Progressive Movement Vocabulary

Progressive Movement

aimed to restore economic oppurnities and correct injustices in American Life

Florence Kelley

an advocate for improving the lives of women and children. She was appointed chief inspector of the factories for Illinois


the banning of alcoholic beverage


Journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life in mass circulation magazines

Titic Management

studies to see just how quickly each task can be performed

Robert M. La Follette

led the way in requlating big business


a bill organized by the people rather than the lawmakers on the ballot

Scientific Management

studies to see just how quickly each task could be performed


a procedure by which a proposed legislature measure can be submitted to a vote of the people


a procedure for removing a public official form office by a vote of the people

Seventeenth (17) Amendment

an amendment to the US constitution adopted in 1913 that provides the election of US senators by the people rather than state legislatures


The national Association for the advancement of colored women - a social service organization founded in 1896

Susan B Anthoney

a leading proponent of women's suffrage


the right to vote


the national American Women Suffrage Association an organization founded in 1890 to gain voting rights for women.

Upton Sinclair

Muckraking journalist who wrote about the human condition in the book "The Jungle

Theodore Rooselvt

President of 1900

Square Deal

President Theodore Roosevelt's program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people

Meat Inspection Act

a law enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meat packets and created a federal meat - inspection program

Pure Food and Drug Act

a law enacted in 1906 to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labeling


the planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others for the common good.


the National Association for the Advancement of colored people

Gifford Pinchot

head of the U.S. forest service under president Rooselvelt

William Howard Taft

Roosevelt's secretary of war and president in 1908

Payne Aldrich Tariff

a compromise that only moderated high rates of the Aldrich Bill

Bull Moose Party

a name given to the Progressive party formed to support Theodore Roosevelt candidacy for presidency in 1912

Woodrow Wilson

reform governor of New Jersey who won presidency in 1912

Carrie Chapman Catt

the NAWSA's president

Clayton Antitrust Act

a law enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and form organzations

Nineteenth (19) Amendment

Amendment Granting women the right to vote

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

a federal agency established in a 1914 to investigate and stop under unfair business practices.

Federal Reserve System

a national banking system established in 1913, that controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country