section 3 vocabulary


Movement that challenged many social and political issues with new ideascand honest, efficient government


Socially concious writers who dramatized need for reform with sensational ideas that spread quickly

Lincoln Steffens

Muckraker who published articles exposing corruption in city politics and governments

Jacob Riis

A muckraker who was a photographer and published works regarding the slums of large cities. Published "how the other half lives

Upton Sinclair

Muckraker who challenged unsanitary conditions in stockyards. Wrote "the jungle" inspired reforms in food industry

Social gospel

Bended ideas of german socialism and american progressivism set to make society "the kingdon of god" and practice charity and justice

Settlement house

Community center that provided social services to the urban poor, funded and run by volunteers

Jane Addams

Leading figure in settlement house movement. Opened a settlement house in chicago called the hull house. She supported the progressive party. She worked in the hull house all of her life

Direct primary

Election in which citizens themselves vote to select nominees for upcoming elections


Gave people the power to put a proposed new law directly on the ballot in the next election by petition


Allowed citizens to approve or reject laws passed by legislature


Allowed voters to remove public servants from office before the end of their term

Seventeenth amendment

Allowed for the direct election of senators by citizens

Florence Kelley

Believed women were hurt by unfair prices charged for needed goods. Helped found the national consumers league (NCL)

National consumers league (NCL)

Gave special labels to good produced under fair safe and healthy working conditions and backed many food safety campaigns

Temperance movement

Movement against the production and consumption of alcohol

Frances Willard

Influential leader of the womens christian temperance movement


Womens right to vote

Margaret Sanger

Opened the country's first birth control clinic, and founded the american birth control league

Ida B. Wells

Formed the national association of colored women (NACW) she strived toassist those less fortunate. Anti lynching campaign

Susan b anthony

reformer who strived for womens suffrage, opened the national women suffrage association to fight for womens constitutional right to vote

Carrie chapman catt

Traveled urging women to join the national american woman suffrage association (nawsa) which she was president of

National American woman suffrage association

Merge of anthonys and another womans suffrage groups.

Alice paul

Radical reformer. Her association the NWP was
First to march with picket in front of the white house.

Nineteenth amendment

Stated that the right to vote will not be denied of
on account of sex


Process of replacing immigrant's culture with america's

Booker t Washington

African american leader who urged patience in the fight for equality

W.E.B. Du bois

Outspoken african american leader who demanded rights immediately. Niagara movement, NAACP

Niagara movement

Group of black thinkers who pushed for immediate racial equality


political organization that aimed to end racism in society

Urban league

Large network that Helped poorer african american people provide for themselves

Anti-defamation league

Defend jewish people against descrimination


Mexican american groups that provided loans and legal assistance

American Indian citizen act of 1924

Made all native americans citizens of the united states with full voting rights.

Theodore Roosevelt

Progressive president

Square deal

T.R.'s reforms to keep the wealthy business owners from taking advantage of the poor

Hepburn act

Gave interstate commerce commision uthority to set max shipping rates for transportation companies

Meat inspection act

Empowered the federal government to inspect meat sold across state lines and inspect processing plants

Pure food and drug act

Allowed federal inspection of food and medicine and banned mislabeling of food and drugs

John Muir

California naturalist whos efforts led to the creation of yosemite national Park

Gifford Pinchot

Leader of the division of forestry whose ideas of rational use inspired Roosevelt to create national parks

National reclamation act

Gave the government the power to decide where and when water was distributed

New nationalism

Roosevelts program to restore the governments trust busting power and his third presidential term

Progressive party

Political party formed by progressives who left the Republican Party after it was split between Roosevelt and Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Democratic candidate that ran against Roosevelt and Taft

New freedom

Wilson's plan to play strict government Controls on corporations

16th amendment

Gave the government the power to collect income tax without restrictions

Monetary policy

Control of the supply of money in circulation at any given time

Federal reserve act

Law that placed commercial banks under control of the Federal Reserve board

Federal Trade Commission

Members were named by the president to monitor business practices that could lead to monopolies

Clayton antitrust act

Strengthened earlier antitrust laws by laying out activities in which businesses could not engage


Policy by which stronger nations extend their power over weaker territories

Extractive economies

Colonies under imperialism who's resources would be taken and shipped to the home country

Alfred T. Mahan

Military historian an officer in the U.S. Navy Who sparked the modernization of the U.S. Navy

Social Darwinism

The belief that life consists of competitive struggles which only the strongest survive

Frederick Jackson Turner

Historian encouraged overseas expansion

Matthew Perry

Commodore who sailed a US fleet into present-day Tokyo bay Japan. And openned trade between the two countries

Queen liluokalani

Hawaiian queen who fought against u.s. Farmowners take over and was eventually overruled by them.

Sanford b dole

Influential lawyer who convinced president Benjamin Harrison to annex Hawaii to the United States

Jos� mart�

Cuban patriot who launched a revolution against Spain

William Randolph Hearst

Newspaper publisher who rallied US citizens dislike for the Spanish government. With exaggerations and sensational articles

Yellow press

Newspapers that used sensational headlines and exaggerated stories to promote readership


Agressive nationalism

George dewey

( first battle of the spanish american war) Commodore who surprised the spanish fleet in manila bay

Emilio aguinaldo

Fillipino revolutionary leader in the war to win independence from spain

Rough riders

Theodore roosevelt's cavalry unit of brave and relentless men

Treaty of paris

Official end of thecspanish american war where spain gave up puerto rico, cuba, and guam, and sold the us the phillipines


Rebellion in the phillipines against US rule

Guerrilla warfare

Nontraditional warfare generally involving small bands of fighters and ambush

William Howard Taft

Future president who became governer of the phillipenes who censored the press and began strict regulations

Jones act

Made phillipines their own nation

Spheres of influence

Region dominated and controlled by an outside power

John hay

Secretary of state who helped guide america to open door policy with china

Boxer rebellion

Violence Started by members of a secret society in China

Open door policy

Argued for equal privileges among countries trading with china

Russo-Japanese war

War between japan and russia over presence of russian troops in japan

Gentleman's agreement

Pact between the US and japanese to end segragation of asian children in san francisco schools, in return, japan agreed to limit the emegration of its citizens to the US

Great white fleet

Battleships sent by president TR On a "good will cruise" around the world

Foraker act

Established a civil government in puerto rico

Platt amendment

Set of conditions under which cuba was granted independence

Big stick" diplomacy

Speak softly and carry a big stick" president TR's philosophy of creating a strong military and using it to reach american goals

Panama Canal

Man-made waterway linking the atlantic to the pacific through the isthmus of panama, created by TR

Roosevelt corollary

TR's reassertion of the monroe doctrine ovkeep the western hemisphere free of european powers

Dollar diplomacy

President tafts policy of expanding american investments abroad

Moral diplomacy

Woodrow wilsons statement that the US would not use force to assert influence in the world, but would instead work to promote human rights

Francisco "pancho" villa

Mexican revolutionary and guerilla leader who lead an attack on a US town in rebellion