories is best described as

US Open Door Policy

Effected US relations with the eastern hemisphere by improving trade with the US and China