Drug Education Exam #1

Psychoactive drugs are compounds that affect the CNS and/or alter consciousness and/or perceptions
True or False


In general, men are more likely than women to be current illicit drug users
True or False


Tobacco-related illnesses are associated with more deaths than alcohol use, but not as many deaths as illicit drug use.
True or False


According to your text, the amount of drug taken typically determines abuse.
True or False


The two system involved in homeostasis is the nervous system and the endocrine system
True or False


____________________________ are responsible for conducting the homeostatic functions of the brain and other parts of the nervous system by receiving and sending information.
a. Neurotransmitters
b. Neurons
c. Dendrites
d. Receptors

b. Neurons

The Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V refers to addictions as substance abuse disorder.
True or False


Addiction is the result of human weakness. This sentence best describes the
a. Disease model of addiction
b. Career pattern of addition
c. Moral model of addiction
d. Personality model of addition

c. Moral model of addiction

_________________ is a neurotransmitter that regulates movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feeling of pleasure.
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
c. Norepinephrine

a. Dopamine

Drug use is the result in interaction with other drugs users. This sentence best describes the _______________________
a. Addiction to pleasure theory
b. Subculture theory
c. Psycho-social aspects of addiction theory
d. Social learning theory

d. Social learning theory

Bonding is an example of a protective factor
True or False


The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is responsible for regulating advertising related to over the counter and prescription medications
True or False


In accordance with the FDA regulations, new drugs must complete two clinical trials before the manufacturer can file a new drug application
True or False


The ________________________ was the first legitimate effort by the federal government to regulate and control the production, importation, sale, purchase, and distribution of addicting substances.
a. The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act
b. The Sherely Amendme

c. The Harrison Act of 1914

Schedule I substance have low-abuse potential and no currently approved medicinal users
True or False


Anabolic steroids are _______________________ substances
a. Schedule I
b. Schedule II
c. Schedule III
d. Schedule V

c. Schedule III

Tolerance affects dose-response
True or False


Potency is the capacity of a drug to do damage or cause adverse effects in the body
True or False


The Control Theory is a sociology-based theory
True or False
