Continued pe

15th amendment

Everyone has the right to vote

John muir

Naturalist who preserved and fought for forest and saved the Yosemite national park

Federal reserve act

Created 12 district banks that would lend money at discount rates. First central banking system since 1836

Who spoke a splendid little war

John hay

What law did congress pass in 1906 to improve food safety

The pure food and drug act

What is the roosevelt corally

was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address in 1904 after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902-03.

What role did Roosevelt have in conservation

230 million acres of public lands he helped establish during his presidency. Much of that land - 150 millions acres - was set aside as national forests. Roosevelt created the present-day USFS in 1905, an organization within the Department of Agriculture.

Why did the us increase its interest in Hawaii after the civil war

The economic and military value of the island increased

What were the reforms added to the constitution during the progressive era along with reforming government

Scientific management, initiative, referendum, recall

Philippine insurrection

The Philippine-American War was an armed conflict between the First Philippine Republic and the United States that lasted from February 4, 1899 to July 2, 1902.

Naval power of the sea

Vigorous foreign policy thought us should seek things abroad book by Alfred mahan caused countries to focus on naval resources

Hearst quote you furnish the pictures ill furnish the war

Mass media that was about the Spanish american war wanted the war


Right to vote in elections

Why did woodrow wilson win the election of 1912

The split in the republican party

Wilson policy toward mexico took all of the following actions except

signing an agreement/friendship with porfirio diaz

The us and colombia and panama in 1903

with the help of the us panama issued a declaration of independence from colombia

Mckinley v Cleveland in their approach to the rebellion in cuba

mckinley had to solve cleveland issue he neverhad success in solving and had to have the spanish american war

the spanish american war is won by the us

william mckinley

which president aggressively attempts to be involved in politics of mexico

woodrow wilson

who were the central powers

germany austria-hungary turkey and bulgaria

who were the allies

france russia britain japan